The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 317 Luna’s Legilimency

After finally suppressing the spirit of complaining in his body, Bell sorted out his emotions before speaking again:

"Mr. Brewer, I already understand your thoughts. But the question is, whether unicorns can accept it, I don't know! By the way, have you ever had a close encounter with a unicorn?"

"No. But I have watched a lot of videos about unicorns on my personal terminal."

Brewer said proudly.

Although Bell couldn't understand it at all, what was there to be proud of?

"So, would you consider raising magical animals other than unicorns? For example, cute little animals like civets and snow foxes."

"If it's a cute, clean little animal, that's not impossible. But I still want to raise unicorns."

After thinking for a moment, Brewer reluctantly said.

"This is not something I can say. You have to ask the unicorn. Then, next is the question and answer session. What is the snow fox's favorite food?"

"have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"That's right, I only know about unicorns and nothing else!"

Brewer said proudly again.


Exhausted! Bell is so tired!

He already regretted being the interviewer for this Lao Shizi. He swore that this was the first and last time. Whoever wants to do it next time would do it. Anyway, he would never do it again!

"Okay, I already understand your situation. Please go back and wait for notification."

After waving his hand tiredly, Bell signaled that the other party could leave.

After Brewer walked away, Penello looked at Bell teasingly.

"How about it? Do you want to accept this?"

"Take it! Why not? I really want to see if the unicorn can take this bite?"

Staring at Penello, Bell gritted his teeth and said.

For those who didn’t know better, they thought Bell was planning to eat people.

At this moment, Bell suddenly noticed out of the corner of his eye that a little witch walked in from the entrance.

‘What’s going on? ’

Bell wailed in his heart and wanted to hit someone again.

"Are you...Luna?"

After walking to the center of the venue and staring at him without saying a word, Bell recalled the name of this maverick little witch.

"Yes, Senior Bell."

Luna said in her usual ethereal voice.

While speaking, she glanced at Fina who was lying on the table without leaving any trace.

"So, Luna, what do you want?"

Bell asked curiously.

"I want to apply as a Keeper of Magical Creatures. I want to raise a Scimitar-Horned Snorlax."

"Horned Snorlax?"

Bell scratched his head in confusion. He had never heard of this magical creature. Is it a species endemic to which country?

Sensing her boss's doubts, Penello tugged on Labelle's sleeve, leaned over and whispered:

"The Snorlax is a imaginary magical creature from The Quibbler."

“What is ‘The Quibbler’?”

Bell was even more puzzled.

What is this thing that doesn't sound like a serious thing when its name sounds like it?

"The Scimitar-Horned Snorlax is not a figment of imagination, it's just that the wizards haven't discovered their existence yet."

Luna retorted calmly.

Luna has faced this kind of 'misunderstanding' from others so many times, so she has long been used to it and will no longer have any emotional fluctuations.

"No, you can hear such a small voice?"

Bell was once again surprised by Luna.

Because she was 'talking bad things behind her back', and Penello also knew that Bell had extraordinary hearing, her voice was very low. It was so small that even Hermione, who was sitting on the other side of Bell, couldn't hear the words clearly.

However, Luna, who was nearly 10 meters away from these people, actually heard it clearly? Is it possible that she has been using magic power to strengthen her body since she was a child?

"No, I didn't hear what the senior said. But I can feel what she was probably thinking?

Also, I can't feel what you are thinking, senior. And the little sister, I can't feel it either. "

Luna explained.

At the end of the sentence, she glanced at Shanna curiously.

Ever since she was little, Luna has been able to feel what most people are thinking. Occasionally there are some who can't feel it, and most of them are old men with white beards.

This was the first time in Luna's life that she couldn't feel the thoughts of her peers, so she was curious, why was this?

"A natural Legilimency master!?"

Bell was shocked again, even more shocked than before.

He wasn't surprised that Luna was a natural Legilimency. Although this is indeed rare, it is quite common for one or two to pop up occasionally.

What really surprised him was that he never realized that Luna was using Legilimency on him!

This is amazing!

You know, Bell believes that even if his current level of Occlumency is not a master level, even in the entire British magical world, there should be few people who can surpass him.

Even if Dumbledore used Legilimency against him with all his strength, Bell was confident that he could stop it.

Therefore, if someone tried to invade his brain, he should be able to sense it immediately.

But according to Luna's speech, the other party should have tried to read his thoughts just now. However, he could not feel the slightest abnormality! ?

Then it's obvious. Luna's Legilimency level is ridiculously high!

Just like different people have different talents, even those who are born Legilimency masters will have different levels.

For weaker ones, you may need to concentrate all your attention to force it to activate.

The more powerful ones can read the target's thoughts just by looking at them. But this kind of thing can also easily get out of control.

Bell didn't know whether Luna could control her Legilimency. But he knew that he had never seen such a high level of Legilimency, or even heard of it.

"Hey!? Brother, are you saying that this young lady just used Legilimency on us? Why didn't I feel anything at all?"

Hearing her brother's exclamation, little Shanna was also surprised.

Although her level of Occlumency is not as good as that of her brother, she had worked hard to practice Occlumency after receiving instructions from her brother.

"I didn't feel it either."

After signaling to his sister to calm down, Bell decided to confirm again.

"Luna, if you try again now, can you feel what I am thinking?"

After using Occlumency to put part of his thoughts outside the surface defense circle, Bell opened his perception to the maximum while speaking to Luna.

Nodding, Luna looked at Bell again with her dazed eyes.

"Fina secretly took three spiritual pet pills last night. What are spiritual pet pills?"

Luna knew that 'Fina' was the name of that scary little 'cat', but she had never heard of this 'spiritual pet pill'.

Is this food available in the UK?



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