The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 325 Xiao Fina seems to be in trouble

"But if we review before the exam, maybe we can get an 'O'."

Reina's grades are very good, especially with Shanna, a friend who seems to be cheating. She can always ask if she has any questions that she doesn't understand.

Therefore, neither Reina nor Phyllis were worried about failing the test.

But even so, Reina still hopes to review more.

Despite Shanna's presence, Reina had long given up on being number one in her grade. But she can still fight for the second place position.

"Oops! All the 'ah's and 'ohs', theoretical scores and such things are almost enough.

For magic, the most important thing is to use it. Spending all day in a pile of books, no matter how familiar the knowledge is, it is meaningless if you don't actually cast magic. "


"My brother said so!"

Reina immediately shut her mouth.

It's not that she thinks that what brother Shanna said is necessarily correct.

But she knew that for Shanna, what her brother said must be correct!

She still clearly remembers that at a banquet a few years ago, a young wizard was almost beaten to paralysis by Shanna because he denied what Shanna's brother said.

Even now, when the little wizard whose name Lena couldn't remember saw Zannah from a distance in Hogwarts, he would run away quickly.

Don’t you know how big the other party’s psychological shadow is?

Therefore, Rena, who did not want to make Shanna angry, immediately swallowed her words.

Phyllis, who had been in high spirits and wanted to touch everything she saw, soon noticed Rena's embarrassment.

Don't look at it compared to Rena, Phyllis always looks carefree. But in fact, she is the one with the most delicate mind among the three.

When she was young, Phyllis was much more introverted and shy than Lena is now.

But at that banquet, after Phyllis witnessed Shanna's "heroic appearance" of beating the little wizard, she was deeply attracted by Shanna's figure.

Since then, she not only mustered up the courage to become good friends with Shanna and Reina, but her personality has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, her introverted personality as a child still allowed Phyllis to develop a keen observation of the surrounding environment.

"Sanna, why haven't you seen Fina come to play in the past few days? I haven't seen that cute little guy for a long time."

In order to resolve Reina's embarrassment, Phyllis changed the subject aloud.

"Fina, it... wait! Fina? Which Fina are you talking about?"

Shanna was suddenly startled. She turned around and looked at her good friend with wide eyes.

"It's, it's your pet, little Fina. Who else could it be?"

Felice looked at Shanna in confusion, wondering why the other party suddenly asked such an incomprehensible question?

Shanna's little eyes turned from left to right, and then from right to left. The little girl's brain was running at high speed, and a clever idea appeared in her little head.

"Yes! Fina! Why didn't I think of that before!?"

Saying that, Shanna took out a stack of white paper from her pocket.

These were the key points of the plan she had recorded over the past week, but they were all useless now.

Because she had a better idea!

Throwing the paper in her hand out of the window, Shanna casually cast a fire spell, completing the achievement of 'destroying corpses and eradicating traces'.

If Hermione's pet cat, Crookshanks, were here, he would find that Zannah's actions were exactly the same as when Belle spread the ashes of Scabbers.

Should we really say they are brothers and sisters?

"Let's go! Let's go to the library."

"Very good!"

"Ask your brother for Fina, and then go to the Forbidden Forest."

"What!? Forbidden Forest!?"

Reina almost fainted from fright. Her little heart really couldn't bear the ups and downs.

When Shanna said she was going to the library, she thought she could finally sit down and review quietly.

As a result, before the smile on her face fully bloomed, she heard something? Zannah is going to the Forbidden Forest! ?

"No! Zannah, it's against school rules to go to the Forbidden Forest. If Professor Snape finds out, it will be a disaster for us!"

Reina was so anxious that sweat broke out on her forehead. She held Shanna's hand tightly, hoping to stop her best friend from trying to violate school rules.

Unfortunately, Zannah's insistence on using the magic-enhanced body for so many years was not in vain.

Although the enhancement of strength is only incidental, the little girl's current strength is no less than that of ordinary adult men.

Therefore, no matter how hard Reina tried, she could not slow down Shanna even a little bit.

And the most irritating thing is that that guy Felice, even if he doesn't help her stop Shanna, he actually pushes her from behind so that Shanna can walk faster! ?

Did she realize the seriousness of the matter?

"It's okay. My brother said that there is no danger in the Forbidden Forest at all. My brother even wanted to take me to the Forbidden Forest to catch spiders and eat them.

But then, for some reason, those delicious little spiders ran away, so I had no choice but to cancel the trip.

Oh, right! My brother said that this matter cannot be told to others. So you two have to keep it a secret for me. "

Shanna explained to her two good friends while walking towards the library without looking back.

However, Shanna's explanation contained too many flaws. Not to mention Reina, even Phyllis was looking at Shanna's back with an expression that looked like she was looking at an alien.

‘What the hell is catching spiders and eating them! ’

At this moment, in the minds of the two little girls, the name Bell has been equated with "irregular".

How could someone feed their sister something like that! ?

"Besides, it doesn't matter even if Professor Snape finds out, he won't dare to punish us."

Shanna changed her perspective and continued to comfort her two good friends.


Phyllis asked curiously.

Just mentioning Professor Snape's name, that sinister and terrifying figure would appear in Phyllis' mind... and she would get goosebumps all over her body.

So the little girl couldn't understand how could Professor Snape dare not punish them?

"Because I heard from my brother that he often provides Professor Snape with some magic materials that are difficult to buy on the market, although most of those materials are just leftovers from my brother's use...

Oh, by the way, you can't tell others this. You two must keep it a secret for me. "

‘Since you can’t tell others, then don’t say it! ’

Phyllis and Reina murmured tacitly in their hearts.

Neither of them knew whether they should be touched that Shanna trusted them so much, or whether they should be speechless at Shanna's heartlessness.

Shanna, who didn't know that her two friends were complaining about her, continued to talk to herself:

"So, if Professor Snape dares to punish us, I will go to my brother and complain, saying that Professor Snape bullied us and asked my brother to stop selling him magic materials, hum!"


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