The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 400 Cloning...people?

"Cloning technology?"

Hermione did know the word. She once saw a brief introduction to cloning in a popular science magazine.

The so-called cloning means...

In short, it is a very magical science and technology.

She was less than 10 years old when she read that magazine. How could she possibly understand those messy and complicated things?

Take a closer look at the baby in the solution. She had not taken a close look at the baby because she was too frightened.

Looking at it, Hermione did notice something strange.

There are some tiny scales on the baby's limbs, and there is a tail-like organ at the tail vertebrae. The baby's forehead is also much higher than that of normal people. From the gap in the slightly opened mouth, you can still see the neat and sharp teeth inside.


"That's not OK!"

Hermione said through gritted teeth.

Even if the baby wasn't the product of Belle and some vixen, it was still a baby! A... human?

Looking at the baby's appearance again, Hermione was really not sure whether this was a human being or not.

"Bell, I won't let you do this kind of thing again! You and I will go to the professors to explain the situation later, and then we will go to the Ministry of Magic to confess. Don't worry, no matter what kind of punishment, I will bear it with you. "

Hermione earnestly tried to persuade her boyfriend who had gone astray.


Bell was speechless.

Is he guilty?

Well, maybe a little bit.

But he won't surrender so easily!

Ahem... Mainly, in his heart, Bell didn't think there was anything wrong with the experiments he did.

Not to mention compared with those dark wizards who can do everything, even if it is a white wizard, he believes that there must be someone doing similar things.

If nothing else, let’s talk about the shameful Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic. God knows what those old men are doing in the underground of the Ministry of Magic every day.

That's why he won't surrender to the Ministry of Magic, because he still can't tell who is dirtier.

"Hermione, let's face it, although it doesn't look so beautiful, the progress of technology... no, it's the progress of magic, which is often inseparable from these.

If nothing else, let's just say that in the Muggle society you are familiar with, when they are learning medical skills, don't they also have to conduct human dissection in order to understand the specific structure of the human body?

Moreover, after some new drugs, technologies, etc. are developed, don't they also have to undergo some kind of human experiments such as clinical trials?

This one of mine is similar to that one...probably. "

Bell tried hard to convince Hermione. But judging from the opponent's wand that has never been put down, it is obvious that it has had little effect.

In fact, this is quite normal. After all, if you can convince someone with just a few words, why would you need an Auror?

"Anyway, I still have to do the experiment, and it's impossible to surrender. Well! That's it!"

In the end, Bell chose to break the jar.

Just kidding, without doing experiments, is it possible to just do it on yourself?

He only did that when he got tired of living!

Bell and Hermione stared at each other, and the scene fell into stasis for a while.

I don’t know how much time has passed.


Zannah yawned. The little girl was bored.

Looking at the two people who turned to look over, Shanna pouted and said to her brother:

"Brother, let's go visit the laboratory at the back. I'm a little hungry."

In fact, Shanna also felt very uncomfortable with the slightly terrifying experimental materials in this laboratory.

It's just that compared to Hermione, Zannah, who comes from a wizarding family, is more knowledgeable. In addition, her common sense and way of thinking about problems are slightly different from Hermione, who comes from a Muggle family.

And the most important thing is that this is her brother's laboratory. Shanna unconditionally supports everything her brother does, whether she understands it or not!

After Shanna spoke up, Bell broke the silence. He looked at Hermione, whose arms were sore on the opposite side, and asked:

"Do you still want to go to the laboratory below? I would like to remind you in advance that what comes next may be even more difficult to accept."


Hermione gritted her teeth and said without hesitation.

She wanted to see what kind of "unscrupulous" things this guy Bell could do!

Following the Bell brothers and sisters from a distance, Hermione didn't want to get close to Bell at all now.

But the dead silence in the corridor made her heart palpitate again, causing her to involuntarily close the distance between her and Bell... and then close the distance...

no! too close!

Hermione quickly backed away some more.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Hermione always felt that the time spent walking in the corridor this time was much longer than the previous two times?

Finally, just as Hermione was advancing and retreating, Bell stopped for the third time.

As if time had reappeared, a door appeared on the wall and opened.

Looking at the dark door without any light, Hermione swallowed nervously.

In her eyes, the laboratory door in front of her was like the entrance to hell. It seemed as if her soul would be swallowed up by it the next moment.

"This is a physical enhancement laboratory."

Bell made a casual introduction and prepared to enter the laboratory.


Hermione yelled, causing Bell to stop in place as he was about to take steps.

"You, you should turn on the light!"

The previous bloodline fusion laboratory was like this, it was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

She didn't care at the time. But now that she thought about it, she could actually ask Bell to turn on the light. She would take a look outside first.

If the scenes inside are too bloody and violent, then she should never go in!


Bell tilted his head in confusion. He didn't put a light bulb in here either?

It wasn't until Bell glanced at the dark door in front of him that he realized what Hermione was saying.

"The reason why you can't see anything now is actually the effect of magic, not that there are no lights inside."

Bell explained.

He cast an illusion spell similar to a blindfold at the door of the laboratory. So when you stand outside, you can't see anything inside the laboratory.

As for why there was no such magic spell on the door of the alchemy laboratory in the first place?

Would Bell still tell others that he actually started from the innermost laboratory and applied the spells one by one. However, when he reached the outermost alchemy laboratory, he suddenly realized that his behavior was really stupid. If it explodes, it will have no effect at all, okay?

After all, if you think about it carefully, if the enemies have already invaded this laboratory, then either Bell's side has already cooled down, or the enemy's infiltration level has reached a superb level, hiding it from all of them. .

In other words, when that time comes, will a small blind trick mean anything?

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