The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 402 Emotional Crisis

Seeing Shanna's cute look, Bell felt much relieved.

He steeled himself, smiled and said:

"Okay, let's go to dinner. What do you want for dinner?"

"Eat meat!"

Zannah answered without hesitation.

Under the influence of Bell's example over the years, the little girl has already developed the habit of having sex with all kinds of sex.


Bell discovered that maybe his sister's psychological quality was much stronger than his.

After seeing that scene just now, the little girl can still want to eat meat without changing her expression.

"What's wrong, brother? Can't you eat meat today?"

Seeing Bell's silence, Shanna asked cautiously.

"How could that be? As long as Shanna wants to eat, she can eat it at any time."

After saying that, Bell called Lim and asked him to prepare dinner. He doesn't want to go to the auditorium to dine today.

More than a week has passed since the weekend when I visited the laboratory.

Hermione, on the other hand, had not spoken to Bell for more than a week.

For more than a week, Bell had sent some messages to Hermione intermittently, or directly approached Hermione and wanted to chat with her.

But all the messages sent fell into the sea without a single response.

And whenever Hermione noticed Bell approaching her, she would run away without looking back, never giving Bell a chance to speak.


Standing in the lounge with a frown on his face, Bell stared at the scenery outside the window blankly, not knowing what to do.

Speaking of which, this was the first time in his life that he showed such a sad expression. This was often the case in the previous life.

So, is this because he is so happy in this life that even God can’t stand it?

He shook his head vigorously.

Just kidding, he is a wizard and the darling of magic. He is not even a god, and he is also not under the jurisdiction of God.

Moreover, if I use an inappropriate word to describe what happened this time, it was completely Bell's own fault.

Although Bell doesn't think he did anything wrong.


Just as Bell stood in the Ravenclaw lounge and sighed, there was also a person sighing in a certain girls' dormitory of Gryffindor.

Yes, this person is Hermione.

She hadn't spoken to Belle in over a week.

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be the first time since they met that there has been no communication between the two for such a long time.

Even though they were not familiar with each other when they first entered school, they would often meet in the library and chat briefly.

In fact, it's not that Hermione doesn't want to talk to Bell. She really wants to persuade Bell to give up those 'evil' experiments.

The worst she could do was not go to the Ministry of Magic and surrender. Anyway, she didn't want Bell to surrender at all.

The reason why he said that that day was simply because reason briefly defeated emotion.

However, judging from Bell's attitude at that time, Hermione knew that her persuasion was destined to be in vain.

Despite Bell's usual lazy look of not caring about anything, most of her requests would be met.

But what Hermione actually knew was that, corresponding to his usual easygoing nature, Bell also had a very stubborn side.

Once Bell decides on something, even 10 of her can't get it back.

Perhaps, only Zannah can stop Bell. But obviously, Shanna will always be on the same side as Bell.

In other words, since Bell has made it clear that she will continue to conduct that kind of 'evil' experiment, no matter how much she says, it will not help.

So what should she do?

Continue to avoid Bell like now? And then it gradually became like a stranger?

don't want!

When she thought that one day in the future, when she and Bell passed by each other, the two of them just nodded politely to each other, Hermione felt as if her heart was tightly grasped by a hand, and she was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

Then take the initiative to find Bell and have a frank chat between the two of you?

But what to say?

This was the first time Hermione felt distressed because she didn't know what to say to Bell.

You know, in the past, as long as she stayed with Bell, she would always have endless things to say.

Moreover, when she thought of meeting Bell, her mind would uncontrollably flash back to the nightmare-like scene she saw that day in that terrifying laboratory.

Every time this time, there would be an unspeakable fear that would hit her heart.

Even, one night before, she dreamed that she was immersed in that light green transparent solution, and Bell was standing in front of her, looking at the experimental objects with interest. looked at her.

She tried her best to persuade and beg, but all she got in exchange was the cold, unfamiliar smile on Bell's lips.

Burying her head into the quilt, Hermione's body couldn't stop shaking.

She was afraid, she was afraid of meeting the strange Bell, and she didn't know how to get along with Bell in the future.

For this reason, she had read many romance novels in order to find a solution.

Fortunately, she was found.

The book says that when lovers have irreconcilable conflicts, the conflict between the two can only be resolved when one or both parties make concessions.

...Isn’t this nonsense!

Hermione was so angry that she almost burned the book.

Fortunately, she was still looking forward to it!

Even if she didn't read the book, she still knew this method and could solve the current problem.

But the problem is that Bell has clearly refused to make concessions, which means that the only option left is for her to make concessions.

However, Hermione really didn't have confidence that she could turn a blind eye to what Bell did.

So, to sum up, although Hermione is very reluctant to admit it, it seems that her relationship with Bell has really come to an end?


Hermione wrapped herself in the quilt and rolled around, rolling around.

'thump! ’

"It hurts, it hurts~!"

Rubbing her forehead that hit the ground, Hermione slowly climbed back onto the bed.

The three little witches who were in the same dormitory as Hermione glanced calmly at Hermione who was squirming on the ground. They are all used to the other party's daily crazy behavior during this period.

According to rumors, the reason why the other party suddenly became nervous was because he had a quarrel with Bell, which seemed to be quite serious. Some people even said that the two had broken up.

Therefore, Hermione's roommates are now hesitant. Should they seize the opportunity and get the Bell?

Although Bell had a terrible reputation, as Hermione's roommates, they at least knew that Bell was pretty good to Hermione.

This can be seen from the magic accessories hanging on Hermione's body.

And the most important thing is, being that Bell’s girlfriend is very prestigious, isn’t it?

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