The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 406 Down with Capitalism

After a few days of buffering, the relationship between Hermione and Bell finally returned to its previous close relationship.

This made Bell very happy.

But this is not what makes Bell the happiest. What makes Bell most happy is that after this emotional crisis, for some reason, the relationship between Zannah and Hermione has become much closer.

This may not be very accurate.

It should be said that Hermione's attitude towards Zannah became much closer. Zannah, on the other hand, was still the same towards Hermione, with a mixture of acceptance and rejection.

But no matter what, this is a great thing for Bell.

As the saying goes, people are in high spirits during happy events. With this east wind of good mood, he even made great progress in the research of magic.

At least the sword embryo he forged now can barely be seen as a sword, and will not be regarded as a stick.

Time flies, and more than a month has passed by in a blink of an eye.

Today is October 30th. Since the morning, an unusual restlessness has filled the entire Hogwarts Castle.

Every little wizard is looking forward to the arrival of the evening.

Because at 6 o'clock tonight, students from two other magic schools in Europe, Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, will arrive at Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament that is about to officially begin.

For the vast majority of young wizards in Hogwarts, the other two magic schools are just legends.

Some young wizards who know little about the magical world don't even know that besides Hogwarts, there are other magic schools.

Therefore, the little wizards are very curious, what will the students of the other two magic schools be like? Could they have two heads and four arms?

While being curious, the little wizards also felt very proud. Even the little lions of Gryffindor, who were dishonest, rarely felt at ease today.

After all, Hogwarts is the best magic school, not something Beauxbatons and Durmstrang can compare to.

As for the prefix 'All Britain', it was automatically ignored by the little wizards.

Therefore, as students in this best magic school, there is no doubt that they are also the best.

When the students from those two magic schools arrive, they have to show their proud style.

Of course, necessary convergence is also necessary. What if the students from the other two magic schools feel too ashamed of themselves after seeing them and lose the courage to continue participating in the Triwizard Tournament?

A competition that only Hogwarts students participate in is not called the Triwizard Tournament, it is called the Academy Cup.

In the evening, the little wizards who wanted to eat peaches all put on clean and tidy school uniforms, arranged their hairstyles and sideburns, and under the command of the professors, they lined up neatly and orderly on the grass outside the castle gate.

However, it didn't take long for the neat and orderly queue to become skewed.

There's no way, it's already the end of October, and the temperature is so low that it wouldn't be surprising if it snows at any time.

And tonight, the weather was even worse. Thick clouds were pressing above Hogwarts, and gusts of biting cold wind passed through the crowd, taking away people's precious body heat.

Of course, if that's all it is, it's not enough to disrupt the neat queue of the little wizards.

After all, the little wizards are students of Hogwarts, the most outstanding magic school, and this cold wind is not enough to extinguish the fire of pride in their hearts.

However, the problem lies in the magic prop invented by Bell.

That's right, it's Bell's fault again!

Why do we use ‘and’ when speaking?

As we all know, among the magic props invented by Bell, there is something called the 'Thermostatic Ring'.

Of course, 'ring' is just a general term. Depending on the customer's preferences and needs, it can also be a constant-temperature necklace, constant-temperature earrings, and the like.

This magical prop that is warm in winter and cool in summer has been sought after by many wizards as soon as it was released.

Although there is a magic spell, a wizard with a little ability will not be troubled by cold or heat.

But under normal circumstances, spells have a duration, and the duration is generally not very long.

There are only a few wizards in the UK who can cast an eternal flame like the Ancient Pulai Fairy Fire. Not to mention that the ancient Laixianhuo is mainly used for lighting.

Therefore, compared to having to cast a spell every once in a while, a thermostatic ring that is cheap and can last for several years or even ten years is very cost-effective.

But no matter what, the thermostatic ring is also a technologically mature magic prop. Even though the price is low, it is also the result of horizontal comparison among many magic props.

For an adult wizard, if you save money for a month, you can save money for a thermostatic ring.

But for the little wizards who are still in school at Hogwarts, with their little pocket money and the cost of daily snacks, even if they save for a year, they may not be able to afford one. A thermostatic ring.

That's it, it refers to young wizards from well-off families, like Ron, let's wait until they graduate and make money. It would be more practical to use his little pocket money, which is better than nothing, to buy some snacks to satisfy his cravings.

Therefore, this also leads to the fact that not every little wizard wears constant temperature accessories.

People with pure blood backgrounds and good family backgrounds, such as Malfoy and his "Heng He Ha Ha", naturally have several magic props hanging on their bodies, including high-quality and low-priced thermostatic rings.

Most of the young wizards from ordinary families, or from Muggle families, were clean and shivering in the cold wind.

As the saying goes, "You don't suffer from poverty, you suffer from inequality." We are all wizards. Some people can become winners in life, while some people can only be singles.

But now, when they were frozen into dogs, there were some hateful guys with rosy cheeks and thin clothes showing off their style in front of them?

This is really unreasonable!

That's right, the hateful guys mentioned here refer to those nasty little snakes from Slytherin House.

A group of pure-blood little snakes were arrogantly looking down on the little wizards from the other three colleges who were about to freeze into dogs, with arrogant smiles on their lips.

The most annoying thing is that there is a little snake pretending to be fanning it with its hands. What do you mean, so many people are crowded together, resulting in poor air circulation and too hot?

I warm you¥ # ¥……*% # %


In short, after the unbalanced little wizards looked at each other, they tacitly started the action of "beating the rich".

They squeezed towards the 'rich' people who had thermostatic accessories on their bodies. While enjoying the heat, they also helped those 'rich' people realize their prophecy.

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