The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 459 Confident Fleur and Poor Harry

"It was Sister Shanna and the others who saved me!"

Gabrielle said happily.

It was only then that Fleur noticed the existence of Shanna and the others.

There was no way, she was so excited before that all her attention was focused on Gabri.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Holding Gabrielle in her arms, Fleur bowed slightly to Zanna and the others.

She didn't expect that the other party would be willing to dive into such a dangerous black lake in order to save her sister.

By the way, how did they do it?

"Sister Furong, there's no need to say anything polite. Now there's something I hope you can help with."

Time is of the essence, and now is not the time to be polite. If the surveillance camera had stayed in the fish's belly, people on the shore might have suspected it.

Although it seems that there is nothing suspicious about it?

"If you need anything, just say it and hold me!"

After hearing Zanna's words, Fleur patted her chest without hesitation.

In order to repay the other party's kindness for saving Gabrielle, she would not hesitate even if she had to go up a mountain of swords or go into a sea of ​​fire!

"That's right, that silly senior Harry over there has been staying there and refusing to leave.

And Gabrielle on the stone pillar is just a phantom. If she is touched, her secret will be revealed.

So, I hope you can get rid of each other and don't let us be exposed. "

Shanna briefly explained the causes and consequences.

"No problem! Keep it on me!"

Knowing that it was just such a small matter, Furong breathed a sigh of relief and agreed without hesitation.

She put down Gabrielle, kicked her feet hard, and swam quickly in the direction of Harry.

After scratching his head and then scratching his head, dozens of hairs were scratched out, but Harry still couldn't think of any solution.

In fact, this is normal. After all, he doesn't even know why he can't get close, let alone come up with any good solutions.

In Harry's guess, maybe the professors put a spell around the girl to prevent others from getting close to her.

As for why the other three people were not surrounded by magic spells?

Needless to say!

Even the most incompetent Ron has already studied magic at Hogwarts for 4 years, so he has a certain ability to protect himself.

And this little girl is not even old enough to go to school yet, so some special treatment is not normal.

After thinking about it, Harry was convinced by the plot he imagined.

Since it is the work of professors, it is normal that he cannot crack it.

Then think of the clues in the golden egg.

'You only have an hour... after an hour, there is no hope...'

The smart Harry immediately realized that when the time reaches one hour, the spell around the other party should be ineffective, and at that time, it is the time for him to save the other party and return to the shore!

The plan was made, Harry suppressed the anxiety in his heart and waited patiently.

He stared at the little girl on the stone pillar without blinking, trying to save her as soon as the spell failed and prevent accidents from happening.

"What are you looking at!"

A suppressed roar came, and along with it came a dazzling red light.

Without any suspense, Harry was knocked away by the curse.

He slammed into a pillar nearby, and the intense pain made him unable to speak for a moment.

"What do you want to do!"

Floating in front of Gabrielle's phantom, Fleur looked angrily at Harry, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth not far away.

When she was far away at first, she didn't notice it yet. It wasn't until she got closer that she noticed that the other party was staring at Gabrielle without blinking, and the disgusting desire in his eyes was about to overflow her eyes!

Furong had encountered this situation countless times since she was a child. Due to the inherent charm talent in her bloodline, she and Gabrielle often face the covetousness of others.

This is also the reason why Fleur has never been willing to trust others, especially other people of the opposite sex.

You know, even Belle, who had barely saved Gabrielle, Fleur had never given him a good look.

Of course, there is also the reason why little Gabrielle is crazy about selling her sister.

"I, I just, want to, save her."

Harry, who endured the severe pain in his chest and regained his breath, spoke intermittently.

"Ha! Thank you so much! But it's no longer needed now! My sister, I can save it myself, you can go!"

Fleur was very disdainful of Harry's 'excuse'.

So the Hogwarts warriors can't even tell lies?

Just kidding, they are currently in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament!

To the other party, she is an opponent and an enemy!

How could anyone be so stupid as to help their enemy in such an important competition?

Moreover, do you want to save Gabrielle and stare at her so hard?

Your eyes are turning red, aren't you?

Therefore, there is only one truth!

The other party is a perverted lolicon!

It's not that Fleur is bragging. She dares to pat her chest and say that even the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic may not have as many perverted lolita as she has ever encountered!

So her judgment cannot be wrong!

"Okay, okay."

Even from a distance of more than ten meters, Harry could clearly feel the hostility emanating from the other party.

He made no further attempt to defend himself.

Although being misunderstood and even attacked by the other party made Harry feel aggrieved and even a little angry.

But now that it was confirmed that the little girl was safe, Harry didn't plan to stay here any longer.

He has not forgotten that he is currently in the second game of the Triwizard Tournament. He had to get Ron ashore as soon as possible.

Suppressing the severe pain in his chest, Harry suspected that his sternum might be broken.

'I should have brought a bottle of healing potion if I had known. ’

With thoughts of violating the rules of the game swirling in his mind, Harry struggled to hold Ron in his arms, gritted his teeth and swam in the direction he came from.


It wasn't until Harry and Ron's figures faded away that Fleur snorted and looked away, looking at the phantom of Gabrielle behind her.

However, the more she looked at it, the more frightened Furong became.

She was confident that no one in the world understood Gabrielle's figure and appearance better than she did. Not even my own parents.

But even if she stood so close to 'Gabri' and observed carefully, she couldn't tell that the 'Gabri' in front of her was just a phantom.

And she also discovered that when the surrounding water flow fluctuated, 'Gabri' would also sway slightly.

This is no longer fake, this is clearly real, right?

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