The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 465 It’s hard to be a sister-in-law

If it was Bell standing here right now, Hermione wouldn't be worried at all. Because she knew that when things didn't involve Shanna, her boyfriend was very measured in everything he did.

But now it was Zannah... Hermione hadn't forgotten that Zannah had planned to kill Percy during the summer vacation.

Although Zannah was scolded by Bell after that, who knows if the little girl will take advantage of her again?

"Huh? I didn't kill that bad guy."

Zannah said disdainfully, rolling her eyes at Hermione who suddenly popped up.

Just kidding, how could she kill someone in public? She doesn't bother to do things that have no technical content.

"Then what did you do? Why did you attack Harry?"

Hermione was relieved to learn that Harry was still alive.

Then, she asked where Harry offended Zannah?

As far as she knew, although Shanna usually liked to cause trouble, she always had a reason. Although some reasons seemed very nonsense to her.

"He was the one who made the first move. I call this self-defense."

Having said this, Shanna raised her little head triumphantly.

Although strictly speaking, she was the one who planned to attack Harry first.

But the fact is that the other party made the first move! She just had no choice but to fight back.

Moreover, she learned the term 'self-defense' from her brother before.

That annoying Krum dared to attack his brother, and was seriously injured by his brother in 'just self-defense'.

From then on, she remembered the word and always wanted to try it out.

"How can it be!?"

Hermione refused to believe Zannah's words. Based on her understanding of Harry, he should be a very easy-going person, right?

And the most important thing is, has she never heard that Harry has self-destructive tendencies?

etc! Could it be that it was because of the previous report in the Daily Prophet?

Because he couldn't bear the gossip, Harry had the idea of ​​​​suicide?

But because he was afraid of death, he chose such a strange way to commit suicide?

I have to say that sometimes, Hermione's ideas are quite clear.


Zannah was very dissatisfied with Hermione for questioning herself.

She glared at Fina, who was nestled in Hermione's arms, not daring to move and trying hard to weaken her sense of presence.

Then Fina jumped to the ground obediently and walked to Shanna's feet with three trembling steps.

There was nothing I could do about it. During this period of time, the little guy was dealt with very badly by Shanna. Moreover, the master whom he had always relied on was no longer able to function this time.

It is really too difficult!

She leaned over and picked up Fina, and after stroking her soft and smooth fur twice, Shanna felt that her unhappy mood had lessened.

Then, the little girl left the Gryffindor common room without looking back, ignoring Hermione's shouts behind her.


Sighing helplessly, Hermione really couldn't do anything to Zannah without Bell.

Speaking of Bell, this damn guy has been acting mysteriously lately, and I don’t know what he is messing with.

Walking to Ginny and Harry, looking at Ginny whose face was full of tears and snot, Hermione took out a handkerchief and stuffed it into Ginny's hand.

"Don't worry, Harry is fine. Wipe the tears and snot on your face quickly, otherwise Harry will be shocked when he opens his eyes and sees you like this.

Also, lay Harry flat on the ground and let me check on him. "

Regarding Ginny's affection, it can be said that any little witch who knows the other person can't help but notice it.

Only Harry and other little wizards, who are full of naughty and mischievous thoughts, cannot understand the delicate thoughts of girls.

Thinking of this, Hermione suddenly no longer felt sorry for Harry on the ground.

By the way, should she make up for the other party secretly?

"Okay, okay."

Seeing the familiar senior Hermione appearing in front of her, Ginny finally relaxed a little.

Although senior Hermione's reputation was mixed, Ginny still had several contacts with Hermione since they were from the same college.

In her opinion, apart from the fact that she always talks about school rules and so on, which is a bit annoying, overall, Hermione is a very good senior.

Gently laying Harry down, Ginny wiped the liquid from her face vigorously.

She didn't want Harry to see her in such a miserable state. Even though she already knew that the person Harry liked was her brother Ron, her secret love for many years still made Ginny subconsciously want to show her best side when facing Harry.

Putting the wand against Harry's body, Hermione used the method taught by Bell to spread the magic to Harry's body surface, and then slowly penetrated inward, trying to avoid causing rejection of Harry's own magic.

Soon, Hermione finished checking Harry's injuries, and then she saw the corners of her eyes trembling uncontrollably.

Harry's sternum had multiple cracks, several ribs were broken, and there was slight bleeding in his internal organs.

It can be said that if this was not the magical world, a Muggle would have to lie in bed for half a year if he suffered such an injury.

‘Sanna, this girl, really doesn’t attack lightly or harshly! ’

Taking out a small leather bag from her arms, Hermione took out a bottle of healing potion.

This was exactly the space bag that Bell gave her when they first dated.

Lifting Harry's head slightly, Hermione carefully fed Harry the potion and drank it.


‘Heal quickly! ’

Hermione cast another healing spell, combined with the potion, and applied it internally and externally, which finally stopped the deterioration of Harry's injury and allowed him to start to get better.


It turns out that Hermione is pretty good at healing spells.

As the emerald green magic light slowly dimmed, Harry on the ground let out a painful groan and slowly opened his eyes.

"Harry! Harry, you're awake! Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

Seeing Harry regaining consciousness, Ginny, who had just wiped her face clean, burst into tears of joy again.

The sudden shout made Harry reach out and hold his head. He felt waves of tingling pain coming from his brain.

"Where is this? What's wrong with me?"

The previous heavy blow caused fragments in Harry's brain. He is a little confused now and doesn't know what happened.

However, Harry's seemingly ordinary question frightened Hermione who was standing next to him.

Seeing the other party like this, Hermione thought that Zannah had tampered with Harry's memory.

In that case, with her current level of forgetting spells, she would not be able to help the other party recover his memory, so she would have to ask Bell.

"Harry, have you forgotten? You were attacked by Zannah Menethil before, and then you fainted."

Unlike Hermione who was used to thinking randomly, after hearing Harry's question, Ginny briefly described what happened before without thinking.

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