The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 560 Bell: ‘Someone wants to sell me! ’

"Professor Bel Menethil!"

As soon as he saw Bell's team, which was obviously different in appearance, a gentleman who had been waiting at the entrance of the square immediately came to greet them.

"What can I do for you?"

Bell asked doubtfully.

After eating last night, he went back to sleep honestly, so he probably didn't cause any trouble.

"Please come with me, the dean wants to see you."

After speaking, the gentleman made a gesture of invitation, then turned around and took the lead, walking towards the podium on one side of the square.

In fact, yesterday afternoon, after learning that Bell was indeed qualified to serve as the leading professor, and that the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the UK did not neglect their ideas, the senior leaders of the academy planned to meet with Bell to have a chat. .

After all, everyone is curious, and they are also very curious about the magic world and wizards.

However, what this group of people never expected was that they waited and waited until the afternoon competition was over. However, before they could send anyone to call Bell, a guy like Wu Shuang actually appeared in the middle of the battle. Cheng Yaojin.

A group of people are so angry!

Do you still understand what first come, first served means? ?

But it didn't take long for them to calm down again.

Because they suddenly discovered that Bell's strength was much stronger than they expected!

You know, even among the entire group of students in Yandu Academy, Wu Shuang's strength is at the top.

And now, the British kid named Bell can actually maintain an undefeated situation in the battle with Wu Shuang?

Even if there are influences from the professional characteristics of the formation cultivator, it also means that Bell is at least better than more than half of the teachers in the academy.

This can't help but make the college's senior officials think deeply.

If it were to the level shown before, they would barely be able to accept it.

Although they are rarer, in the thousands of years of history of China, what amazing and talented people have not appeared?

Let’s not go into detail, let’s just say that the combat effectiveness of Ma Jingjing, who is currently the leader of the upper house of the academy, is not necessarily lower than that of Bell.

After all, pure swordsmen are the best at fighting. The weak defeating the strong and so on are all routine operations.

But the strength shown by Bell in the battle with Wu Shuang made the academy's senior officials feel a sense of crisis.

Although I know it's impossible, what if it happens?

What if someone with Bell's level of talent is not uncommon in the UK, or Europe?

Doesn't that mean that the overall strength of the wizards is likely to exceed that of the monks?

Can this be tolerated?

Although it is already the 20th century, the idea of ​​the Heavenly Kingdom has still been subtly influencing the monks since ancient times.

In their opinion, they and others should be the strongest and must be the strongest!

Moreover, even if they put aside their inner arrogance, just from the perspective of safety, they will not allow themselves and others to be weaker than the wizards.

What if the other party calls?

This is not unfounded. You must know that one is born in sorrow and dies in happiness. The Kyushu Guardian Formation is not omnipotent!

This group of people had all experienced the war decades ago.

At that time, didn't the Japanese onmyojis figure out a way to pass through the large formation?

Of course, that has a lot to do with the fact that the major monk families sat back and ignored it.

In addition, even though the Chinese cultivation world is somewhat closed and has less communication with the outside world, they have heard of the names Grindelwald and Voldemort.

You know, these two guys are both Europeans!

So who dares to say that wizards love peace?

First ask the wizards if they believe it!

To sum up, the strength demonstrated by Bell successfully created a sense of crisis among the academy's senior officials.

For this reason, they stayed up all night last night, but gathered together to discuss how to ask for more information without arousing Bell's alert.

As soon as he walked into the preparation room behind the podium, Bell immediately felt his anus tighten.

I can't help it, the smiles of these old men and women are really too bright.

Bell swore he had never been so popular in his life.

...never happened in my previous life.

If it weren't for the racial incompatibility, he would have doubted that these old men and women were actually his real grandparents?

"Bell, by the way, can I call you this? How do you feel about the academy? Are you still used to it? If you need anything, don't be polite and be sure to tell us."

An old man sitting in the center said pleasantly.

"Uh, yes, yes, you can call me Bell. I feel very good about the academy. I like it here very much. Everything is good. Thank you for your concern.

Also, not sure what to call you? "

Bell said.

He has already seen that these people have ulterior motives!

It seemed like he had to be careful. As a pure and kind-hearted child, don't let these guys sell you out and count the money for them after all.

"Look at my memory, I even forgot to introduce myself.

I am Han Baisong, the dean of Yandu Academy. You can just call me Grandpa Han.

These are..."

Dean Han, who had no idea that he and others had been exposed, looked at Bell with a friendly smile, and introduced everyone else in the room to Bell with a smile that was almost invisible to his eyes.

There is no way, you know, the group of people in the room now are all ancestor-level figures.

How many people in the entire cultivation world dare to be disrespectful to them?

Usually if they want to know something, someone will put the information in front of them without just giving them an order.

So rolling up one's arms and going into battle to talk in person, I really don't know what happened decades ago.

In addition, Bell, the little fox, is not given for nothing.

Over the years, he had often had a battle of wits with an old fox from Hogwarts who had lived for more than a hundred years... just a battle of wits.

Although he has been crushed all the time, he will grow if he is abused more.

So even though Bell has sounded the alarm in his heart, the bright smile on his face is no less than those of these grandparents.


Walking out of the preparation room, Bell let out a long breath again.

But it scared him to death.

It turns out that being surrounded by a group of old men and women asking for help is such a terrible thing.

And the most terrifying thing is that until now, he has not figured out what the other party's intentions are.

He had been on tenterhooks before, fearing that he would be betrayed. It turned out that the other party just asked him some very common knowledge about the European magic world and wizards.

But the question is, if the other party has mobilized such a huge force and staged such a big battle, is it just to ask him some common sense questions?

Ah! If anyone dared to tell him this, he would definitely fight back and give the person a tarantella spell to let him dance so he could wake up.

That is an insult to his intelligence!

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