The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 539 Bell’s plan

Although this gentleman wanted to stop Shanna's spellcasting immediately, considering that the other party had just come from England, he would probably be wary of him, a gentleman from Yandu Academy in China.

Therefore, he set his sights on Bell, who was not far behind Shanna.

Although Bell's face is too young, he always feels unreliable. But after all, the other party is also the leading professor. At this time, he should have seen the problem and stood up to stop this little girl, right?

However, Bell disappointed him.

There was a careless smile on Bell's lips, and he was just watching Shanna in front of him cast a spell, with no intention of stopping her at all.

Just when the gentleman was so angry that he wanted to curse, Shanna compressed the explosive curse above her head for the third time.


At this moment, he really regretted it!

If he had known that the British professor leading the team was so unreliable, he should have stopped Shanna the first time she performed compression!

It's fine now, he doesn't think the other party can really control the fireball, which has been compressed several times in size.

All he could do now was pray that the little girl would still have some spare parts left so that he could send them back to the other person's family.

After all, you have something to think about, right?

Just when the gentleman was thinking about how to explain to the academy's senior management, Shanna waved her wand and launched the astonishingly powerful fireball.

Surprised, the gentleman also breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, it's always good if no one is killed.

But before he could put his heart back in his stomach, another new question appeared in his mind.

'etc! The power of that fireball is definitely not small, so how big will its impact be? ’

You know, since the test of the Intermediate School is ongoing, and the range of the spells of the students of the Intermediate School is very limited, the distance between the onlookers and the test site is not far!

"Get down now~!"

The gentleman warned urgently.

However, his warning came too late.

Before his voice could even finish, Shanna's explosive spell hit the test boulder firmly.

Then, Dayin Xisheng...

At this moment, the students who gathered near Shanna and curiously wanted to see the difference between British wizards and their monks felt that the world was silent. There was no sound in their ears.

Then, before anyone could think anything about the sudden silence, a surging wave of air hit them.

The next moment, people fell on their backs.

The roar echoed through the hall, causing the entire building to tremble slightly.

Some people who were far away and didn't know what was going on stretched their necks and looked here curiously.

It shouldn't be the turn of the upper school students to take the test yet, right? Why is there such a big movement?

Unlike everyone around him who was either surprised or horrified, Bell was still standing behind Shanna calmly.

The strong wind stirred up by the explosion blew the hem of his robes, but his body remained motionless as if nailed to the ground.

Unlike the gentleman in charge of recording, Bell, who was familiar with Shanna, could roughly estimate the scope of Shanna's explosive spell.

So he was not worried at all that the explosion would hurt the onlookers.

Of course, being knocked down by the airflow caused by the explosion, breaking some skin, etc., that was not within the scope of his concern.

Children always have to experience more beatings in order to grow strong.

"Brother! How about my move?"

After casting the spell, Shanna immediately ran to her brother, hoping to get his praise.

"Excellent! Shanna is amazing!"

After rubbing Shanna's little head, Bell praised her without hesitation.


Shanna smiled happily.

While the Bell brothers and sisters were having a loving interaction, the gentleman in charge of recording was staring at the cracked test boulder in front of him with his eyes wide open.

Normally, only students from the Upper House are likely to damage the test boulder.

And most of them are minor injuries.

As it is now, it is quite rare for a test boulder to be directly destroyed by bombing.

Therefore, he had already decided in his heart that no matter what the other party's next test results were, he would definitely throw this little girl named Shanna into the upper courtyard.

Let this little monster go to the upper courtyard to stimulate the lazy students, and don't harm the seedlings of their monks in the middle courtyard.

After the commotion caused by Zannah subsided, the test was back on track again.

It is worth mentioning that due to Zannah's outstanding performance, Luna and Hermione, who appeared next, attracted everyone's attention.

Even the gentlemen stared at the two women as if they were in danger, fearing that the two older ones would cause a more tragic incident if they disagreed.

You know, even now, there are still many students grinning and rubbing their butts.

Fortunately, I don’t know whether I should say I am relieved? Or should I say a little disappointed?

In short, both Luna and Hermione showed normal strength for their age and did not exceed the upper limit.

This calmed the gentlemen's inner anxiety at once.

If the level shown by that little girl Shanna is the normal level of British little wizards, then it is impossible to say that they will have to suggest to the senior leaders of the academy to rent a chicken farm from the company of the non-spiritual person. .

From now on, I have to give these little bastards in the academy a try every day!

It’s okay to be embarrassed behind closed doors, but you can’t lose this face abroad!

After Hermione's test, it was soon Bell's turn.

Looking at Bell, who has dual identities as a student and a professor, the gentlemen were all curious about what kind of performance the other party would have next.

And facing the expectant eyes of everyone, Bell really planned to perform well.

Except for having his sister Zhuyu in front of him, as an older brother, he really couldn't show off too much. Also, last night, when he learned from Ma Jingjing that the academy would probably allocate their ages based on their performance, Bell, like his sister, also had the idea of ​​skipping a grade.

After all, he can only study in Yandu Academy for one academic year, and he probably won't get another chance.

Therefore, he must firmly seize this opportunity and learn more and more profound knowledge.

Compared with the first grade of the upper school, the teaching content of the third grade of the upper school must be more advanced and more in line with his needs.

Therefore, although he may feel sorry for his sister and girlfriend, he still has to show his true skills in today's test!

‘Annihilation! ’

The gray magic light flashed away, and the test boulder quietly disappeared from everyone's sight.

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