The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 440 Shanna is dead! ?

Unfortunately, Bell generally does not use Legilimency on people he is familiar with. Otherwise, he could learn about Felice's little wish and put in a little bit of water to help the little girl get her wish.

Of course, in that case, Phyllis would not have been working silently on her 'small' goals in the next few years, and eventually achieved extraordinary achievements.

In this way, with Bell only defending but not attacking, about 5 minutes passed.

"Warm-up is over! Brother, I'm going to do it!"

Suddenly, Shanna stopped shooting ice picks and snowballs. The little face that was always laughing and joking was now full of seriousness and earnestness.

At this time, Shanna could not see any trace of the usual quirky little girl. Even Phyllis and Reina, who have a good relationship with Shanna, feel extremely strange to Shanna now.

Pursing her lips tightly, Shanna did not pay attention to the doubts in the eyes of her best friends, but stared at her brother not far away with eyes full of fighting spirit.

She knew that if she didn't use all her strength, she would be helpless in front of her brother.

"What? Warm up? What warm up?"

Hermione looked at Zannah beside her in surprise.

The continuous high-intensity attacks left her unable to spare any energy to observe the surrounding situation.

Therefore, she didn't notice anything strange about Shanna.

And what the hell is a warm-up? No one told her that there is such a link?

You know, from the beginning, she used all her strength, even beyond the ordinary.

Originally, she was very satisfied with her performance. Because she could clearly feel that the gap between herself and Shanna had indeed narrowed.

As a result, the other party now actually told her that it was just a warm-up before?

Ignoring Hermione's surprise, Zannah injected magic into her flying shoes, stamped the ground hard, and disappeared instantly.

I saw a black shadow quickly circle around Bell. The snow on the ground was blown up by the strong wind, forming a snow wave and pressing towards Bell in the center.

Looking at the overwhelming waves of snow coming towards him, Bell calmly raised his wand and pointed at a location behind him.

And as Bell moved, the snowflakes around him, even the snowflakes in the snow waves, were gathering towards the tip of his staff.

With a 'boom', the snow wave behind Bell was penetrated by him, creating a round hole as high as one person.

At the same time, Shanna, who was hiding behind the snow waves, trying to accumulate magic power and launch a stronger attack, was blown away by her brother's snowball without any preparation.

Turning around, he slowly walked out of the hole he made. Looking at Zanna, who was rolling and bouncing on the ground in the distance, a trace of blue magic light leaked from Bell's eyes.

Even with Bell's current Occlumency skills, he almost softened his heart when he saw his sister's miserable state, especially when all this was caused by his own hands.

Although Bell has always been very doting on Shanna, as long as it is his sister's request, he can't bear to refuse.

But precisely because he loves Shanna more than anyone else, Bell can be truly cruel when he thinks it is necessary.

Shanna is now 12 years old, and Bell thinks it's time for the little girl to experience some setbacks.

"Bell! What are you doing!?"

Hermione was stunned. What did she see? Bell was really beating Zanna! ?

Is this really her boyfriend Bell? Could it be someone else using Polyjuice Potion to pretend?

Ignoring the exclamations coming from behind, Bell waved his hand gently, and dozens of ice spears appeared above his head.

Without any hesitation, he looked at Shanna in the distance.

Amidst the continuous sonic booms, the ice gun shot towards Shanna.

Struggling to control her body shape, ice walls rose up in front of Shanna.

Although these hastily transformed ice walls were shattered into pieces the moment they came into contact with the ice guns, they also slowed down some of the ice guns, buying some time for Shanna to respond next.

I saw dazzling blue light shooting out of Shanna's eyes, and the little girl used the magic power in her body to the limit.

With one glance, Shanna analyzed the flight trajectory and attack strength of each ice gun.

Then, her right hand turned into an afterimage. At just the right angle and with just the right strength, she deflected all the ice guns in front of her in just a moment.

The crisis was over, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Shanna dodged and flew into the air.

‘Boom~! ’

Without any warning, after being deflected by Shanna, the ice spear inserted around the little girl exploded.

The sharp ice flakes made a sharp sound as they cut through the air, piercing deeply into the surrounding ground.

Shanna, who was in mid-air, glanced at the shield that was once again covered with cracks, and a trace of cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

This is not right!

My brother broke through the two layers of shields on her body with just two attacks. This has never happened before!

Before Shanna could figure out what her brother was planning to do, a shadow loomed over her head.

"It's not okay to lose focus during a battle."

Bell's voice without any emotion came from above Shanna's head.

He was seen holding the wand high, and at the tip of the wand, there was a huge ice ball about 10 meters in diameter floating.

The magic wand was waved down, and the ice ball fell towards Shanna below at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its size.

Not to mention being hit directly by the ice ball, even just touching the air flow caused by its movement is enough to tear an average person into pieces.

'Phantom shift...'

Bell opened his left hand, and almost invisible translucent spider threads instantly enveloped the space around Shanna.

The space was blocked, and Zannah's disembodiment spell failed without any suspense.

Clinging to the surface of the ice hockey ball, sensing the ground getting closer and closer below, in a life-and-death crisis, Shanna didn't need to think, her survival instinct drove her to make the best response.

A large amount of magic power was emitted, and Zannah controlled her magic power to rotate around her body, forming a drill pointing downwards.


Like thunder on dry land, the impact of such a huge ice ball falling at such a high speed was far beyond what the snowball Bell used to remind Hermione at the beginning could compare to.

The ground cracked, mud and snowflakes flew hundreds of meters high, the ground shook violently, and even Hogwarts Castle in the distance was shaking. Many of the windows on the side of the castle close to Bell and others were shattered.


Hermione climbed up from the ground in embarrassment, not caring about the mud and snowflakes covering her head and face. Hermione looked in disbelief at Bell floating in mid-air and the huge ice ball at Bell's feet.

Bell, he actually killed Shanna! ?

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