The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 568 Weapon Refining Class

"It seems that we have a new classmate here today."

After everyone was seated, the teacher of the weapon refining class glanced at Bell, who was sitting in the front, and said.

"To introduce myself briefly, my name is Tie Zhesheng, and I am the teacher of the weapon-making elective course for the third-year students in the Upper School.

I usually stay in the weapon refining hall at the back. If you have any questions after class, you can go find me there. If I have time, I will answer it for you.

The new one is called Menethil, right? How much do you know about weapon refining? "

Tie Zhesheng suddenly asked Bell.

Originally, he would not care about the learning progress of individual students.

Since you have chosen to take his course, you should prepare in advance.

There was a whole summer vacation to make up for the shortcomings. If you are lazy, you can't let others take the blame for you, right?

But this year, the situation of Bell and others is indeed somewhat special.

Several young wizards from Hogwarts traveled all the way across the sea to come to Yandu Academy for exchange and study abroad. The academy not only made them feel as warm as home, but they still had to take more care of them.

Otherwise, when these young wizards return to Europe and talk about the cold reception they and others received at Yandu Academy, the wizards will think that the monks do not understand etiquette.

Therefore, as early as before, the teachers of various subjects had received instructions from the senior management of the academy to pay attention to these young wizards from England when teaching.

By the way, let’s collect more information about wizards and the magical world from these inexperienced children.

Ahem, this is really just incidental.

“I have taught myself some weapon refining techniques before, and I have a certain understanding of the three realms of weapon refining.

At present, it should be considered that he has basically mastered the tempering technique. "

Standing up, Bell replied respectfully.

According to the Chinese weapon refining classics he read, unlike wizards' alchemy, which improves in a straight line, the weapon refining skills of Chinese monks are divided into three levels.

Moreover, these three realms are not simply a progressive relationship. While they are related to each other, they are also like three branches, independent of each other.

The first level is the tempering technique that Bell has initially mastered.

As the name suggests, the so-called hammering technique involves using a hammer to hit metal to hammer it into the desired shape.

This method seems simple, but it is not.

The elementary tempering technique involves hammering metal into shape and then inscribing a magic circle on it.

This kind of thing is really not difficult to master.

But the advanced hammering technique is to use the difference in striking strength while hammering the metal to engrave the magic circle on it while hammering.

In this way, the final product has a magic circle that is completely natural, as if it itself exists in the artifact.

Moreover, since during the process of using the hammering technique to forge a magic weapon, the weapon refiner's own spiritual power will not participate in the refining, therefore, the weapon refiner's spiritual power will not penetrate into the formed magic weapon.

In this way, when other people use the magic weapon, they will not be interfered by the alien spiritual power inside the magic weapon, and can control it more freely.

Various magic weapons sold in the store are made using the hammering technique.

The second level is spiritual refining.

The so-called spiritual refining technique is to use spiritual power to forge magical weapons.

Use spiritual power to replace the hammer, forge the weapon materials, remove the magazines, and engrave the magic circle.

The advantage of the spirit refining technique is that its forging speed is much faster than that of the tempering technique.

The disadvantage is that the control of spiritual power is very strict.

In addition, due to the process of using spiritual power to forge materials, the spiritual power of the weapon maker will inevitably seep into the magical weapon, which makes it difficult for others to exert its power when controlling the magical weapon.

Therefore, spiritual refining is mostly used to create personal-use magic weapons and disposable magic weapons.

The third level is the creation of all things.

In Bell's view, this last level is beyond the scope of weapon refining, and is more like the art of creation that has been practiced to the extreme, that is, the combination of wizards' transformation skills and weapon refining.

It is said that after a weapon refiner reaches the state of creating all things, even a piece of grass on the roadside can be forged into an extremely powerful long sword in an instant.

As for why it is said?

That's because this third level actually only exists in imagination, and no one has ever reached it.

Although according to historical records, Ou Yezi, a master swordsmith during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, reached the realm of creation of all things.

But everyone knows the historical data. God only knows what the facts are.

However, inspired by the creation of all things, there are indeed many masters of weapon refining who have successfully integrated the art of creation into the art of weapon refining.

Unlike transfiguration, which is widely used in alchemy, because the structure of the magic circle needs to be more rigorous and three-dimensional, if you use the art of creation rashly when refining, it is likely to be due to the difference in material density or the degree of fusion. , causing loopholes in the formation itself, thus reducing its power, or even being completely unable to be activated.

"Oh!? You actually mastered the tempering technique? Do you have any works? Show them to me."

Hearing Bell's unexpected answer, Tie Zhesheng was very surprised.

You know, even if the tempering technique is only the first level of the weapon refining technique, it does not mean that it is easy to master.

In fact, most weapon refiners stay in this realm throughout their lives.

Although the tempering technique does not have high requirements for spiritual power control, it can even be said to have no requirements at all. But its requirements for strength control are very high.

If you don't reach the state of lifting weights with ease, you can't even think about taking any further steps in the art of tempering.

Pulling out a long sword from his pocket, Bell controlled it with a levitating spell and sent it to the gentleman.

Tie Zhesheng held the long sword and carefully observed it from beginning to end. Then he tapped it with his fingers and waved it twice.

"The center of gravity is further back, and the internal structure of the sword is not evenly distributed. But as a novice, it is not bad to be able to reach this level. In this class, it can barely reach the middle. Not bad."

Throwing the sword back to Bell, Tie Zhesheng nodded and said with satisfaction.

Although he could understand the academy's approach, Tie Zhesheng was actually very reluctant to have him delay the teaching progress of the entire class just because of one person.

Now he found that Bell's level of weapon refining was unexpectedly high, and he did not need to waste more valuable classroom time to introduce some basic knowledge to the other party. He was very satisfied with this.

"Okay, let's officially start today's class.

Today, we will explain how to incorporate some plant-based materials with lower ignition points into molten metal at high temperatures..."

With a wave of his hand, Tie Zhesheng took out the materials he had prepared in advance and accurately distributed them in front of each student, starting today's class.

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