The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 328 Xiao Fina has another ominous premonition

White light flashed, and the powerful sound waves that were restrained in one direction temporarily suppressed the flames, opening a passage to the lair for Bobo Bear.

Today's shame will be remembered forever! When it finds a way to restrain the flames, it will come back and kill that nasty little thing!

Of course, if you can't find it, just assume it says nothing...

Using all his strength, Bobo Bear quickly rushed forward amidst the splash of mud.

The channel cannot last long, it must seize the time.

While running, Bobo Bear did not relax his vigilance. It knew that the hateful little guy must be observing in the flames, waiting for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack on it.

And it, having experienced hundreds of battles, will not let the opponent succeed!

However, although the idea is beautiful, the reality is often unexpected.

Just when Bobo Bear stepped into the passage, he was looking around but didn't notice that there was a slight bulge on the ground under his feet.

By the way, because the flames spit out by Fina contained a lot of magic power, Bobo Bear's detection magic was seriously interfered with.

This is also the reason why it has been unable to lock Fina's position.

A black shadow jumped out from the blind spot under Bobo Bear's head. By the time Bobo Bear sensed something was wrong and wanted to dodge, it was already too late.

Blood spurted out, leaving a trail of blood behind Bobo Bear, which was then covered by the incoming flames.

Fina, who was well aware of her physical weakness, accurately hit Bobo Bear's trachea and successfully severed the main artery in its neck.

Floating precariously in mid-air, Fina gasped and stared at Pidgey Bear rolling and struggling in the flames, with no trace of emotion in her eyes.

Spewing out so much flame is a very heavy burden for Fina now. The blow just now was the last blow after it gathered all its remaining physical strength and magic power. If it misses, then it really has to count on Shanna to save it in time.

Seeing that Bobo Bear finally stopped struggling, Fina fell to the ground.

With a stagger, the little guy fell to the ground and could not stand up.

A pair of hands crossed Fina's chest and hugged the little guy.

Shanna ignored Fina's body covered in dirt and ashes, and rubbed her cheek hard against Fina's body.

"Performing well, you are worthy of being my little Fina!"

Shanna's face was filled with pride.


Fina responded tiredly.

Although this sudden, inexplicable battle was very difficult. But at this time, Fina felt very happy.

Let's not talk about the hearty feeling of defeating a powerful enemy. Let's just say that it killed this powerful big stupid bear under Shanna's order. Shanna must reward it well after that.

Its requirements are not high, just 10 spiritual pet pills a day is enough.

"Sanna~! The flames are getting stronger and stronger, please think of a way!"

Phyllis and Reina in the distance were desperately casting water spells, trying to stop the spread of the fire.

But unfortunately, for such a fierce fire that has already taken shape, the small amount of water released by the two little girls is really a drop in the bucket.

Since the two of them couldn't solve it, they could only place their last hope on Shanna, who was far stronger than them.

If Shanna couldn't do anything, then they would be dead. He might even be expelled from Hogwarts.

Reina almost cried when she thought that she might be expelled and face the disbelieving eyes of her parents when she returned home.

She turned her eyes for help to Shanna, who had easily separated the flames and walked towards Fina, and then she almost vomited blood from anger.

The two of them worked very hard here, wiping Xiao Fina's buttocks, but it turned out that the two real owners were better. Standing in the middle of the fire, you rub me twice, and I lick you. It's so hot.

Aren’t you too tired of the heat?

Hearing Reina's crying cry, Shanna remembered that the matter was not finished yet.

She raised her wand high, then swung it down, pointing at the ground.

‘The stormy sea! ’

Waves of water that were completely different from Reina and Felice's clear water spell appeared around Zannah and surged towards the surroundings.

Fina's Dragon Flame is not comparable to ordinary flames. Although it was not as powerful as the fire cast by her brother, Shanna had noticed before that even dirt would be ignited by Fina's dragon flames.

Therefore, if she wanted to extinguish the fire, she would have to work harder.

‘Boom~! ’

Like a tsunami, water waves up to 2 meters high rushed in all directions. Wherever it went, not only the flames were extinguished, but also the rocks, tree stumps, etc. were carried away by the waves. The ground was flattened by the impact.

“It’s dead, it’s dead, it’s dead—!”*2


Reina and Felice hugged each other tightly, watching the water waves carrying soil and rocks, and photographing them. At this time, their minds went blank, and they could no longer do anything except close their eyes and wait for death.

They thought about many ways to die...well, they didn't think about it at all.

They are all still so young! They still had a lot of good time to enjoy, and they were going to die unexpectedly and tragically at the hands of their best friends! ?

If I had known this, I shouldn't have accompanied Shanna on her adventure! ! !

'boom! ’

During the tremors, neither of the two little girls could stand firm, and they both fell to the ground.

He opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the huge rock wall that appeared in front of him at an unknown moment.

Even the turbulent water waves only caused the stone wall to sway slightly before being separated by the stone wall and flowing from both sides of the two people.

In fact, the water wave seemed to be powerful, but after all, it was only used by Shanna to extinguish the fire, and its fundamental purpose was not to attack. So it wasn't difficult for Zannah to block it.

After waiting for a few minutes, after the water waves extinguished all the flames, Zannah waved her wand again.

At this time, Shanna is like a music conductor, and the magic wand is her baton. With the waving of the magic wand, the magic turns into beautiful notes.

The earth surged, burying water and coke underground. The trees and grass in the distance moved in, making the place more hidden.

After a while, except for the fact that the trees became sparse, it was completely impossible to tell that a huge battle had just taken place here not long ago.

After glancing at her masterpiece, Shanna nodded with satisfaction.

It only takes a few more days for the remaining magic power fluctuations here to dissipate. By then, no one will know that she has been here.

"Fina, I have a serious task for you!"

Shanna raised Fina to her eyes and stared into Fina's eyes with a serious face.

This matter was very important, and even related to her and her brother's happiness index in the next few months, so she couldn't tolerate not taking it seriously.


Inexplicably, Xiao Fina had another ominous premonition.

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