The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 526 ‘Harmony’ Talks

‘Squeak~! ’

The wooden door of the bar was pushed open from the outside, and the old door shaft made a sharp and harsh sound, breaking the deathly silence in the bar.

"Brother, why is this bar so shabby?"

Along with the sound of the door opening, there was also the clear and sweet voice of the little girl, like a lark.

Although she has never been to the Leaky Cauldron, the most famous pub in the British wizarding world, nor to the Three Broomsticks pub in Hogsmeade village or the pig's head pub, which is said to be super dirty, when Zannah was a child, she and her mother Together, we went to a quiet night bar owned by our family.

Although she had only been there once, Shanna was quite impressed by it.

The slightly dim lights, soothing and soft music, spotless environment, meticulous and unique design, and the faint fragrance, all combined together, even her, who has always been lively and active, can't help but lower her voice. Enjoy those moments of peace.

That experience gave Shanna a good impression of bars.

But today, her impression was overturned.

To be honest, as soon as she arrived outside this slug bar, Shanna wanted to go back.

Because this bar is exactly what its name says.

The outer wall of the bar was stained with various unknown liquids, which were thick and shallow, just like the mucus secreted by slugs.

After entering the bar and seeing the dirty and messy decoration in the bar, the little girl who always loves to be clean almost pulled out her wand and cast a fire spell to purify this filthy place.

Reaching out and rubbing Shanna's little head, Bell comforted his sister's little hand that was about to move.

It was because he knew this would happen that he didn't want Shanna to follow him before.

Not to mention the possible dangers that may occur during today's Hongmen Banquet, he did not want his sister to step into this dirty bar.

But in the end, she still couldn't overcome Shanna's persistence...

I don’t know what’s wrong with these dark wizards? Is it possible that with the word "black" in the title, they really want to dye themselves black?

But the problem is, black doesn’t mean dirty! Why do they all like to drill into places that are no better than sewers?

Fortunately, there is no peculiar smell coming from this bar. From this point of view, it is better than the Pig's Head Bar in Hogsmeade Village.

Otherwise, before Zanna could take action, he would have to cast a fire spell and burn the place down.

As he led his sister and Goodwin slowly towards the round table in the center of the bar, Bell seemed not to notice the pressure-filled and malicious gazes projected by the group of gangsters.

Looking at the round table in front of him that was surrounded by people and there was no place for him and others, Bell smiled and didn't pay attention.

The more the other party uses such unflattering tricks, the more it shows the other party's guilty conscience.

Really strong people don't need to make such a show of force, they just need to sit there, and everyone else must lower their arrogant heads.

Bell didn't see any movement. When he walked to the round table, the floor of the bar began to move quickly. The floor held the chairs in front of Bell and the gang leaders on the chairs, moving to both sides.

Then, as Bell and Shanna sat down, two exquisite and gorgeous chairs quickly rose up, catching them just right.

Goodwin, on the other hand, stood upright behind his young master and lady, scanning the crowd with sharp eyes, always on guard against anyone making an outburst.

Bell's exquisite wandless magic spell completely shocked all the gangsters present. They even wondered if the owner of the Slug Bar had been bribed by the Menethil family and made such an arrangement in advance?

Of course, they knew that was impossible.

It is impossible to be bribed by the Menethil family if you are not the owner of the bar. They didn't mean to think highly of that old guy who was blind to money.

The so-called impossibility means that no one can make that kind of arrangement in advance under the noses of so many of them.

You know, among the people sitting here, there is not a single weak person!

In any case, these gang bosses put away their contempt for Bell's childish face.

"Kid! Who are you! Is there no one left in your Menethil family? You actually sent two of you guys with no hair at all to negotiate?"

Although he no longer despises the other party in his heart, the momentum he should have on the surface cannot be weakened.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Bel Menethil, the son of William, the patriarch of the Menethil family. This is my sister Shanna."

Bell introduced himself and Shanna in a pleasant manner, not at all offended by the other party's rude remarks.

"In addition, I want to correct something. Today, we are not here to negotiate, but to inform you of the decision of our Menethil family..."

"Notify! You Menethil family are so bold! How dare you say that you are notifying us!?

Kid, do you know how many wizards we have here?

One spitting breath can drown you all..."

A black shadow flashed past, and at a speed that no one had time to react, it swallowed up the guy who had been making a lot of noise since just now.

Reaching out and touching Wan She's cold body on his wrist (Wan She completed the task of transporting the prisoners at noon and returned), Bell said that he was really not angry at all because of the other party's rude behavior.

After all, who would be angry with a dead man, right?

"what have you done!?"

Faced with Bell's unscrupulous behavior of taking action at the slightest disagreement, the other leaders jumped up from their chairs in shock.

Wands in hand, they stared at Belle in horror.

At this time, Bell still looked like he was fine, sitting calmly on the chair and looking around at everyone.

"Don't be nervous, you just killed a fly.

But I’m not telling you that the bars here in the United States are really terrible.

So many of us have been sitting here for a long time, and no waiter came to entertain us?

Forget it, but no one even cares about such a big fly buzzing around in this place where we are eating and drinking?

Boss~! Boss~!

Is this how you open your bar? "

As he spoke, Bell yelled a few words in the direction of the bar. I hope the bar owner will come out and explain the service attitude and environmental hygiene issues here.

Unfortunately, Bell's greeting just made the bar owner shrink deeper into the shadows, as if he was nailed here.

Just kidding, he would be crazy to jump out at this time.

What are you going out for? As a punching bag?

Even 10 more lives wouldn't be enough for him to die!

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