The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 413 The bullying house elves

As the saying goes, 'catch the thief and the stolen goods, the adulterer and the double', Hermione, who thought she had solid evidence, would definitely make Bell look good if the situation was not right at this moment!

Even if it was in public and it was difficult for her to break up directly, she would never let Bell hug her left and right calmly!

Injecting a small amount of magic power into her eyes, Hermione used the method taught by Bell to integrate her emotions into the magic power, and then used her eyes as a medium to cast the 'Death Gaze'!

'scare--! Go to hell Bell! scare--! ’

Bell, who was happily eating his dinner, suddenly felt a chill.

After sensing it for a while, he knew he couldn't go on like this. Otherwise, he might really have no choice but to follow Gabri's sister.

Just kidding, how could he, a tall, seven-foot-tall man, tolerate that kind of thing happening! ?

So, how can he do it well?

"Huh? Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

Gabrielle, who was also happily enjoying the delicacies brought to her by her brother-in-law, looked at her brother-in-law who suddenly froze in confusion, not knowing what happened.

‘Could it be that my brother-in-law has tooth decay? ’

Gabrielle felt a twinge of fear at the thought of tooth decay.

I remember that when she was still a cute little baby, because she liked sweets, she always pestered her sister to avoid her parents and secretly buy sweets for her.

As a result, the sweet time was always fleeting. Within a few months, she had a lot of cavities because she ate too much sweets and didn't brush her teeth properly.

That period was the darkest period in her life.

Because the damn parents actually said that they wanted her to learn a lesson, so they refused to treat her teeth!

As a result, she could only watch others eat delicious food every day, but she could only drink some soup.

Although her sister tried very hard to get her a bottle of magic potion to treat tooth decay, she was still very young at the time, so she failed in the end.

Since that time, she has strictly controlled her intake of sweets and brushed her teeth at least twice a day, for no less than 5 minutes each time.

Gabrielle has decided that she must endure it now. Patience now is for a better future!

As long as she endures until she grows up and can get the magic potion to cure tooth decay, then she can enjoy candies to her heart's content!

Turning to look at Gabrielle, Bell suddenly had a plan on his mind. He showed an amiable smile and said softly to Gabrielle:

"Gabriel, do you want to see your sister Shanna?"


Gabrielle also had a good impression of Sister Shanna who was also unaffected by her charming magic. Not to mention, Sister Shanna also gave her a lot of delicious food.

"Very good! Come on, I'll take you to play with Sister Shanna."

Bell stood up happily and was about to take Gabrielle to find Shanna.

As long as Gabrielle is handed over to Zannah, Fleur will no longer be by his side no matter whether she comes with him or not. In this way, his crisis will be relieved.


Gabrielle glanced at the food on the table reluctantly. She hadn't eaten enough yet.

"Don't worry, your sister Shanna also has a lot of delicious food there, even more delicious than the ones here."

Even food made by the same house elf cannot taste exactly the same.

Especially when the freshness of the ingredients is different, the taste of the food produced will be very different.

And Bell had specifically told Lim a long time ago that the most delicious food must be placed in front of Shanna.

With Bell already gaining a reputation of admiration among the house elves at Hogwarts, this small request was not a big deal at all.


As soon as she heard that Sister Shanna's place had better food, Gabri immediately put her reluctance behind her.

Just kidding, how could a little delicious food seduce her, Gabrielle? Her relationship with sister Shanna is extremely good!

"Sister, please eat slowly. My brother-in-law and I went to play with Sister Shanna."

With that said, Gabrielle jumped off the chair and planned to follow her brother-in-law to eat more delicious food.

"Wait! Who is Zannah?"

Fleur had never heard of Zannah.

"Sister Shanna is my brother-in-law's sister. The one you have met before is the blond sister."

After listening to Gabrielle's description, Fleur remembered one of the two little girls standing behind Belle.

But even if she remembered who Shanna was, she would not allow her sister to follow Bell to find him.

Just kidding, who knows if Bell is using this as an excuse to take Gabrielle to some uninhabited corner to do such and such things?


It turned out that in the short time Fleur was thinking about who Zannah was, Gabrielle had already run away with Belle.

Seeing the two figures, one big and one small, walking away, Furong was so angry!

‘I don’t care about you! Let you be sold, and see if you don't obey then! ’

I met Fleur who was in trouble all night. In a fit of anger, she ignored Gabrielle.

Anyway, Gabrielle carries several magic items with her, so even if she encounters danger, she should be able to hold on for a while.

With that buffer of time, it was enough for Gabrielle to send out a distress call and for her to get to the scene.

And deep down, Fleur actually believed that Bell would not hurt Gabrielle.

Although Gabri always wanted to sell her to Belle, so she didn't like him very much. But Bell had saved Gabrielle after all.

Therefore, deep down in her heart, she was still very grateful and trusted Bell.

Not paying attention to the big and small children who ran away, Fleur returned her attention to the delicious food in front of her.

It had to be said that after Gabrielle and Belle left, she could at least focus on enjoying the delicious food. Instead of having to check to see if Gabrielle is eating well every few seconds? Did you choke? Have you rubbed grease on your clothes?

Ahem! In short, this may be called ‘a blessing in disguise’?

Don’t ask her where she learned this thing called ‘idiom’, she just knows it!

However, as she ate, Fu Rong felt something was wrong.

Why does she always feel that the food in her mouth is not as fragrant as before?

That’s not to say that the food nowadays isn’t delicious. Compared with the food at Beauxbatons, the food she was eating now was much more delicious.

But compared with before, it always feels a little less interesting.

And if the taste of the food can be said to be her illusion, then the plates in front of her have been empty for so long, why haven't they been replenished with new food?

In the past, as soon as the food was swept away, new food would be replenished immediately, and the interval never exceeded one minute.

So what exactly is going on?

Is it possible that the house elves at Hogwarts are still bullying students?

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