The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 432 Chapter 432 Chapter 3 The Birth and Origin of Life

Chapter 432 Chapter 432 Chapter 3 The Birth and Origin of Life

"Bell? What are you doing?"

Hermione watched in confusion as Bell kept waving his wand, leaving mysterious ancient runic characters in mid-air.

"Ahem, it's just a little preliminary preparation, it will be done soon, just a moment."

Bell said awkwardly.

He really didn't dare to tell Hermione because he was afraid that Zannah would suddenly come over and catch the two of them doing something good.

Based on Bell's understanding of his sister, after completing the adventure in the carriage, if the little girl really encounters something interesting, or causes some trouble that she cannot solve, then she will probably come directly to him. To wipe your ass.

If Hermione knew about this, Hermione would definitely refuse to stay at all.


Hermione tilted her head. Although she was confused, Hermione, who didn't know much about that kind of thing, said nothing more.

But then again, does Bell know a little too much about that kind of thing? Could it be that he has already done it with someone else! ?

Thinking of this, something felt wrong again in the way Hermione looked at Bell. She became suspicious again.

Fortunately, in the face of the ultimate temptation, Bell can be said to have performed at a super-super level.

A defensive barrier that can be called a 'fortress level' would take about 10 minutes even for most elite wizards to set up. But Bell finished it in less than 2 minutes.

So, this person, if he doesn’t push hard, he will never know what he can achieve.

"Honey, what's wrong?"

Only then did Bell notice that Hermione's eyes were a little strange, and he asked in confusion.

But before Hermione could answer, he couldn't wait to take two steps forward, lowered his head, and tightly blocked the other person's mouth.

Whether it was luck or misfortune, Bell's worst-case scenario - Shanna coming to take the blame for him - didn't happen.

In the early morning, the soft morning sun shines into the room through the window.

Opening his eyes drowsily, Bell looked down at Hermione in his arms. After a while, he remembered what the situation was.

Gently stroking Hermione's back, Bell's lips curved into a happy smile.


Not knowing whether she felt Bell's movement, Hermione let out a cute little moan like a small animal and slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning, my dear."

Holding Hermione's hands tightly, Bell kissed Hermione gently on the forehead and said hello.


Hermione, who was also a little drowsy, just like Bell before, failed to immediately remember what happened last night.

It wasn't until she felt Bell's body temperature that Hermione suddenly realized.

"I was wrong, I admit my mistake, and I promise I will make it again next time!"

"That's not even enough...what did you say?"

Hermione suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with Bell's confession?

"I said, I love you."

After saying that, Bell kissed Hermione's lips again.

I can't help it, my girlfriend is too cute and alluring. Especially now, Hermione exudes a lazy aura.

"By the way, Bell, what time is it now?"

Looking at the sun reflected by magic in the sky outside the window, Hermione always felt that the position of the sun seemed a bit high?

"What time? Let me check..."

"Brother! Brother! Are you in there? Brother!"

Just when Bell was about to check the time, Shanna's shout suddenly came from outside.

She didn't see her brother at the training ground in the morning. She asked Keersha and others, and they also said they didn't know his whereabouts. Shanna was already feeling extremely strange at this time.

"S-Shanna!? What, what, what, what, what, what, what, what should we do, Bell! It's, it's Shanshan, Shanshan, Shansanna!"

Hearing Zannah's voice from outside the door, Hermione was so frightened that she couldn't even speak.

If Shanna saw what she and Bell looked like now, how could she have the face to face each other in the future?

"Don't panic, just leave it to me. Just don't say anything."

Bell, who was also panicking inside, pretended to be as calm as an old dog on the outside.

After telling Hermione not to make any sound, Bell waved his hand to remove the soundproof barrier in the room.

(The soundproof barrier set up by Bell will only block internal sounds from passing out, but will not block external sounds from coming in.)

"Sanna, I'm in there."

Bell shouted toward the door.

"Brother! I finally found you! Why didn't you come to morning practice today? And Hermione, I don't know why she didn't come.

Also, brother, why can’t this door be opened? "

Zannah pushed the door in front of her hard.

