The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 447 Where did Shanna go?

After that 'thrilling' snowball fight, Zannah and Hermione didn't talk to Bell properly for several days.

In desperation, Bell could only finish coaxing his sister and coaxing his girlfriend. He ran on both sides and failed to please both sides. It can be said that he was exhausted mentally and physically.

By the way, because of Bell’s last move of ‘sky burial’, there was a ‘snow mountain’ on the lawn of Hogwarts, a mountain completely made of snow.

Therefore, Professor McGonagall's punishment for Bell's confinement was to clean up all the snow.

This led Bell to stumble upon a great way to cope with lockdown.

What if there is no difficulty?

Answer: ‘Make it yourself! ’

Time flies, and 2 months pass by in a blink of an eye.

The time soon came to February 24th.

Today is the day of the second match of the Triwizard Tournament.

Early in the morning, the little wizards came to the Black Lake in groups.

At this time, an auditorium had been built on the edge of the Black Lake. There are several huge mirrors floating in the air in front of the auditorium.

It was a 6-sided special screen sponsored by the Menethil family, which was used to broadcast today's game live.

This was Bell's initiative to find Dumbledore and offer sponsorship.

With the little 'traitor' like Gabri, even though Bell was not very interested in the events of the Triwizard Tournament, he still learned early that the second game would be held under the Black Lake.

Black Lake, as the name suggests, is an extremely dark lake.

Therefore, the little wizards on the shore cannot watch the underwater competition.

This is outrageous!

Bell was really curious, who decided on such a funny competition?

Yes, at the beginning of the Triwizard Tournament, it was indeed because the three magic schools in Europe refused to accept the other. In order to compete for the right to speak, such a competition was organized to bring together the strongest students from the three schools to fight against the three schools. Magic schools are ranked.

So strictly speaking, winning is the ultimate goal, and nothing else matters.

But, you know, times have changed!

It is now an era of peace, and wizards have hidden themselves in the dark. It can be said that conflicts with Muggles are almost gone. Not to mention the large-scale wars like nearly a thousand years ago.

This also means that the fight for the right to speak is actually meaningless. The Triwizard Tournament has gradually evolved into a friendly event that promotes exchanges between the three magic schools in Europe and promotes the common progress of the students.

As a result, the participation of students in this competition was almost zero, and now they don’t even watch it! ?

Do you know that this will have no ratings?

Therefore, in order to allow his girlfriend to watch the game happily, Bell approached Dumbledore and proposed the idea of ​​having the Menethil family provide magic props and live broadcast the entire process for the students on the shore.

As for this kind of advantageous thing, Dumbledore thought about it for a while and agreed.

Although Dumbledore could speak Murloc and could understand what was happening underwater through communicating with the Murlocs in the Black Lake, there was a delay after all.

If something unexpected happened, by the time the fishman came to tell him, it might be too late.

Therefore, now that someone is willing to provide live broadcast for free, he certainly has no reason to refuse.

There are still about 20 minutes left before the official start of the second game.

Except for Harry, the 'little savior' who was not sure whether he had been kidnapped, the other three warriors had already arrived at the scene.

They were standing on the shore, listening to the referees' instructions on what to pay attention to during the game.

Suddenly, four of the five huge screens in front of the auditorium lit up, causing the little wizards who were eagerly anticipating the start of the game to burst into cheers.

One of the screens showed the scene in the fishman village.

I saw four huge stone pillars standing in the center of the fishman village. On each stone pillar, there is a comatose little wizard tied to it.

They were Ron from Gryffindor House, Qiu Zhang from Ravenclaw House, Fleur's sister Gabrielle, and a little wizard who looked at the school uniform and should be a Durmstrang student.

By the way, Professor McGonagall had found Hermione before and wanted to tie her up in the fish-man village and let Krum rescue her.

After Bell learned about this, he was so angry that he almost went to Krum directly.

Naturally, Hermione rejected Professor McGonagall's proposal. She also wanted to watch this rare Triwizard Tournament with her boyfriend.

Groups of fishmen can also be seen around the four stone pillars. They are constantly patrolling with the stone pillar as the center.

The ferocious faces of the fish people, as well as the long knives and harpoons in their hands, made the little wizards in the audience exclaim with worry and excitement.

On the other three lit screens, the figures of three warriors appeared.

Behind every warrior, there will be a surveillance mirror recording everything the warrior encounters underwater. While showing the wonderful performance of the warriors to the audience, it also provides a basis for the referee's scoring.

The last remaining side, the still black screen, was the side that belonged to Harry. Because Harry hadn't shown up yet for some unknown reason, his surveillance mirror hadn't been activated yet.

"Bell, where did Zanna and the other three go?"

Hermione looked around confusedly.

She felt something was wrong when she didn't find Shanna in the auditorium before.

But after asking Bell, the other party looked mysterious and said she would know later.

As a result, now, the game is about to start, but Shanna has not appeared yet.

This is so strange!

Hermione couldn't believe that Zannah would give up this opportunity to watch the game with her brother.

"'s right there."

Bell guiltily stretched out his finger and pointed at the screen showing the image of the fish-man village.


Holding on to the last bit of luck, Hermione asked with difficulty.

"That's it, look at the lower right corner."

Bell pointed at the screen again.

After staring carefully in the direction Bell pointed for a while, Hermione was surprised to find that the swaying of the water plants in the lower right corner of the screen was indeed a bit unnatural. From time to time, you can still see a strand of long golden hair, looming.

"Bell! Er! How did you..."

"Shh~! Wait a moment."

Bell put his index finger on Hermione's lips, stopping Hermione from speaking.

He took out his personal terminal and dialed his sister's number.

"Hey, Zannah. Your hair is exposed. Next time, remember to tie it up before entering the water... Yes, yes... You follow my command and move under the female fish-man statue first. ."

While staring at the screen in mid-air, Bell directed his sister's actions through his personal terminal.

Whenever the perspective on the screen moves away, Bell will issue instructions for Shanna and the three to transfer. And when the perspective is about to move back, he will remind the three people to take cover.

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