The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 536 The test begins

Early the next morning, Bell opened his eyes and stretched comfortably.

As the saying goes, a short separation is better than a new marriage. Although he still doesn't know what it feels like to be newlywed, the joy of reunion after a short separation is indeed unparalleled.

Both mentally and physically.

Touching Hermione's smooth and soft skin next to him, Bell felt extremely satisfied in his heart and really wanted to pause time at this moment.

But obviously, time doesn't care what Bird thinks, and it just keeps speeding forward on its own.

Before I knew it, 10 minutes passed.

After checking the time, he felt that if he didn't get up, his sister would come and kick on the door again. Bell had no choice but to retract his hand reluctantly and shook Hermione awake, who had long since woken up under his caress but had been pretending to be asleep.

After breakfast, Bell and his party gathered together again, and under the leadership of Ma Jingjing, walked towards the gate of the academy.

Because they came through the teleportation circle yesterday, they had not seen the gate of Yandu Academy.

By the way, there were too many students coming to the academy when the semester started. Therefore, in order to avoid chaos and prevent people with ulterior motives from taking advantage of the opportunity to sneak in, students are prohibited from using the teleportation circle.

In fact, generally only when you go out for business during school hours and apply to the academy for permission can you get the teleportation array disk issued by the academy.

Since it was still early, at this time, apart from the gentlemen who came to maintain order, Bell and his party were the only ones at the gate of the academy.

After greeting the gentlemen, Bell took stock of the surrounding environment.

Unlike Hogwarts, which was built on the plains, Yandu Academy was built in the Yanshan Mountains.

Through magic, the monks flattened the peaks of three mountains and built the upper, middle and lower courtyards on them.

Of course, due to the shroud of the formation, in the eyes of those without spiritual roots, these three places are still steep mountain peaks.

The only entrance to the formation, which is the gate of Yandu Academy, is located where the upper courtyard is.

According to Ma Jingjing, this was because if the academy was attacked, the stronger upper house students could quickly join the fight to protect the younger middle and lower house children.

The early morning mist shrouded the mountains. Against the background of the mist, Yandu Academy really felt like an ethereal cave.

Standing under the majestic gate, Bell even had the illusion that he was about to ride the wind to the ninth heaven.

With his eyes slightly closed, he felt the slightly chilly mountain breeze blowing on his cheeks, and the misty water vapor slightly soaked his clothes. Bell started to like this feeling.

Standing on the top of the mountain overlooking the sea of ​​clouds, you will unconsciously feel open-minded. Even the evil spirit accumulated in the United States has been reduced a lot now.

As time passed, the number of students in the square in front of the gate began to gradually increase.

After every student arrives, they will curiously look at Bell and others under the door.

The obviously distinctive appearance of Bell and his team could not help attracting everyone's attention.

And everyone also knows that this school year, there will be wizard exchange students from the UK.

Regarding foreign wizards, this group of students who are at the age of strong curiosity really want to see what happens!

Finally, after a bus drove along the mountain road, all the students arrived.

The buses were mainly filled with students from lower grades.

Since Yandu Academy does not require students to take the school bus back to school, most senior students come alone to show their ability to stand alone.

Of course, at this time of year, students will accidentally be witnessed by those without spiritual roots.

But generally unless it causes a large-scale riot, the monks' alliance will just ignore it.

After all, there are simply not too many kinds of folklore, true or false, in China. There are people who believe in gods, fortune tellers and blind fortune tellers.

It's just that it can fly. Is it possible that it can be compared to someone's ability to know five hundred years in advance and five hundred years in hindsight with just a few clicks?

Their monk alliance can't even control those goddesses and fortune tellers, right?

Let’s not talk about whether they come here or not, let’s talk about their hands. If they really stretch their hands that far, the government departments without spiritual roots will not do it!

So for those little things, just let them be, there's no need to make a fuss.

“There will be an entrance test next!

The results of the entrance test will affect your class assignment for the next year. I hope you can all take it seriously!

Children in the first, second and third grades of the lower courtyard, follow that teacher Zhao and don’t be nervous. The test is very simple and there is no chance of failing it!

The rest of you, please line up according to the classes of the previous school year for now and follow me! "

A gentleman who seemed to have the highest status loudly issued orders.

Under the organization of the other gentlemen and the student leaders, everyone quickly lined up and walked towards the interior of the academy.

"Sister Ma, how will the first-year students who have just entered school be tested?"

Bell asked curiously.

Looking at the little guys looking around nervously, Bell didn't believe that these 5-year-old children could cast any spells.

You know, even when Shanna was 5 years old, she had not cast any spells.

"In their words, they mainly want to test the total amount of spiritual power in the body, as well as the ability to control spiritual power.

In fact, most of the tests before the third grade in the lower college are just a formality, so that the college can understand the general situation of the students, and they are of little significance.

Because the body develops at different times, the total amount of spiritual power will fluctuate greatly.

The ability to control spiritual power also mainly depends on acquired training, and innate factors have little influence.

These, the gentlemen will also explain to these little guys in detail later. "

Ma Jingjing explained.

After nodding and asking some casual questions, everyone arrived in front of a large hall.

The main hall looks heavy and heavy. On the plaque hanging above the door, there are three characters "Trial Pavilion" written on it.

Directly in front of the hall, there is a wide square with some stands scattered around the square.

The leader of the group pushed open the door of the hall and led the students to file in.

The interior of the hall is very spacious. Even if it accommodates about a thousand students, it does not feel crowded at all.

The four walls of the hall were emitting bright light, and from time to time, a breeze would blow by, bringing fresh air, making everyone feel as if they were standing in a sunny wilderness.

"The first thing that will be conducted is the spell power test. From the lowest to the highest grade, students who hear their names will immediately come out and use their most powerful spells to attack the boulders.

Remember, each person only has one chance to attack, so don't waste time.

Now, the testing begins! "

After the leading gentleman gave his final instructions, he walked aside and gave up his position to the other gentlemen responsible for presiding over the test and the students.

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