The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 558 Someone was tricked again

It can be said that the current monks have almost no understanding of wizards and wizards' spells.

Therefore, although it is a bit unreasonable, as long as the momentum is sufficient, Bell does not believe that he can deceive the opponent!

After all, magic itself is an existence beyond common sense.

The formation cultivator has been able to fight continuously for more than a month. Isn't it normal for the wizard to have a magic recovery skill such as 'awakening'?

"Do you think this works? How about we decide the outcome with one move?"

Bell suggested.

Anyway, the array cultivator's attack power was low, so he didn't believe he couldn't withstand the opponent's move.

If he really can't bear it...then he will admit defeat!

"One move determines victory or defeat?"

Isn't this a method often used in martial arts dramas produced by those without spiritual roots?

Wu Shuang suddenly felt a little moved.

Did it reveal something?

"That's right, one move determines the outcome. You can use your strongest move to attack me, and I won't interrupt you midway, nor will I dodge.

If I don't follow, you win. If I take it head-on, we'll be considered a tie.

Plus, you only have a maximum of 10 seconds to prepare. "

Bell elaborated.

He didn't dare to give the other party too much preparation time, otherwise if the other party spent an hour or two setting up a powerful attack formation, it might just turn him into ashes.

"And don't worry, today's competition is just a lesson for the students.

After all, I just came from the UK and I don't know anything about the fighting methods of the Formation Cultivator, and you just demonstrated it for me.

I think the gentlemen outside must also think so. If you don’t believe me, you can go out and ask them later. "

As long as Wu Shuang holds the Five Elements Rotating Formation in his hand and asks, those gentlemen who are knowledgeable in poetry will know how to answer.

"...Okay, it's up to you, one move will determine the outcome!"

In fact, Wu Shuang didn't want to fight anymore because he really had no bottom.

Wu Shuang is really no stranger to the Menethil family.

After all, as an array mage, he always needs to buy a lot of array materials on a daily basis.

And he is also very interested in the magic weapons made by wizards.

Therefore, he has done a lot of business with the Menethil family during this time.

And after buying and selling a lot of things, he also realized that the Menethil family had a lot of treasures.

This has also been verified by Bell.

Let’s not talk about the opponent’s outfit, which exudes spiritual power fluctuations from head to toe that can blind people’s eyes. Let’s just say that the liquid metal that the opponent has been using is not an ordinary treasure.

You know, he had the absolute upper hand before!

As a result, after the other party took out this silver-white liquid metal, the gap between the two was evened. From being beaten to the point of scrambling, to now being evenly matched.

Who knows if the other party has other treasures at the bottom of the box that they haven’t taken out yet?

Although he still had a few precious formation disks left unused, those were trump cards used to save lives at critical moments, and they could not be opened casually.

"Very well, then the countdown begins in ten seconds."

With a satisfied smile on his lips, Bell stared at Wu Shuang's every move.

He needs to first determine what kind of attack the opponent will launch before he can carry out targeted defense.

Before Bell finished speaking, Wu Shuang pressed the Five Elements Rotating Formation in his hand to the ground.

Then, he took out five five-element formation flags of different colors from his arms and threw them in five directions.

Mysterious runes emerged from the formation flag and spread around Wu Shuang, quickly forming a three-dimensional formation.

The magic circle connected with the Five Elements Rotation Array, and the small magic circle that originally only had a radius of about 1 meter suddenly expanded to a radius of more than ten meters.

"Boy Bell, don't think that the previous ones are the full power of the Five Elements Revolving Array.

Because the magic circle is too small, the total amount of spiritual power output instantly is limited, so many attack methods cannot be used.

Now, with the blessing of the Five Elements Formation Flag, the Five Elements Rotation Formation can finally show a trace of its original style.

Be careful, don't die! "

Under Wu Shuang's control, the five colors of light of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth flashed in the array one after another, and the conversion speed continued to accelerate.

Finally, the five colors merged into one and turned into a colorful beam of light, which shot towards Bell.

At this moment, in front of this dazzling beam of light, everything in the world seemed to have lost its color.


At this same moment, Bell silently made a decision in his heart.

He will never in his life fight against a formation cultivator who has set up a magic formation!

Holding the wand tightly, Bell, who had completed the preparation of the spell in advance, raised the wand high and slashed down as if holding a long sword.

As the tip of the stick passed across, a thin black line appeared in front of Bell.

Then, under the tearing force of Bell's magic power, the space was like a piece of cloth, torn open to both sides with a large hole.

A powerful suction force came from the cracks in space, like a greedy giant beast that wanted to devour everything in front of it.

At this moment, before the giant beast showed its power, Wu Shuang's attack arrived.

The colorful light beam plunged into the space rift with unstoppable momentum, venting its huge energy into a different space.

The spatial rift that was slowly shrinking under the repairing power of space immediately stopped shrinking and began to expand after receiving the 'help' from the light beam.

"Hey! Boy Bell, are you really okay with this?"

Seeing that the spatial rift was getting bigger and bigger due to his attacks, Wu Shuang couldn't care less about shocking Bell's methods, and instead asked worriedly.

"I don't know either! This is my first time using this trick too!"

Bell's voice came from afar.

After discovering that the spatial rift began to expand, he turned around and ran away without saying a word.

At this time, he had already run to a position a thousand meters away from the rift and was observing the situation here from a distance.

Originally, after the space rift swallowed up the enemy's attack, it should have disappeared due to the self-repair of the space.

But the problem now is that Wu Shuang's attack was too strong, causing the crack to widen. Then only God knows what will happen next.

Anyway, Bell doesn't dare to run over and repair the spatial rift now.

If someone is accidentally sucked into a different dimension, God knows whether he will come back alive.

"You bastard, can't you think of a solution!?"

On the second day of their acquaintance, strictly speaking less than 24 hours, Wu Shuang clearly understood Bell's nature.

And it was still very painful to realize.

"What can I do? If you can stop the attack, I might be able to try to repair the space crack. But in this situation, if I run over to repair it, I'm not looking for death."

Bell said that as long as the opponent can stop, he can also... try to stop.

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