The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 566 The so-called history

"Zhang Xu, I see that you and Senior Sister Ma have a 'very good' relationship. Have you known each other since you were children?"

After a period of conversation, Bell and Zhang Xu have become more familiar with each other.

So, he finally asked the question that he had been holding back for a long time.

In his opinion, whether it was the Zhang Xu in front of him or the Lu Feitian who had gone to who knows where, the demeanor displayed by the two of them did not look like they would run to be Ma Jingjing's follower.

These two people are not idiots like Crabbe and Goyle. Without Draco Malfoy, the 'old father', to guide them through all the hardships, they might have betrayed themselves by turning around.

"You don't need to put it so tactfully."

Zhang Xu smiled bitterly, obviously hearing the hidden meaning in Bell's words.

"It can only be said to be a bad fate.

We met at family gatherings during the Spring Festival when we were children.

When a group of little kids get together, they will inevitably compare themselves to each other.

At that time, I didn’t know what was wrong in my mind, so I approached Ma Jingjing.

As a result, the past is hard to look back on.

I was young and energetic at that time, so after losing once, it was of course impossible for me to just surrender.

So, every time we met again, I would take the initiative to find fault with Ma Jingjing.

Finally, it became like this. "

"Uh...please have my condolences."

Seeing Zhang Xu's expression that had seen through the vicissitudes of the world, what else could Bell say?

This is a typical example of doing nothing or dying.

It's hard to tell that Zhang Xu, who looks gentle and elegant on the outside, was so aggressive when he was a child.

"Speaking of which, Bell, your relationship with Miss Ma seems to be unusual. With her carefree temperament, she has never thought of taking care of anyone before.

By the way, did you really meet just the day before yesterday? Or, what happened? "

Zhang Xu, whose face was full of vicissitudes of life one second, had the word "gossip" written all over his face the next second.

He stared at Bell with excitement and curiosity, as if he wanted to see what was different about Bell.

"Well, we just met for the first time in the evening the day before yesterday, and nothing happened in the meantime.

Isn't it because Senior Sister Ma took care of me because this was a task assigned by the academy to the leader?

Besides, I already have a girlfriend. "

Bell is never sloppy when it comes to matters of principle.

In addition, he now understands why Zhang Xu was beaten by Ma Jingjing to the point where he had to become a younger brother.

It was a blessing that Hermione wasn't here, otherwise if Hermione had heard what the other person said just now, he would also want to beat the other person until he couldn't take care of himself.

Not wanting to continue to dwell on this dangerous gossip topic, Bell decisively changed the subject.

"By the way, in the Chinese monk world, are the major families very powerful?"

Since arriving in China, Bell has come into contact with a total of 5 classmates. It turns out that these 5 people all come from big families.

So is Yandu Academy reserved by various families?

"What's the point of being strong? We have to huddle together to keep warm. Do you think we can be strong?"

Zhang Xu waved his hand and said.

But from his face, it was not clear how dissatisfied he was with this situation.

“In fact, a few decades ago, the power of the major families was indeed very powerful.

Although there are four major academies responsible for training monks, monks from ordinary families can only work for major families after graduation.

But everything changed in the war decades ago.

Because the senior officials of the major families at that time cherished feathers and most refused to participate in the war, China suffered heavy losses in the early stages of the war.

Since then, the reputation of the major families has plummeted. After the monks' alliance was established, it was severely suppressed and completely collapsed.

However, because the members of the Monk Alliance also include the younger generation from major families, the Monk Alliance has not done everything possible.

Therefore, the inheritance of the major families is basically still there. This also makes those of us from families often surpass our peers from ordinary families in terms of strength.

Therefore, in a class of each grade, students from family backgrounds often make up the majority. "

Zhang Xu briefly introduced to Bell the reasons why each major family fell to this point.

"But, I read in the book that aren't the monks always on the front line against foreign enemies? Why do those high-ranking families refuse to participate in the war?"

Bell asked in confusion.

How come what the other party said is completely different from what he learned from Chinese history books?

"Those you mentioned are all from the old almanacs of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

In fact, since the Qin Dynasty and the establishment of the Kyushu Guardian Formation, monks have rarely participated in wars on a large scale.

After all, there is a large formation blocking the way, and the barbarian witch doctors and shamans can't get in.

Without these existential threats, the extraordinary power of the monks would inevitably lead to the suspicion of the court of those without spiritual roots.

Of course no one wants to do a thankless job.

Therefore, more and more monks choose to sit back and watch.

Occasionally there are some who take action, but most of them are personal actions.

This phenomenon became more and more obvious after the Tang Dynasty.

As time goes by, the bloodlines of various ethnic groups continue to merge. Even the Li family of the Tang Dynasty was a mixture of Han and Hu people.

Gradually, the monks discovered that the invasion of foreigners not only failed to shake the foundation of the Central Plains civilization, but would also be assimilated by the Central Plains culture.

Therefore, in order to protect themselves wisely, major families gradually formed a tradition of not interfering in the battles of those without spiritual roots. "

"In that history book..."

"These are all major families trying their best to whitewash themselves in order to restore their reputation.

Because the target of the whitewashing was the monks as a whole, the monks alliance, which was also the beneficiary, chose to let it go. "

Zhang Xu explained.

In fact, what he said can be regarded as an open secret.

Not only monks from big families can learn relevant information from their own classics.

Even monks from ordinary families can learn the truth of history from various channels after graduation.

However, due to the subtle influence they have received during so many years of studying in the academy, even if they later learned the truth, most of them would still subconsciously think that the image of monks has always been tall and noble.

No matter whether it is the East or the West, ordinary people or extraordinary people, this kind of beautification of history is inevitable.

Bell didn't know whether it was good or bad, and he didn't want to comment.

However, when he learns about history in the future, he may have to be more cautious.

Although even if he was deceived, it would not really cause him any loss.

But if he is treated as a fool and laughed at, then where can he put his face?

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