The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 350 Could it be that Ginny...

The early morning mist drifts in the forest.

The early bird made a crisp chirp, and it caught another insect and ate it.

The early-rising insect let out a pitiful cry, and was eaten by the bird again.

Why do we need to add ‘and’?


In Japan's supposedly peaceful woods, a large group of uninvited guests have recently appeared.

Walking on the path in the forest, sniffing the air with the fragrance of grass on the tip of his nose, Bell couldn't help but let out a long sigh of pleasure.

In the center of this forest, employees of the Ministry of Magic spent a whole year opening up space, placing spells, and finally built a Quidditch pitch that could accommodate 100,000 people.

The Quidditch match held every four years is held in that stadium.

Because his parents got full tickets, which meant they could watch every game at will, Bell, his sister and his girlfriend had been staying here for almost a month.

Anyway, with the existence of magical power, they can live comfortably wherever they go.

And just today, on the evening of August 22, the finals of this Quidditch World Cup will be held - the match between the Irish team and the Bulgarian team.

Therefore, starting from yesterday afternoon, the number of wizards arriving one after another began to increase dramatically. This also made the originally empty woods quickly become crowded.

Seeing another group of wizards noisily walking over, looking for a place to place their tents in the slightly crowded woods, Bell sighed with disappointment and prepared to go back for training.

Suddenly, a group of wizards with distinctive signs appeared in Bell's field of vision.

"Hello, Mr. Arthur, long time no see."

Bright red filled Bell's vision, and even the tribal chiefs with feathers on their heads that he had seen before were not as conspicuous as the Weasley family gathered together.

"Oh! Bell! It's been a long time! How have you been lately? Oh, by the way, Ginny, come here! Come and say thank you to Bell."

Arthur looked back at his little daughter.

Because she would be so shy whenever she got close to Harry, Ginny was walking hand in hand with her mother at the back of the line.

"I'm so sorry, Bell. I haven't been able to let Ginny properly say thank you to you all this time."

Arthur looked at Belle apologetically.

The previous scene where Bell angrily attacked Dumbledore really shocked him and his wife. So later on, they were not sure about Dumbledore's attitude, so they did not dare to contact the Menethil family again.

"You're too kind, Mr. Arthur. As I said, I didn't do anything at the time. Ginny's safety is all thanks to her own luck."

Although Bell said this, Molly still dragged Ginny and quickly walked to Bell.

First she gave Bell a warm hug, and then Molly said:

"My dear, you are always so humble. It would be great if my sons could be as humble and polite as you."

"Where. Your children are all very good. I heard that Percy entered the Ministry of Magic this year?"


When she mentioned her son Percy, Molly looked proud.

No son could give her more peace of mind than Percy.

"Okay, let's leave the small talk for later. Ginny, hurry up and say thank you to your senior Bell."

Arthur interrupted the chat between his wife and Belle, and urged his little daughter who timidly hid behind him.

Ginny glanced at Belle with a mixture of curiosity and fear. She didn't know how she felt about the other person.

Logically speaking, the other party saved her life, and she should be grateful to him.

But when she was discharged from the hospital, Hogwarts had already been out for summer vacation. Therefore, she could not thank the other party immediately.

During the summer vacation of that year, she asked her brothers about Bell. From her youngest brother Ron, she learned that Bell was a very annoying and hateful bad guy.

In fact, at the beginning, Ginny didn't believe Ron's words. After all, among her many brothers, the most unreliable one is Ron, who is only one year older than her.

But later, when she learned from Ron that Harry also hated Belle very much, she began to hesitate.

Ginny likes Harry. She has admired and liked Harry very much since she was very young. This can be said to be a secret in the Weasley family.

Therefore, if Harry really hates Belle, then she should seriously consider whether to get close to him.

What if Harry misunderstood her close relationship with Belle and hated her because of it?

Therefore, after the second school year started, Ginny did not immediately go to thank Bell. While she was observing Harry's attitude towards Bell, she was also secretly investigating Bell's information.

Eventually, Ginny discovered that Harry really didn't like the way Belle looked. Every time the two met in the corridor, Harry would lower his head, quicken his pace, and leave in a hurry.

In addition, later, there was an incident where Bell knocked out all the students in the school during the Quidditch match. From then on, Ginny completely stayed away from Belle.

However, as the saying goes, you can't escape what is coming. Unexpectedly, their family came to watch the Quidditch World Cup finals, and they could actually meet each other in this place with tens of thousands of wizards.

What a coincidence! ?

In fact, things were not as coincidental as Ginny thought.

Indeed, the total number of wizards watching the Quidditch World Cup final even reached nearly one hundred thousand.

But under the arrangement of the Ministry of Magic, wizards from different countries and regions are actually assigned to different regions.

Although there are often wizards from other areas wandering around out of curiosity. But most wizards still only move around their tents.

Therefore, most of the people in the area where they are now are British wizards.

There are only less than 10,000 wizards in Britain. In addition, not every wizard will come to watch the Quidditch World Cup, so Bell meeting the Weasley family is actually nothing to make a fuss about.

"Ginny? What are you thinking about? Thank you, Senior Bell, quickly."

Arthur nudged his youngest daughter's back.

He wonders what happened to his little daughter, who has always been polite, today? Why did he start to fall into a daze as soon as he saw Bell?

'etc! ’

Arthur was suddenly startled.

He carefully looked at Bell in front of him from top to bottom, then turned back and looked equally carefully at Harry, who was standing next to Ron and looking at this side curiously.


Although he felt a little sorry for little Harry, Arthur had to admit that if he were a girl, he would definitely choose the one in front of him.

In addition, Bell saved Ginny's life before, could it be said that his little daughter...

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