Like an erupting volcano, a large amount of indescribable matter was ejected more than 1 meter away by Hermione.

In fact, this is not to blame for Hermione's poor endurance. The side effects of this kind of ultra-long distance movement are too strong!

Unless you notice, Bell looks pale and his legs are weak. Shanna is still in the teleportation cabinet until now, unable to recover.

Not caring about being stuck to these indescribable things, Bell quickly took two steps forward and hugged his girlfriend.

One second later and Hermione would have fallen to the ground.

With the help of Bell's healing spell, it took a while before Hermione recovered a little.

Looking at Bell who was covered in filth, Hermione felt a little embarrassed.


"Okay, don't say anything, just take a good rest first."

Although the dizziness was eliminated, it was not easy to recover from having just vomited so much.

"Master, Miss, and Miss Granger, please come this way. I will take you to the lounge."

At this time, several wizards who had been waiting for a long time came over. Several of them walked directly to the three Bells, while the others were busy moving the teleportation cabinet away.

After waving their hands and rejecting the support of several people, Bell and Zannah held Hermione on the left and right, and followed the leading wizard.

Considering that there may be errors in the direction of the apparition, no buildings were built around the teleportation location.

After walking about 500 meters, a few people entered a building.

This is a place specially designed for wizards who have just arrived on Mars to rest. You know, wizards like Hermione who vomited in splutters are not alone.

After all, others cannot enjoy Bell's full care.

Just like when Bell took Hermione to apparate before, this time, he also used magic to help Hermione relieve the squeezing feeling in the space.

However, the moving distance this time was too far, and the squeezing intensity of the space was unusually strong. Bell had really tried his best.

By the way, Bell didn't help Shanna resist the squeeze of space. He believed in his sister. The little girl's current level is not inferior to that of many elite wizards.

"Please sit down. These foods and potions can effectively relieve the symptoms after space movement. Please enjoy."

Will said, pointing to the snacks that had been prepared on the coffee table.

While speaking, Will also glanced at Bell with admiration.

As the general manager of the Mars base, Will Smith has seen too many wizards and house elves who came to Mars.

Among all the people who have experienced ultra-long-distance space movement from the earth to Mars, Bell is the most calm person he has ever seen.

Even the performance of Zannah, the little princess of the Menethil family, far exceeded his expectations.

If it weren't for Hermione's normal reaction, he would have thought that the quality of teaching at Hogwarts was now so high.

It seems that what the head of the William family once said, 'He is the weakest one in the family', might not be just a joke?

After picking up two snacks and handing them to Zannah and Hermione respectively, Bell looked at Will.

"Isn't the Traceless Stretch Charm used inside the teleportation cabinet to stabilize the space? Why is the squeezing force in the space so strong?"

According to the information he received and sent to him by the laboratory, shouldn't it be like this?

"It has been used, but the effect is not as good as expected."

Will responded respectfully.

Bell nodded.

In fact, this situation is also very normal. After all, this is the first time that wizards have stepped off Earth. Before this, the farthest space movement that wizards could carry out was just from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth.

In fact, it is rare for wizards to travel such a long distance in one go.

Therefore, the research on teleportation cabinets is more based on imagination. If there are no problems and can be put into use smoothly, we should really praise the high level of the researchers.

"What material is used in the teleportation cabinet?"

Since there is no solution to the curse for the time being, Bell plans to try and see if he can find a breakthrough in the teleportation cabinet itself?

"The teleportation cabinet is made of mithril as the main body, mixed with the bone powder of the deep-sea giant shark, and the ashes of the devil's vine, and finally forged."

After nodding and thinking for a while, Bell said:

"Try weaving the Acromantula's silk into the compartments of the teleportation cabinet."

Hearing this, Will glanced at Bell in confusion. He didn't know how to add the Acromantula's spider silk.

However, these are not what he should care about. He only needs to record Bell's instructions and then convey them to the research department.

Regarding the space-blocking effect of Acromantula silk, it is still relatively confidential information. Only some researchers in the laboratory are qualified to inquire about this information.

By the way, the Bell family currently has a lot of Acromantula silk available for use, and Bell has also successfully resolved the crisis of lack of spider leg meat.

Just kidding, after leaving the Forbidden Forest and escaping Dumbledore's protection, such a large group of Acromantulas still want to escape?

If they can run away, it's a ghost!

"By the way, how is the situation here? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Bell asked.

"I haven't encountered any difficulties, but the manpower is really scarce, so the mining speed of 'Arcanum' is relatively slow."

Will looked troubled.

Orkin is a magical metal discovered on Mars by the 'Explorer' (formerly known as the Monitor) launched into the universe by the Menethil family not long ago.

After testing, this metal not only has magical conductivity comparable to mithril, but also has a hardness that far exceeds mithril. If mithril and arcane are mixed and forged, a magical alloy with very superior properties can be made.

Therefore, after discovering an arcane mine on Mars, the Menethil family immediately organized people to try to land on Mars to mine arcane gold.

Fortunately, interstellar transmission and how to survive in the universe have always been the main research projects of relevant laboratories. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible to build a Mars base in just a few months.

"Didn't we send a lot of house elves here before?"

The house elves I started collecting several years ago have finally come in handy. The house elves must take at least half of the credit for building this Mars base.

"The presence of house elves certainly helps a lot. But even so, there's still not enough manpower.

The environment on Mars is worse than we previously thought. Since mining must leave the coverage area of ​​the base barrier, the mining personnel's magic power is consumed very quickly.

An ordinary adult wizard can only sustain it for about an hour before the magic power bottoms out and he has to return to base immediately. "

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