The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 387 Bargaining

Sure enough, a kid is a kid, no matter how mature he usually acts, his true colors will still be revealed at critical moments.

Although it is said that rare things are valuable, no matter how expensive they are, there is a limit.

When you accidentally get a piece of magic metal from Mars, do you think it is some kind of rare treasure? You can’t find anything better in the world?

Not to mention, he, Snape, studied esoteric potions, so he could use a piece of metal!

"Of course, I certainly don't think that such a small piece of arcane gold can be exchanged for all your knowledge of potions.

But you know, where does Orkin come from?

It comes from the universe. That mysterious, vast universe.

Since we can now discover this precious magic metal in the universe, who can say that we will not find other precious magic materials in the universe in the future?

And it’s not surprising that some of them can be used to make potions, right?

So, what I want to trade with you is these materials that will appear in the future.

I promise you that as long as you teach Shanna all your knowledge. Then all the magic materials obtained by the Menethil family in the future will be your share. "

When Snape didn't mention it, Bell didn't even realize it, and almost ignored it. There was such a huge treasure in Hogwarts.

And after Snape mentioned it, it was certainly impossible for Bell to let go of this opportunity that could bring his sister a huge improvement.

No matter what method he uses, Bell is determined to gain Snape's knowledge of potions!

Snape's eyes were shocked, and he looked at Bell with wide eyes.

To be honest, he was moved.

Although he did not know the specific details about the Menethil family's space exploration operations. But instinctively, he felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

However, as the saying goes, asking for a high price and paying back the money on the spot, with Bell's hateful face, he had to raise the price even higher.

"Hmph! You want to trade with me for something that is nothing? What if you don't get anything in the future? Then wouldn't I have given you all my knowledge in vain?"

"No, no, professor, it's just because it's a non-existent thing, that's why I used it to trade with you.

As a master of potions, I think you should be very aware of how valuable it would be if we did obtain unprecedented magical materials from the universe.

Even if it completely subverts the existing magic concept, it is not impossible.

When that time comes, it won't be something you can buy at this price. "

Take the current Arcane as an example. If you use this magic metal that has never been seen before in the magic world to exchange part of their knowledge with some alchemy masters, I believe many people will be willing to exchange it.

In fact, under Bell's suggestion, William reluctantly suppressed the idea of ​​selling Ordinance for money, and was contacting well-known alchemy masters from various countries with the intention of exchanging their precious alchemical knowledge.

Although Bell's teacher Nico is the undisputed number one alchemist in the world. But that doesn’t mean that other people’s alchemy has no merit.

Some unique discoveries and some unique insights may not be eye-catching individually, but when put together, God knows what kind of chain reaction will occur.

It doesn't need to be too much, as long as it can bring a little inspiration to Bell, then those traded Arcane can be said to be worth the money.

"...Are you able to take charge?"

Snape questioned.

If it is true as Bell said, then this transaction cannot be measured in galleons at all.

No matter how arrogant Snape was, he still knew himself.

No matter how precious his potions knowledge is, to be honest, as long as you are willing to spend time and money, you can get it.

"Of course. You know that too, don't you?"

Over the years, Snape and William had many private communications. Including but not limited to: asking for materials from the Basilisk, asking for materials from the Acromantula, and asking for materials from the giant monster (big squid).

And every time, William would pass the blame to Bell.

There was no way, although the friendship could not be said to be deep, but there was still face after all, so it was really hard for William to refuse Snape.

And if it was sold to Snape, he was afraid that his son would blame him.

After all, these things were all earned by his son's hard work. If there was any important use, but he traded them to Snape, how would he explain it later?

Therefore, through these things, Snape has also realized the huge voice that Bell has.

To be honest, until now, Snape still couldn't understand what Senior William was thinking.

Aren't you afraid that in the blink of an eye, this brat Bell will completely destroy the Menethil family?

(William: ‘Afraid! Why aren’t you afraid? The problem is, even fear can’t stop you!’)

While Snape was silently weighing the pros and cons, the door to the classroom was pushed open, and several young wizards walked in one after another.

Seeing that other people had arrived and the transaction could not continue for the time being, Bell lowered his voice and said in a whisper that only Snape could hear:

"You can go back and think about it slowly, but I hope to get a reply within this week."

And if he doesn't get a positive reply within this week, then it's hard to say that in order to make his sister's magical journey smoother, Bell will have to think of other ways.

Ahem, don't get me wrong, Bell is not thinking about anything bad.

As a good young man of the new era who abides by the law, Bell never does anything illegal!

What he meant by other methods was just finding other bargaining chips.

After all, everyone knows that Snape is the number one licker in the British wizarding world.

So it's not easy to find some chips that Snape can't refuse, but it's not that difficult at all.

Like Harry, damn Harry, Voldemort, etc., there will always be something that can make Snape's heart flutter.

If that doesn't work, Bell can bite the bullet and sell Sirius Black to Snape.

He didn't believe that Snape could refuse the temptation of revenge with his own hands!

What? You say Sirius isn't the real culprit?

Haha, tell Snape this and see if he believes it. Or will he care?

As for the agreement with Sirius?

For the sake of his sister, Bell couldn't care less!

At worst, he would go to Sirius's grave and burn a few more wads of paper money, and take care of Harry as compensation.

Turning back and glaring at the young wizards who had just entered, Snape turned and walked back to the podium. Only the poor little guys were left, standing at the door looking at each other, not daring to come in or go out.

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