The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 31 The Sorting Ceremony Begins

"I asked my grandma, but she refused to tell me. Uncle Algie once said he wanted us to defeat a troll."

Neville started to get nervous again. That's a giant monster! It is said that there are monsters that are over 3 meters tall. I guess my attacks are not even effective in tickling the monsters.

"Troll!? I know about trolls. I have read about them in the book "Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense". The book says that trolls have very powerful strength and anti-magic skin. They are not something that little wizards can defeat. .”

Hermione also became nervous. She didn't expect the sorting ceremony at Hogwarts to be so difficult! She had thought it would just be a test of the little wizards' spell-casting abilities, and she had been preparing for this for a long time.

But what did she hear now? Defeat a troll? It seems that I have to seize this last period of time to learn offensive magic. I hope my magic can break through the monster's anti-magic skin.

Thinking of this, Hermione quickly stood up and prepared to find the spell book from her luggage to see if there was a 'Trolls Attack' spell.

"Your uncle is lying to you, Neville. When sorting, you only need to wear a hat called the 'Sorting Hat', and then the hat will decide which house you will be sorted into."

Bell decisively spoils the story. He has no interest in following that unspoken rule.

In Bell's view, this so-called unspoken rule is the same as a person who was often beaten by his parents when he was a child, so he will beat his own children when he grows up. There is no fundamental difference.

Moreover, Zannah will also enter Hogwarts in two years. Do you want him to watch his sister worry and be afraid until the sorting ceremony starts because of that stupid reason? Do not make jokes!

"'Sorting Hat'? But how can a hat decide which house we go to?"

Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt puzzled.

"It is said that the hat was infused with its own thoughts by the four founders of Hogwarts and could read the students' thoughts and personalities. Of course, many times it will respect the students' decisions and assign them to the classes they want. The college you went to.”

In fact, Bell doesn't really like the tradition of sorting in Hogwarts. In his previous life, he had never heard of any school classifying students based on their personalities (usually based on their grades).

People change, and 11-year-old wizards are in the stage of personality formation. Therefore, in Bell's view, it is not so much sorting the little wizards based on their personalities, but rather forcibly characterizing the children's personalities and telling them, 'You should be this kind of person.'

This is the killing of nature!

"Then which college do you want to go to?"

Neville said anxiously: "Everyone in my family is Gryffindor. If I don't get Gryffindor, my grandma will definitely take me home."

"What about you? Bell." Hermione asked.

"My family are all Slytherins, but I plan to go to Ravenclaw."

"I want to go to Gryffindor. I heard that Gryffindor is the best house. The current principal, Professor Dumbledore, graduated from Gryffindor."

"No house is the best, Hermione. In fact, the professors in the four houses are the same people, so the content of the classes is exactly the same. The reason why Dumbledore can become the greatest white wizard in modern times is not Because he's a Gryffindor, but because he's Dumbledore."

Bell hesitated for a moment, but decided to persuade Hermione. He believed that Hermione's experience in his memory had stifled her talent, and she should be able to achieve higher achievements.

"I think Ravenclaw is more suitable for you, maybe Gryffindor will be a hindrance for you."

The little witch remained silent and did not speak, obviously not intending to change her decision just because of what Bell, whom she had just met, said.

"Of course, this is just my little suggestion, everything is up to you to decide."

Bell shrugged indifferently. He and Hermione were not familiar with each other. Although he once liked Hermione, the person he liked was the 'Hermione' in the book, not the one sitting next to him now.

"I still have some desserts here, do you want some more?"

Feeling that he had digested some of the food in his stomach, Bell took out some more cakes and other desserts.

"No, I can't! I really can't eat any more!"

In the following time, Hermione kept asking questions, some related to magical knowledge, and some related to the wizarding world. She simply turned into a hundred thousand questions, and the questions made Bell feel exhausted.

‘Can’t you just leave me alone for a while? ? ’


It was getting dark outside, and the train was expected to arrive at the station soon. The three of them all changed into Hogwarts uniforms.

Soon, the steward's voice echoed on the train.

"We will arrive at Hogwarts in 5 minutes. Please put your luggage on the train and we will take it to your dormitory for you."

Following the crowded flow of people, the three people got off the train.

A giant man estimated to be about 3.5 meters tall was standing in the distance and shouting loudly, asking the first-year students to come to him. By the way, he shouted Harry Potter's name, making everyone click on it. Toes looked over hard.

A group of people walked through the rugged dark path and finally saw Hogwarts Castle for the first time by the lake. Many little wizards exclaimed in surprise. Hermione's mouth widened and her eyes widened. It was probably the first time the little witch saw the castle in reality.

The castle of Hogwarts is much larger than the castle of the Bell family, but it is not as exquisite as the Bell family. Generally speaking, they have their own advantages. But Hogwarts also has the Forbidden Forest and the Black Lake, so the surrounding scenery is better.

After taking a boat across the Black Lake, Professor McGonagall took her to a small cabin next to the auditorium to wait.

A group of evil ghosts suddenly passed through the wall and flew over the heads of the little wizards, startling them. This was the first time Bell had seen ghosts. He was still very interested in them and wanted to catch one to study.

Finally, the door to the auditorium was opened. The little wizards lined up and entered the auditorium, arranged in horizontal rows, and were watched by a group of seniors. The faces of Hermione and Neville standing next to Bell turned a little pale.

An old and dirty hat was placed on a stool, not far away in front of the freshmen. Everyone was staring at the hat, and Hermione and Neville thought, 'This is the legendary Sorting Hat.'

Suddenly, a big hole opened in the hat, and it sang with a hoarse and unpleasant voice.

"You may think I'm not pretty enough,

But never judge a book by its appearance,

Because I am a thinking magic hat. "

Because the voice was unpleasant and had no five tones, Bell decisively blocked the Sorting Hat's noise attack.

After the Sorting Hat finished singing, Professor McGonagall, who had been standing next to the stool, finally said: "Whoever's name I call now will come over, put on the Sorting Hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting."

"Hannah Abbott"

"Hufflepuff!" shouted the Hat.

"Terry Butt"

"Ravenclaw!" the hat shouted again.

"Bel Menethil"

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