The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 564 Academy Course Arrangements

The task of explaining the elective course content to Bell today was specially given to her by her husband last night.

Therefore, although she was impatient with these trivial things, Ma Jingjing could only endure it for the time being.

I must find an opportunity to compete with Bell later to make up for today's losses.

Although she now understands that she is no match for Bell, it is precisely because of this that it is more interesting, isn't it?

"Sister Ma, what is this analysis of the political system by a person with no spiritual roots?"

After getting the list, Bell immediately noticed the one with the longest name.

He guessed that this should be similar to the Muggle Studies class in Hogwarts?

By the way, do the monks also like to do these messy things?

"Well, this is a course for students who plan to work in the Monks' Union after graduation.

Because the Monk Alliance often has to deal with the government of the non-spiritual people, its internal staff must understand the relevant political systems of the non-spiritual government.

This course is quite popular in the academy, but it probably won't be of use to you. It's impossible for you to serve in the Monks' Union. "

After listening to Ma Jingjing's explanation, Bell nodded.

It seems that whether you are an ordinary person or an extraordinary person, whether you are a wizard in Europe or a monk in China, 'civil servant' is the most popular profession.

It's a pity that Bell is indifferent to this. Compared to eating public food, he still prefers to be free to do what he wants.

Next, Bell asked about the remaining six courses one by one.

Although before coming to China, he had a rough plan for what he wanted to learn. But now that Ma Jingjing is a free commentator, it doesn't take much effort to ask, so of course he won't be polite.

Nodding, Ma Jingjing's explanation did not deviate much from what he understood and guessed.

So, under Ma Jingjing's already impatient gaze, Bell took out his pen, quickly ticked five boxes on the list, and signed his name.

Except for alchemy and analysis of the political system of those without spiritual roots, he checked all the other five courses.

His main purpose of coming to China to study this time was to learn the Chinese weapon refining techniques.

He hoped to combine the wizard's alchemy and the monk's weapon refining skills to finally make his own two-handed sword.

It is said that in a few years, he will be an adult and it will be time to be crowned 'king'.

I hope my father is strong enough...


Just like alchemy requires the use of ancient magic texts, weapon refining also requires the use of formation patterns.

Therefore, a minor course is also required for the in-depth study of array patterns and the talisman course on the variant application of array patterns.

As for the rest of the actual combat drills and melee combat skills, it was really an unexpected surprise.

After all, after his two-handed sword is forged, it can't just be used as a decoration, right?

Occasionally, I would pull it out and chop people, etc. It is really exciting to think about it!

Sure enough, every long-range player has a heart for melee combat.

Taking the course selection list handed back by Bell, Ma Jingjing immediately noticed the check marks on the two courses: actual combat drills and melee combat skills.

In an instant, all the impatience and dissatisfaction in her heart disappeared.

She also took these two courses as electives. It should be said that all swordsmanship and physical training would choose these two courses.

This means that in the following courses, she will have enough opportunities to fight against Bell!

Thinking of this, two sharp sword-like gazes shot out from Ma Jingjing's eyes, which scared Bell so much that he quickly reached out to block his course selection list.

Although it is not troublesome to add another one, who calls him lazy?

Seeing the slightly blue glowing palms in front of her eyes, Ma Jingjing realized her gaffe.

But then, she looked forward to the fight with Bell even more.

The other party was actually able to block the spiritual power she accidentally shot without any precautions. With this kind of reflexes and control of spiritual power, he is worthy of being able to fight on a par with Uncle Wu!

After collecting everyone's course selection sheets, Ma Jingjing, as the class monitor, told everyone to study hard and not to embarrass her.

Anyway, no matter how you listen to it, it sounds like a gangster lecturing his subordinates.

Soon, this brief class meeting ended.

After waiting for a few more minutes, the teacher in charge of managing this class stepped into the classroom.

Bell looked up and found that the person who came was actually an acquaintance.

"Hello everyone, I am Sima Yan, the teacher in charge of Class 1, Grade 3 of the Upper School. At the same time, I am also in charge of your spell class.

I know that some of you have chosen the path of sword cultivation, body cultivation, formation cultivation, or talisman cultivation.

But trust me, no matter which path you take, learning more spells will be of great help to you.

This is also the reason why the academy does not list magic courses as electives, but as compulsory courses.

Listen, I don’t want anyone to be distracted in my spell class in the future, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude! "

Sima Yan stood on the podium, looking sternly at the students below and said.

This person was the person in charge of the test yesterday morning, and he was also the gentleman who took the initiative to greet Bell and show his kindness.

By the way, there are a total of 5 required courses in the upper school of the academy: magic class, classics analysis class, spiritual plant class, spiritual beast class, and history class.

In the Lower Court and the Intermediate Court, the number and types of compulsory courses are also different depending on the age of the students.

For example, among the compulsory courses in the Intermediate Academy, there are physical education classes that train basic combat skills, as well as miscellaneous studies classes that explain the basic knowledge of elixirs, magical weapons, and magic formations.

In addition, the content of the classics analysis course is to explain complex Taoist theories.

When practicing many advanced spells, one must have a deep understanding of their corresponding theoretical ideas in order to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Unlike Hogwarts, there is no Transfiguration class in the Academy's curriculum.

This is because the monks classified transfiguration as a type of spell, rather than classifying it as a separate category.

This also leads to the fact that the monks' level of transformation is generally inferior to that of wizards.

But in terms of high-end applications, it is not inferior to the wizard, maybe even slightly surpassed?

In addition, there are no swordsmanship courses in the academy.

Sword cultivation is too difficult to get started, and you must master the corresponding techniques before you can truly unleash the power of flying swords.

The practice of exercises is very dangerous and is not suitable for the "big pot" model of classroom teaching.

In addition, there are not many students who choose the sword cultivator path. Therefore, if you want to become a sword cultivator student, you need to find the corresponding sword cultivator yourself. After becoming a master of the sword cultivator, you can perform the exercises under his guidance. practice.

Of course, for students like Ma Jingjing, whose elders in the family are swordsmen, they can also practice the technique under the supervision of the family elders.

In the academy, there is no apprenticeship ceremony, and you just learn the flying sword control skills and combat essentials from your master.

After all, in China, there is a saying that once a teacher is a lifelong father, the issue of mentorship is no joke. Many parents do not want their children to become other people's disciples.

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