The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 42 Video chat with sister

Just when Bell finished today's homework and took out the book "Ultimate Transformation" to continue reading, a message suddenly came from the 'personal terminal' on his body. Bell was surprised for a while before he realized what was going on.

Taking out the 'personal terminal' and looking at the prompts on the screen, at this moment, Bell wanted to slap himself to death.

Bell has never had a video chat with anyone. He has always only used his 'personal terminal' as a watch and alarm clock, and occasionally used it to check some information.

In fact, since Bell's biological clock has become more and more accurate, he may not touch his 'personal terminal' every week.

Now looking at the video request sent to him by his sister, he suddenly realized: ‘It can still be like this! ’.

Bell believed that Shanna must have also forgotten that she could use the 'personal terminal' to communicate, otherwise she would have sent a video to herself last night.

But now was not the time to think about that. Bell quickly stood up and ran back to the dormitory. He jumped on the bed, closed the curtains, took out his wand and set up a soundproof barrier, and then enlarged the 'personal terminal'. A series of actions were completed in one go, and then Bell connected to the video.

"Brother! I miss you!" Shanna said as soon as she saw Bell's figure on the screen.


Seeing his sister holding her mouth shut and looking aggrieved on the screen, Bell felt that his heart was about to melt.

"Brother misses you too! I miss you very much!"

"Sanna is home alone, are you good?"

Bell tried to divert little Zannah's attention, otherwise her sister might cry in the next moment.

"Yeah! Shanna is very well-behaved!"

The little girl nodded vigorously.

Seeing her sister's cute look, Bell couldn't help but reach out and want to rub her head. Unfortunately, she ended up touching the cold screen.

(╬ ̄俣)

‘I really want to smash it! ’

"Brother, what is Hogwarts like? Is your brother happy there?"

"Not happy! I'm super unhappy that I can't see Shanna!"

At this moment, Bell was ready to blow up this poor school. How could he be happy?

"The same goes for Shanna. I'm super unhappy not being able to see my brother!"

In fact, Zannah had long wanted to blow up that crappy school called Hogwarts, but how dare she not be allowed to go to school with her brother!

The brother and sister then told each other in detail about their experiences over the day. For example, what time did you get up today, what did you do after getting up, what did you eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Especially about Bell's life at Hogwarts, Zannah was very interested. From recipes to class schedules, from the auditorium to the dormitory, Shanna would ask questions non-stop.

Perhaps to outsiders, this trivial matter is not worth wasting time at all. But among the two brothers and sisters, one spoke with great interest, and the other listened with great interest.

It wasn't until Shanna's mother Elena's voice came from behind that the conversation between the two had to be terminated. Bell could clearly see Shanna's little mouth on the screen opening and closing dissatisfiedly. Judging from the mouth shape, it should be 'Mom is so annoying'.

Bell couldn't help but laugh.

"Baby, it's getting late, you should go to bed."

Elena had to interrupt the brother and sister's chat, otherwise, she had no doubt that the two could continue chatting until tomorrow morning.

Only then did Bell realize that it was already past 10 o'clock. Bell's roommates, except for the two who went on a night out, the remaining two were also lying on the bed.

Looking at the unhappy face of Shanna on the screen, Bell comforted her: "Go and rest, Shanna. Can my brother chat with you over video tomorrow night?"


Shanna looked surprised.

"Can Shanna also chat with her brother tomorrow?"

"Of course." Bell affirmed, "Not just tomorrow, but the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and every day, brother, please chat with Shanna, okay?"

"Well! Then it's agreed, brother, don't keep your word!"

"Of course, when does it mean that my brother is not talking too much? I'm afraid Shanna doesn't want to talk to her brother."

"Sanna wants to be with..."

"Okay, you two."

Elena had no choice but to interrupt again, otherwise God knows whether the two brothers and sisters would be finished? No, it’s definitely not over.

Elena grabbed the 'personal terminal' from Zannah's hand and raised it to a height that Zannah couldn't reach.

In the corner of the screen, Shanna can be seen jumping hard, trying to snatch back the 'personal terminal', and constantly shouting, 'Give it back to me, bad mother, give it back to me! ’

"Bell, you have to go to bed early and don't stay up late! Okay, that's it for now, bye~"

After saying that, Elena hung up the video.

Looking at the screen that was gradually going dark, the smile on Bell's face disappeared little by little.

He had been so warm and happy when chatting with his sister, but now he felt so cold and lonely. Intense pain hit Bell's heart, and he had to use magic to relieve the severe pain in his heart, but it was of no use.


"Lim——!" Bell shouted looking up to the sky.

With a 'pop' sound, Lim appeared beside Bell's bed, and he looked at Bell in panic.

"What's wrong? Master? What happened?"

"No, it's nothing." Bell said disappointedly, "Prepare some food for me, prepare more, hurry up."

"Yes, Master. Lim will bring the food right away!"

Lim hurriedly went to prepare food for Bell.

Bell lay back on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling that still seemed unfamiliar.

‘Let’s talk about cheering up and everything tomorrow. ’

Before I knew it, it had been more than a week since I arrived at Hogwarts. Bell finally gradually became familiar with life at Hogwarts, repeating his regular but slightly boring life every day, working hard to enrich himself.

If Bell had to choose a favorite place in Hogwarts, it would be neither the warm and comfortable dormitory nor the cool and beautiful black lake, but the slightly deserted and dark library.

Hogwarts is indeed specialized in education, and the collection of books in the library far exceeds that of the Bell family library. Although each major pure-blood family has its own unique inheritance and secret secrets, the Hogwarts library contains almost every book that has appeared on the market in the past thousand years.

After Bell discussed with his father William, William is currently negotiating with Principal Dumbledore, hoping to copy and upload all the books in the Hogwarts library to the main server of the 'Personal Terminal' network for the convenience of wizards. They buy and read. In this way, it is equivalent to the Menethil family acquiring all the books in Hogwarts for nearly a thousand years.

Principal Dumbledore himself had no objection to this behavior. Of course, it would be hard for him to object. After all, with the development of the Menethil family in recent years, the number of gold galleons donated by the Menethil family to Hogwarts has also increased year by year, and it has now become the most influential voice on the Hogwarts School Board. Heavy family. Moreover, uploading books itself would help prevent the loss of knowledge, and Dumbledore had no reason to object.

The main point of disagreement between the two parties is whether books in the restricted area should also be uploaded.

Dumbledore believed that some of the knowledge involving the dark arts was too dangerous to spread. Of course, the Menethil family hopes that the more knowledge the better, no matter whether it is dangerous or not, magic is not dangerous.

Although the two sides are still discussing, Bell does not think Dumbledore will relent. It seems that if you want to read and study books in the restricted area in the future, you will need to find another way.

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