This was also the door to her brother's bedroom. If it had been a door elsewhere, even the door to her parents' room, Shanna would have kicked it in long ago.

Hearing Zannah mention her name, cold sweat instantly soaked Hermione's body.

"Ahem, Shanna, my brother is currently conducting a very important experiment. If he is not careful, he will forget the time.

In addition, this experiment is not suitable for you to watch, so in order to prevent accidents, I sealed the door.

As for Hermione...she told me before that she felt a little uncomfortable when she woke up in the morning, so she didn't come to morning exercise today. "

As a good brother, Bell would never do such things as cheating on his sister. Therefore, every statement he made above is true!

"What kind of experiment is it?"

Her brother's words reminded Shanna of the summer vacation the year before last, when her brother conducted experiments day and night in order to make a Crazy Bear.

Later, even the routine morning exercises were canceled by my brother.

So Shanna is very curious now. Is her brother planning to make another powerful magic prop?

As for Hermione?

She doesn't care!

If she hadn't known that her brother cared about Hermione, she wouldn't have told her brother in the first place that Hermione didn't come over this morning.

"This... is a biological experiment to study the birth and origin of life!"

Bell runs the train with his mouth full.


Zannah nodded in awe.

As expected of his elder brother, he has already begun to study the birth and origin of life. It seemed that she had to work harder, but she couldn't be left behind by her brother like Hermione.

"Brother, when will you come out for breakfast?"

Although her doubts were answered, Shanna began to worry again.

As his younger sister, she must take care of his daily life, but she can no longer let him immerse himself in experiments and not sleep for a week like before.

That's so bad for your health.

"You go to the auditorium first, I'll pack up the experimental supplies and then go there."

Bell just begged Shanna to leave quickly, otherwise he wouldn't even dare to move.

As for Hermione, not to mention, the other party was so frightened that she almost stopped breathing.

"Then I'll wait for my brother to join us."

"No, no need. I've been doing experiments for a long time and I'm a little dirty. I want to take a shower before going over, so you can go first.

By the way, remember to bring Fina with you, the little one should be hungry too. "

Bell didn't dare to let Zannah wait for him outside, so how could he explain that Hermione was in his room?

In addition, for safety reasons, in order to prevent a certain little guy who could easily be bribed by delicious food from leaking the secret, Bell also specifically asked Shanna to take away Fina's unreliable little guy.

"Okay, brother, hurry up too!"

"I know, you go ahead."

Listening to Shanna's footsteps gradually disappearing, after getting Bell's signal...

"Ha~! It's suffocating me to death!"

Hermione finally dared to breathe normally.

She knew that the Bell brothers and sisters had incredibly sensitive senses.

Although she didn't know exactly what level Shanna had reached, she knew that if Bell was standing outside the door, even if she was just breathing in the room, Bell could hear it outside the door.


I don't know why, but looking at Hermione's current appearance, Bell just wanted to laugh.

"You're still laughing! It's all your fault!"

Seeing that Bell, the culprit, dared to laugh at her, Hermione was so angry that she bit her shoulder.

"Okay, I was wrong. Let's take a shower quickly and then go to the auditorium. If we go late, Shanna will be suspicious."

With that said, Bell picked up Hermione.

"Let me go quickly."

Hermione struggled slightly.

Normally, she wouldn't feel so shy if Bell hugged her like this. After all, they have been together for such a long time, and she is almost used to Bell's affectionate behavior.

But being held by Princess Bell in this situation, Hermione felt that maybe she wouldn't be able to get used to it in her life.

"By the way, Bell, tell me, will I have a baby?"

Hermione gently stroked her belly, which suddenly shone with the brilliance of motherhood.

Last night, they didn't take any protective measures.

But this is not because Bell has forgotten it, but in the magical world, there is no such thing as protective measures.

What kind of people wizards are! But not every wizarding family can have children like Weasley.

Moreover, the more powerful a wizard is, the more difficult it is for him to have children. Everyone wants to have artificial insemination. Who would use contraception?

"If you have one, then you can only marry me."

Although even if not, Hermione would have no choice but to marry him. Bell wouldn't let Hermione run away.

"Hmph! Who wants to marry a bad guy like you!"

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