The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 471 When it’s time to be cowardly, don’t hesitate!

"Don't worry, it's okay."

After waving his hand, Bell ignored the old butler's dissuasion and continued walking forward without stopping.

Just kidding, he didn't come here to watch a movie tonight. This kind of opportunity to 'confront' Voldemort is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, isn't it? He didn't want to miss it!

"At least, at least let me go with you."

Seeing that his young master had no intention of changing his mind, Sebas could only take a step back helplessly. He decided that even if he died later, he would never let the young master lose a hair!

"Goodwin, you stay and take command. You must use the shortest possible time to activate the barrier and launch the attack!"

Following Bell, Sebas turned back to stop Goodwin from trying to follow.

They're all gone, who's in charge?

‘Pah~pah~pah~! ’

After walking quickly out of the dark woods and seeing Voldemort making a magic arm for the Egyptian wizard, Bell couldn't help but applaud.

Lao Fu is indeed Lao Fu. Even in his current weak state, he can cast such exquisite and powerful magic. He truly deserves his reputation.

"who are you?"

Voldemort stared at the two uninvited guests who suddenly appeared with sinister eyes.

He had already sensed and discovered the other person before he walked out of the woods. But he didn't take any action.

He has been successfully resurrected and has nothing to fear now!

...Except Dumbledore.

Therefore, he wanted to see who the other party was? What are your plans?

"Good evening, great Voldemort, we just happened to pass by..."

"Avada Kedavra!"

A dazzling green light flashed through the air, and Voldemort cast a killing curse on Bell without saying anything.

"No one can call the great Dark Lord by his first name!"

The corner of his mouth cracked into a cruel arc, and he felt very excited about killing with his own hands after a long absence.

However, before the smile on Voldemort's lips could fully bloom, an unexpected scene in front of him made his expression freeze.

"How is that possible! How could you block the killing curse!"

Voldemort was very surprised when he saw Bell, who was unharmed after a cloud of smoke.

"This is really rude. I'm used to it and accidentally forgot to change my words.

Also, could it be that you have been dead for too long and all your brains have dried up? Can't you see how I blocked the killing curse? "

Bell apologized without sincerity while mocking Voldemort.

To say it was a mockery may not be accurate. Bell was really surprised at this time, why Voldemort would ask such a stupid question.

Indeed, the nature of the Killing Curse determines that it cannot be defended against.

Because the moment it comes into contact with the wizard's magic, the killing curse will follow the connection between the magic and the wizard, directly attack the soul in the wizard's body, and tear it apart.

Therefore, defensive spells such as the Iron Armor Curse are not only ineffective against the Killing Curse, but may even accelerate the wizard's death.

But this does not mean that the Killing Curse is unsolvable. There is no unsolvable curse in this world, only unsolvable strong men.

In addition to some shortcomings of the Killing Curse itself, such as the difficulty of casting it. There are at least two ways to respond to the Killing Curse.

The first method: dodge.

Usually people who do this are already cold...

Just kidding, the curse flies at a speed that the wizard's small body can't dodge?

Of course, using flying shoes is another story.

Under normal circumstances, when a wizard dodges a curse, he will use magic power to deflect the attacking curse. Coupled with his own movement, he can finally successfully dodge the curse.

And as mentioned just now, once the Killing Curse comes into contact with the wizard's magic, it will kill the wizard.

Therefore, using magic to deflect the killing curse is the same as seeking death.

To sum up, if you want to dodge to avoid the Killing Curse, you must either use magic props such as flying shoes to help move, or use magic spells such as Apparition to dodge (provided that the casting speed of Apparition is Can be cast faster than the opponent's Killing Curse).

Otherwise, you can only pray that the other party will shoot incorrectly.

As for a wizard who can successfully cast the Killing Curse, how likely is it that he will miss it on his own?

This... you have to have some ideals as a human being, right?

The second method is the method Bell just used.

After sensing that he was locked, Bell was ready to respond to attacks at any time.

When it comes to Voldemort, the first thing that people think of must be the Killing Curse.

Therefore, it is not difficult to guess what spell Voldemort will use to attack.

The moment Voldemort raised his wand and uttered the spell, Bell's wand also appeared in his hand.

He quickly raised the tip of his staff, and a wall of earth instantly appeared in front of him.

Then, after the earth wall was formed, Bell immediately disconnected from the magic power in the wall.

As we all know, the physical damage caused by modern rule-based spells is almost negligible.

Therefore, after the earth wall that Bell hastily transformed was defeated, the killing curse also dissipated into the air.

Rubbing his chest, this feeling of forcibly cutting off the connection with the magic power outside the body was really not that good.

"You, you, you are asking for death!"

Voldemort pointed at Bell angrily, his hand holding the wand trembling slightly.

Of course, there was nothing he could do about Bell. It was just a killing curse that was blocked. He had many other ways to make the other party regret coming to this world.

But the problem is that now is a period of uncertainty. Voldemort was very aware of his current situation.

He's still not out of danger!

Why did he have to endure the weakness in his body and summon the Death Eaters immediately after his resurrection?

Isn't it just to establish his authority, to deepen the Death Eaters' fear of him, and to extinguish the luck in the hearts of these young men?

Otherwise, do you really think he is stupid?

He's just crazy, okay! There is a difference between being crazy and being stupid!

But now, facing such an ant that ran out of nowhere, he couldn't even kill him cleanly and instantly. Where did this put his dignity as the Dark Lord? What does this make his Death Eaters think of him?

If people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead this team!

"Ahem! What's that? Don't be angry. If we have something to say, let's talk it over. In the worst case, I'll just apologize to you and admit my mistake."

Bell came out to attract the attention of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, not to challenge Voldemort.

He didn't think he could deal with Voldemort now, even if it was just a weak Voldemort.

Not to mention, there were dozens of young men on the opposite side... ahem, they were Death Eaters, glaring at him fiercely.

Therefore, when it’s time to be timid, don’t be timid and hesitate!

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