The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 524 The wild gene hidden in Menethil

"Well... you also know that this is the headquarters of our family, so it is normal to set up some magic traps in order to prevent thieves and the like from sneaking in.

But don't worry, we have already disabled most of the magic traps in advance. There may be some missing ones, but they are all small traps with no substantial destructive power...probably. "

Although the person in charge did not know what exactly happened, this did not prevent him from making up random things.

In order to prevent accidental injury to our own people, there are no triggering magic traps in this headquarters. There are only some warning wards.

So he was still confused as to where the vision suddenly appeared.

But that kind of trivial matter can be put aside for now. There are more important things waiting for him to deal with at the moment.

"So everyone, who can come over and settle the bill?"

The person in charge looked at the Aurors in front of him who were as pale as paper with a smile.

"Checkout? What is the settlement?"

The Auror captain in charge of this operation looked puzzled.

They didn't come here to shop, and they didn't buy anything, so why did they have to pay?

"You are really humorous. Of course it is to settle the account of the building you just damaged.

Don't forget, we have agreed in advance that our Menethil family promises to cooperate with your actions, but you cannot damage our property here, otherwise you will have to compensate according to the price. "

"...But all this is caused by your illusion trap!"

the Auror Captain argued.

The organization's annual funds are limited. As a qualified organization member, of course he must do his best to save funds for the organization.

And the most important thing is that the Menethil family is the culprit of this turmoil. This has become the consensus of the upper echelons of the Magic Congress.

Now just waiting for them to send back the evidence, the Auror army that has been preparing to attack will rush over and crush the Menethil family.

At this critical moment, not only did he fail to find any clues about the illegal activities of the Menethil family, but he also immediately sent a bill back?

He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life squatting in the toilet cleaning toilets!

"How about... I give you a 20% discount?"

The person in charge said 'relaxed'.

Upon seeing the discussion, the Auror captain's eyes instantly lit up.

It suddenly occurred to him that he might be able to negotiate the price first, and when he reached a point that he could afford, he would pay for it out of his own pocket.

In this way, after they find the evidence and severely punish Menethil, he can get back the money he spent today with interest!

At that time, he will not only gain a share of credit, but also get a large amount of extra money!

Based on his understanding of the market price, he only needs to negotiate 50% of the compensation, and he should be able to afford it.

And judging from the other party's 'weak' attitude, this shouldn't be a difficult thing.

However, what the Auror Captain, who was working hard and wanted to make a lot of money, didn't know was that even if he negotiated the price by 10%, he would not be able to afford it.

It's not that the Aurors actually damaged any precious items, but the person in charge had no intention of asking for the money.

Just kidding, will the Menethil family lack this little money?

Rather than getting compensation from the Aurors, the person in charge still wanted to use this opportunity to add some trouble to these uninvited Aurors.

Due to the family's previous strategy, he has been very idle during this period. If this continues, his sophistry skills will be degraded. It's time to brush up on the skill proficiency of this group of Aurors who don't look very smart.

Although he didn't know the specific details, Bell could guess from the bright smile on his sister's face that those poor guys must have been treated badly.

Of course, he didn't care at all about such trivial matters.

Is it possible that he still needs to scold his sister because of those uninvited and evil guests?

Don't be ridiculous, it means he wasn't awake at the time, otherwise he wouldn't have accompanied his sister to tease those Aurors.

In contrast, Bell was more concerned about another sentence in Shanna's words.

"Xiu Xiu, are you timid!?"

Just kidding, those little guys who are greedy for money will be extremely courageous as long as they see something valuable.

They even dared to steal the brooch of Grindelwald, the first generation Dark Lord. Who else?

After debating for 300 rounds with his sister on the question of 'Is Xiu Xiu a coward?', Bell, who had eaten and drank enough, finally received a message from his father.

"Bell! W-what have you done!?"

As soon as the communication was connected, William's deafening roar came out.

God knows how heartbroken he was after learning what happened in the American wizarding world in the past two days.

He has always thought that there is no one in the world who can be more troublesome than his wife.

By the way, it was precisely because of this aspect of his wife that he was attracted to him that he mustered up his lifelong courage to pursue his wife, the ‘school bully’.


However, what William didn't expect was that this brat Bell was actually better than his master! ?

This is unscientific!

According to Muggle genetic research, shouldn't a child's body have half and half from both parents...that thing called a 'chromatic pituitary gland'?

(This is what William saw from the Muggle books collected by Bell when he was bored.)

So after merging his and his wife's 'pituitary gland', shouldn't Bell act more cautiously than his wife?

Why didn't he know that his 'pituitary gland' was so wild? How could he actually ‘add fuel to the fire’?

'Sure enough, those Muggles without magic are just talking nonsense! '

William, who knew little about genetic inheritance and other aspects, thought angrily.

He had been deceived by those rhetoric before (actually, it was mainly due to his imbalance in his mind), so he asked Bell to learn to deal with family affairs in the United States.

Otherwise, he should have thought that Bell, who could do such crazy things as siege and suppress Voldemort, could act honestly and cautiously?

'It seems that I have been really tired during this period, and my brain is so damaged that I would believe the fallacies of Muggles. '

After spending most of the day, William finally got rid of the blame.

Then, after adjusting his clothes, he slowly dialed Bell's communication number.

This brat has caused such a big trouble this time, and he has been caught.

If he doesn't have a good spray, how can he be worthy of the few hairs on the ground that he accidentally grabbed off before?

A middle-aged man’s hair is very precious, okay?

After a few seconds of waiting, the communication was connected. As soon as he saw Bell's figure, William, who had been brewing for a long time, immediately let out an angry roar.

In order to be more effective, he even secretly cast a weak loud voice spell to help him scare his son.

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