The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 498 Scamander’s emotion

Even if safety issues were put aside, Bell couldn't bear to let Luna, a little girl, stand here alone.

Anyway, I don't know since when, he has been surrounded by a group of little girls, so he simply broke the pot and stopped caring about the issue of reputation.

Although he never cared about it...

After Luna nodded in agreement, the group stepped onto the podium.

Bell and Shanna sat in the VIP seats in the center of the podium, while the rest of the people temporarily retreated to the back of the podium.

After only about 10 minutes, a ringing bell sounded from the sky, shaking the spirits of everyone watching the ceremony in the square.

As the director of the ecological park, Scamander strode to the front of the podium, and then... then he gave up...

As we all know, Newt Scamander has severe social anxiety. When talking to strangers, he never dares to look into their eyes.

Only when he was with magical animals would he let go of his guard and relax wholeheartedly.

This is also the reason why he has achieved such high achievements in the fields related to magical animals.

Although he had been fully mentally prepared before today, and with the help of his wife, he memorized the speech perfectly.

But when he actually stood on the podium and faced everyone's gaze, he realized that he was still too 'young'.

He wants to go home!

Seeing Scamander standing on the stage, squirming for almost five minutes without being able to say a word, Bell finally could no longer stand idly by.

He didn't want a live broadcast accident to happen during the opening ceremony he was attending.

...even if he was forced to participate.

(Because their parents were too busy, Bell and Shanna, who happened to be coming to play, were kicked off the shelves and had to be the honored guests of Laoshizi.)

The wand slipped from his cuff, and using the cover of the table, Bell secretly tapped Scamander.

Then, he stared at the back of Scamander's head, his eyes widening.

The sweat on his forehead flowed into his eyes, and Scamander tried to move his trembling hands, trying to rub his sore eyes.

But bathed in the sight of everyone, his hands were as heavy as a ton of weight, and he couldn't lift them up.

At this moment, his intestines turned green with regret.

If I had known better, I shouldn't have agreed to the Menethil family to be the director of this garden.

In fact, when the Menethil family found him before, the beautiful ideas they showed him and the grand design of the ecological park made his little heart feel like it was when he fell in love with Tina. Plop, plop, I can’t hold it back no matter what!

So in the end, he somehow agreed to the invitation of the Menethil family and put the magical animals he protected in this ecological park.

As the saying goes, 'It's easy to get on a pirate ship, but it's hard to get off a pirate ship.' Even though he rarely interacts with people, he is not capable of those intrigues and intrigues.

But he also knew very well that if he quit his job now, it would be impossible for the magical animals he put in the ecological park to come back.

When he thought of this, the thought of running away that had just arisen in his heart was firmly suppressed in his heart.

He must never abandon those lovely magical animals!

Taking a deep breath, Scamander raised his head sharply. He has decided! Even if he fights for his life today, he still wants to... WTF! ?

Scamander blinked, rubbed his eyes, and rubbed his eyes again.

What did he see?

Where have all the wizards in the square gone?

Where did so many of them suddenly appear?

And...what did these Xiu Xiu eat to grow up? How could he grow so big?

‘Oh~! I understand! It turns out that I am crazy! ’

In fact, Scamander had already expected this day to come.

He has been afraid of contact with humans since he was a child. Whenever he talks to humans, he feels like there is a huge stone pressing on his heart, making him breathless.

Later, as I grew older, this feeling not only did not lessen, but intensified.

At that time, he thought, if this continues, one day he will go completely crazy because he can't bear the pressure, right?

But what I didn't expect was that this day would come so late.

Regarding this, he would first like to thank Professor Dumbledore for always bossing him around like a donkey regardless of his feelings.

Secondly, he would also like to thank Jacob. Thanks to this optimistic and cheerful personality and some funny friends, he discovered that some humans are really not as intelligent as monkeys.

Of course, what he wants to thank most is his wife Tina.

Thanks to Tina, he...

"Mr. Scamander, I'm sorry, but in order for the opening ceremony to go smoothly, please forgive me for using a magic spell to interfere with your vision. Now, please continue your speech."

Suddenly, Bell's voice sounded in Scamander's mind, interrupting his 'acceptance speech'.

And this feeling of being interrupted made Scamander very uncomfortable, and even turned red in the face.

Taking a deep breath, and after making the decision to stuff a bird and snake into Bell's bed when he got back, Scamander finally started his speech.

After Scamander's speech ended, it was Bell's turn to take the stage.

Taking advantage of the opponent's mistakes, while standing up, Bell also used a magic spell to interfere with his vision. In his eyes, the square in front of the podium was empty, and he only needed to read his speech to the air.

‘I’m so clever! ’

After talking a lot of non-nutritious nonsense, time finally came to the part that tourists had been waiting for - the introduction of the ecological park.

A huge screen rises from the ground, displaying an overall map of the ecological park.

A staff member of the ecological park came to the screen, and while controlling the map to zoom in and out, he also briefly introduced the ecological environment and precautions of each area to everyone.

Bell, who finally completed his 'arduous' work, took advantage of the opportunity when everyone's attention was attracted by the staff member's emotional explanation and decisively sneaked backstage with his sister.

Sitting on that podium, he couldn't even eat and drink and watch the 'live broadcast' at the same time. He was always unhappy.

"Come on, come on, don't be polite, everyone, eat and drink as you please."

As soon as he met Hermione and others, Bell skillfully took out a variety of delicacies from his pocket and distributed them to everyone enthusiastically.

"Bell, listen to the introduction, these places are so interesting! I want to go to them all, what should I do?"

Leaning against her boyfriend, Hermione said coquettishly while enjoying his feeding.

When she thought that she would be separated from Bell for more than a month soon, Hermione wished that this trip to the ecological park could last forever.

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