The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 474 Let’s challenge! One-on-one kind!

‘These useless losers! ’

The furious Voldemort could only turn his anger on his Death Eaters.

At this moment, the remaining Death Eaters were on the ground bearing a violent storm of attacks from Bell's side, unable to fight back.

"Dark Lord! Great Dark Lord! Please save your loyal servant!"

Seeing that if things continued like this, it wouldn't take long for him and the others to be wiped out. Some Death Eaters who blindly believed in Voldemort's power couldn't help but cry out for help to Voldemort in mid-air.

‘I’ll save your grandma’s leg! ’

Voldemort, who was still unable to save himself, could no longer spare his energy to care about the life and death of the 'waste' on the ground.

His primary goal now is to escape from the barrier.

He didn't want to just be resurrected, and he hadn't even had a chance to look at the sun tomorrow, so he simply led the dog.

As long as he could escape smoothly, wouldn't there be as many Death Eaters as he wanted?

He stretched his hands to the left and right, and the black mist formed two shields on the left and right sides of Voldemort, blocking the incoming lightning.

Then, Voldemort was pleasantly surprised to find that the thunder and lightning of these two guys could not dissolve his black mist, which reduced his magic power consumption a lot.

What a surprise.

‘Shattered to pieces! ’

A ray of white light shot straight at Bell. Voldemort rarely gave up using his favorite Killing Curse. He even did not choose to cast the Fire Curse, which was most suitable for the current situation.

The landlord’s family has no food left! Save what you can!

Waving his wand, Bell deflected Voldemort's attack again, and at the same time he drew a distance back again.

But Bell didn't care at all about his retreat, and even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Compared with the Cruciatus Curse when they first met, the power of this crushing curse is much worse now.

This also means that Voldemort is reaching his limit!

Next, the three Bells held back Voldemort. Faced with Bell's thunder method that could dissolve his own magic power, Voldemort placed his main target of attack on Bell.

But every time he suppressed Bell, the other two people present would attack him like crazy, forcing him to relax his suppression of Bell and allocate part of his energy to deal with it.

In this way, with the tacit cooperation of the three Bells (in fact, it was mainly Sebas and Goodwin who cooperated with Bell), nearly 10 minutes passed quickly.


A shrill scream announced that tonight's battle had officially come to an end.

All the Death Eaters on the ground have been eliminated, and 30 members of the special operations team are checking the corpses on the ground to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

The remaining 20 team members quickly rushed to the battlefield where Bell and others were, and cooperated with the 50 people who came before to annihilate the fierce fire in the air.

The overall situation has been decided, and Voldemort is completely surrounded by Bell's side.

After glancing around, Bell suddenly shouted:

"Everyone, stand down!"

Everyone who had raised their wands and prepared to attack immediately stopped the magic spells about to be emitted from the tip of the wands after hearing this, and looked at Bell in confusion.

"Master, Voldemort is at the end of his strength. As long as everyone takes action together and within three rounds of attacks, Voldemort will be defeated!"

Goodwin appeared beside Bell in a flash and persuaded anxiously.

Now that victory is in sight, why does my young master want to do something wrong again? His 'little heart' could hardly bear it!

All he wants now is to get rid of Voldemort neatly, and then he can go back... and brag about it for 10 years!

No! At least 20 years!

"Everyone, step back, step back."

Pushing Goodwin away with a look of disgust, Bell continued to repeat the previous order.

Just kidding, of course he knew Voldemort was reaching his limit. Now even if Dumbledore suddenly ran over, it would be impossible to save Voldemort.

But because of this, he is not in a hurry to kill the other party now.

Such a rare sparring partner, but after passing through this village, there is no such shop!

If Voldemort hadn't been so dangerous, he would have even wanted to capture him and take him back to his sister as a toy.

After everyone stepped back in confusion, Bell looked at the panting Voldemort in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Come on, Voldemort, let's fight!"

A feeling of excitement filled Bell's heart for the first time in a long time, making his cheeks turn slightly red.

"Single fight? Kid! Do you really think you can compete with the great Dark Lord! If it weren't for the bunch of bastards behind you, I would have crushed you to ashes!"

Voldemort was furious when he heard that Bell dared to ask for a duel.

who is he? He is the great Dark Lord! He was the man who made the entire British wizarding world tremble, so much so that no one dared to mention his name for more than 10 years! He is the overlord who is destined to rule Britain, and even the entire world!

And now, a little kid who was still in his infancy dared to challenge him in front of everyone?

How unreasonable!

If it weren't for the bonus of the Elder Wand, even Dumbledore would be completely worthy! Where did this arrogant brat get the courage to dare to despise him!

"Die! You will pay the price with blood for your arrogance!"

As Voldemort roared, a large amount of black mist spread out from his body.

The black mist split into small snakes in the air and shot towards Bell.

"Hahaha~! That's it! Come on, Voldemort, come and kill me!"

The excited emotions in his heart made Bell couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh.

At this moment, everything around him seemed to have disappeared, and in his eyes, only Voldemort was left not far away.

The black snake flew at extremely high speed, causing waves of tingling pain on Bell's skin. The crisis of life and death made his heart surge even more.

‘Boom~! ’

In the roaring sonic boom, Bell disappeared from the spot, leaving only a command floating in the sky above the cemetery.

"Everyone, listen! Without my order, no one or any situation is allowed to interfere in the duel between me and Voldemort until I die!"

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening!

Being able to fight the legendary Voldemort, even if he dies in the end, is not a loss at all.

Of course, that's what he said, but Bell wasn't going to die. His sister and girlfriend are still waiting for him to return.

If he died here, those two people would be sad.

Anything that would make her sister sad was something Bell would never tolerate.

Therefore, he will definitely win!

‘Zi la~! ’

Dazzling blue-white thunder and lightning spread to the iron armor spell on Bell's body. This made the black mist floating in the air completely unable to get close to Bell.

Even though Bell didn't know how Voldemort used these black fogs. But through many observations, he has discovered that this black mist is highly corrosive.

Once the iron armor spell comes into contact with his body, it will definitely cause him a lot of trouble.

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