The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 6 Buying a Magic Wand

All day long, Bell and Shanna were inseparable.

Eat together, play games together, sleep together, basically the two of them are together all the time except going to the bathroom.

What? You want to buy a magic wand? The wand is not as important as my sister. Let the wand die!

Seeing her children getting along so harmoniously, Elena's heart was finally relieved.

She has always been worried that a long-term closed life will have a negative impact on Bell's mind and character. Now she saw her son holding her little daughter and playing happily, and she finally felt relieved.

Elena cried happily, and Bell and Shanna comforted her for a long time. It wasn't until Shanna almost cried that Elena finally calmed down.

Time quickly came to the next day.

"Bell, you said you wanted to buy a wand before, let's go to Diagon Alley today?" Elena suggested while having breakfast.

"What!? How can you buy Belle a wand!? He's too young!" William exclaimed.

He wondered if his wife hadn't woken up yet, otherwise why would she have started talking nonsense so early in the morning? You know, he didn't buy the wand until he was old enough to go to school. In fact, almost all little wizards don't get their first wand until they are 11 years old.

"Hmph! What do you know!"

Elena glanced at William with disdain. She felt that William didn't care about Bell at all, otherwise how could he say such stupid things?

"Bell's own magic power is very strong. After several years of training, his control of magic power has become even more adept. He is much stronger than you. Why can't I buy a wand for Bell?"

Facing his wife's stern gaze, William shrank his neck.

there's no way! He also wants to maintain the dignity of the head of the family, but what can he do if he can't defeat him? He is also very desperate!

And you said you were just praising Bell, why did you have to belittle him by the way? You must know that he is also very powerful. I think the mysterious man once invited him again and again because he appreciated his power!

Fortunately, Elena didn't know what William was thinking, otherwise she would have kicked him to the ground.

Is Voldemort appreciating your strength? He is greedy for your body, he is despicable!


Bell looked disgusted.

"I don't want to be separated from Shanna, do you, Shanna?"

Seeing her brother's funny expression, little Shanna was amused and giggled.


"Look, Shanna doesn't want to be separated from me either."

Bell couldn't stand it and looked at his mother angrily.

"It only takes a little while. Can we come back after buying the wand? If you want to buy the wand, you have to be there in person." Elena reluctantly persuaded.

"don't want!"

Bell hugged little Shanna hard.




Because Bell refused to be separated from his sister, little Sanna also kept clinging to Bell. So in the end, Elena had to take the two of them to Diagon Alley.

The three of them were riding in a flying carriage, pulled by two Thestrals. Bell found that he could actually see the Thestral. Could it be because he witnessed his own death in his previous life?

The Thestral flew very fast, and it didn't take long for the three of them to reach Diagon Alley (without passing the Leaky Cauldron).

Looking at the street in front of him, Bell not only didn't feel any excitement, but wanted to turn around and leave.

The narrow alley, lined with shops of different heights, made Bell feel obsessive-compulsive. He can responsibly say that compared to Diagon Alley, the shopping mall of the 21st century is definitely more interesting. Although Bell doesn't like going to shopping malls either.

Diagon Alley is not long overall, and the number of shops is not too many. After all, the total number of people in the British wizarding world cannot support too many shops.

Perhaps because it was still early, there were not many people shopping in Diagon Alley, which made Bell feel a little more comfortable.

At Bell's request, the three of them went directly to Ollivander's Wand Shop.

Standing in front of the store, to be honest, if this store wasn't the only one selling wands in the UK, Bell would never go in.

The small wand shop looked shabby from the outside, and you could see that the shelves inside were also covered in dust. So everyone is a wizard. You can do a lot of things with a wave of a magic wand. It shouldn’t take much to make the store clean and beautiful, right? Is it best to change to a newer signature head office?

However, the reality is that there is really only one magic wand shop in the UK. So no matter how reluctant Bell was, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Walking into the store, the bell on the door rang loudly.

"Welcome! Oh, Lady Menethil, is there something wrong with your wand?" Ollivander, the owner of the shop, came out and said.

"My wand is very good, Mr. Ollivander. I came today to buy a wand for my son Belle."

Ollivander stared at Bell carefully for a while, and then said: "Lady Menethil, with all due respect, your son is not yet 11 years old. Isn't it too early to buy him a wand?" "

"No, Mr. Ollivander, Bell is a genius. I believe he is enough to have a wand of his own." Elena puffed up her chest and said proudly.

"Okay, if you insist."

Ollivander took out a tape measure and walked over to Bell.

"Which hand do you prefer? Child."

"Right hand."

After some incomprehensible measurements, Ollivander quickly pulled out a wand.

"Try this, kid, a ten-inch, grapevine wood, unicorn tail hair core."

As soon as Bell's hand touched the wand, Ollivander withdrew the wand.

"No, not this one. Try this one again, eleven and a quarter inches, willow wood, phoenix tail feather core."

Bell took the wand and wanted to find a safer direction to wave it in. But he gave up after a few seconds, seeing boxes piled everywhere in front of him.

After waving the wand casually, Bell felt his magic flow into the wand, but the flow was a bit obscure and not smooth. Several boxes containing wands floated up and wanted to fly around. Bell quickly controlled the magic power and put them back in place.

"It seems that a gentle wand is not suitable for you, child. Well, let me see. Try this one again. Thirteen inches, holly wood, fire dragon nerve core."

After taking the wand, Bell poured magic into it. This time, Bell was very satisfied with the wand. He could feel his magic flowing smoothly in the wand, and finally a rainbow sprayed out from the tip of the wand. After seeing the rainbow, little Shanna jumped up and down with joy.

"I didn't expect it to be this one. Lady Menethil, although this wand is powerful, it also has a bad temper and is difficult to control. To be honest, I don't recommend you buy this wand for little Belle. So you really Don't you think about it any more?" Ollivander asked with a frown.

"Of course, I believe Bell can use this wand well."

"Okay, 10 Galleons. How about a wand care kit? Just add 1 Galleons."

After Elena paid Ollivander 11 Galleons, the three of them left the wand shop.

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