The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 352 People are addicted to food

Although Percy and Ron have always kept their secrets secret and thought they were hiding it very well.

But who are they? They are George and Fred! They are the mischievous twins who are famous at Hogwarts!

As long as they think about it, there is no secret that they can't get their hands on!

Not to mention, Percy and Ron's cover-up methods were so desperate that they managed to get their hands on their secrets without any effort at all.

Simply unchallenging!

"Nonsense! I'm not jealous of that bastard Bell!"*2

Percy and Ron yelled at the twins in unison.

If their parents hadn't been watching, they would have rushed over and left an unforgettable memory for these damn twins!

Ignoring the noisy parents and brothers over there, Ginny's eyes had been fixed on Harry since Belle left.

She was very worried that Harry would misunderstand something because of her thank you to Senior Bell.

And reality has indeed slipped in the direction Ginny feared.

Ginny discovered that from just now, Harry's eyes had been fixed on the spot where Senior Bell disappeared, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

'Harry must be doubting my relationship with Senior Bell! ’

A woman's (girl's) sixth sense told Ginny so.

Stimulated by this sense of crisis, Ginny, who used to blush and burst into emotion whenever she saw Harry, tried hard to suppress her desire to escape and moved closer to Harry.

"H-Harry, what are you looking at?"

Even the brothers over there, who were about to perform a full martial arts show, were not able to attract Harry's attention. I think Harry must be very disappointed with her in his heart.

Ginny felt like she was about to cry uncontrollably.

Hearing Ginny's slightly trembling voice, Harry noticed that the other party had come to his side.

"Oh, actually I was wondering...where did Bell buy those clothes? I want to buy one too."

Although Harry really, really likes Hogwarts and the wizarding world. He was extremely proud of his identity as a wizard.


Wizards are good at everything except their clothes. Harry, who grew up in Muggle society, really disagrees.

Although Harry had been abused by his uncle's family since he was a child, he had never been able to put on a decent piece of clothing. But it hasn’t been worn, hasn’t he seen it yet?

Compared with the dark robes of wizards, the types and styles of Muggle clothing are infinitely richer.

However, even though Harry thought he was well-informed, when he saw Bell for the first time, he couldn't help but be attracted by the windbreaker on Bell.

The slim fit, the bright color, and the carapace embellished on key parts gave Harry the illusion that the witcher in the movie had stepped out of the screen and entered reality.

Harry couldn't help but fantasize about how that dress would look on him.

If he could buy a suit like that and wear it, then Ravenclaw's senior Qiu Zhang would definitely fall into his arms immediately.

At this moment, even if Harry was asked to take out his favorite Firebolt and exchange it for Bell's clothes, he would not hesitate at all.



Ginny stared blankly at Harry with a look of admiration on his face. She swore that if the person in front of her was not Harry Potter, the 'great hero' she had admired since she was very young. , then she will definitely kick him to death.

‘Give me back the feelings I wasted! ’

Is Senior Bell’s windbreaker cool?

Ginny didn't know either.

She was too nervous before, and her mind was full of worries about Harry misunderstanding her relationship with Senior Bell, so she couldn't spare the energy to observe those who did and didn't.

But Ginny didn't believe it. No matter how handsome Senior Bell's windbreaker is, can it still be as beautiful as the little skirt she carefully selected today? Could a little witch who got up at 3 a.m. dress up in this dress be as beautiful as her?

No, there must be no!

So someone’s glasses are too low prescription? Why can't I see the beauty so close at hand? ?

Seeing Ginny angrily stomping off to find her mother, Harry scratched his head in confusion.

So, is there anything wrong with what he just said?

Following a burst of space distortion, Bell appeared in front of a small wooden cabin.

There is an anti-Apparition barrier in the wooden house, so you cannot appear directly inside.

After experiencing the ultra-long-distance apparation from Earth to Mars, Bell had a deeper understanding of space movement spells.

Now, when he apparates, not only is he faster, but he also doesn't make any noise. This greatly improves the stealth of Apparition.

Pushing open the small door of the wooden house, Bell walked quickly inside.

Because he wanted to watch the entire Quidditch World Cup, Bell simply used the transformation spell to build such a cabin here.

Although compared to the space tent at home, the area inside the cabin is smaller and the facilities are much simpler. But the cabin in the woods looks very artistic.

And he always lives in a luxurious castle. Occasionally, he lives in a natural-style log cabin, which has a unique flavor. At least Shanna was happy with that.

After walking up to the second floor and pushing open the door of Shanna's bedroom, Bell saw the little girl sitting on the bed with disheveled hair, looking longingly over here.

Walking over and sitting sideways on the bed, Bell raised his hand, gently arranged Shanna's messy blond hair, and asked:

"What's wrong? What nightmare did you have?"

"I dreamed that my brother didn't want me anymore."

'Hermione and I ran away. ’

But Shanna just thought about the second half of the sentence in her heart and did not say it out loud.

In addition, what Zannah didn't even think about was that she finally defeated Hermione and snatched her brother back.

After all, Hermione's strength was far inferior to hers.


So strictly speaking, Shanna did not have a nightmare, but it could be said to be a sweet dream?

But she didn't care about that much. She was just scared!

In the first half of the dream, she was extremely sad. Only her brother's comfort could soothe her frightened young mind.

"How could my brother not want you?"

Bell rubbed Shanna's little head vigorously.

Even if Shanna didn't say anything, he would know what was going on.

Bell was both happy and helpless about this.

In fact, after being together for such a long time, Zannah and Hermione's relationship has become very close.

But I don’t know why, but the two of them always like to compete with each other.

And the most incredible thing is that most of the time, it is Hermione who starts the disputes.

So why does Hermione always like to stir up trouble when it's obvious that Hermione will be crushed by Zannah every time?

Could it be that this is the legendary food addiction?

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