The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 60 We can finally go home!

Hearing this, Hermione quickly let go of Bell, and at the same time felt a little shy about her demented behavior. Fortunately, Bell had no intention of continuing on this matter.

Bell took out his wand and raised it above his head.

The magic power was continuously condensed at the tip of the wand. After charging for about 5 seconds, Bell suddenly swung the wand downward.

"Shut up! (Shut up, everyone!)"

An impact of magic spread out from the tip of Bell's staff to the surroundings. The distribution of magic around was disrupted by the sudden impact, and the continuous casting of magic was also interrupted.

Not only that, Quirrell and Snape both suffered magical backlash from the suddenly interrupted spellcasting, and slumped in their seats unable to move for a while.

Bell used his own counter-spell, which was inspired by an online game he once played called "A Certain Beast World". The mage profession in the game has a ‘countermeasure’ skill that can interrupt reading and casting skills.

Bell's counter-spell can only interrupt continuously cast spells, but has no effect on instant spells such as the 'Petrification Curse' and 'Stun Curse'.

Under normal circumstances, the 'Counter Spell' did not require charging, but because Bell could not cast the spell directly on Quirrell, he had no choice but to expand the casting range to cover the entire Quidditch pitch. That's why you need to spend some time accumulating magic power.

As for that mantra? It's really just because I think it looks cooler when pronounced like that.

Quirrell's curse was interrupted, and Harry was naturally out of danger. But Mrs. Huo Qi still had no intention of letting the game continue. She wanted to check Harry's broomstick first. As a result, after Harry landed, he spit out the 'Golden Snitch' from his mouth.

The little Gryffindor wizards cheered wildly, rushed into the arena, threw Harry high into the air, and celebrated excitedly.

The little wizards of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff also clapped their hands happily. The popularity of the little snakes is really not good.

As a result, in the end, no one except Hermione and Bell knew what had just happened. Although the professors sensed a violent fluctuation in magic power, they were not sure about the source of the fluctuation.

As for the little wizards, no one cared about that. Even Harry himself was immersed in the joy of winning, and the incident of almost falling off his broomstick was instantly forgotten.

After all, losing your life is not as fun as Quidditch.

Hermione was very unhappy about this. It was obviously Bell who used such a powerful spell to save Harry's life, but in the end no one cared! ?

Seeing Hermione who was about to go forward and argue with people, Bell quickly stopped her.


"Okay, okay, don't worry about these little things." Bell comforted, "You know I hate getting attention from others. And it was you who noticed Harry's abnormality first and asked me to save him. So strictly speaking It was you who saved his life, and even if Harry wants to thank you, he should thank you."

"How come!? I didn't do anything."

"No, you did the most important thing. Without you, I might not have noticed Harry's abnormality. Or even if I did, I might not have taken action to save him. So you saved him a little bit. No problems.”

In fact, if it weren't for Hermione's strong request, Bell would never save Harry. After all, there were so many professors present, and Dumbledore was probably watching Harry's every move in the principal's office. Bell would only meddle in these nosy matters when he was full.

Seeing the little witch who was about to say something else, Bell quickly blocked her mouth.

"Okay, Hermione. It's already past 12 o'clock, and I'm feeling hungry. Let's go eat quickly."

After saying that, he avoided the celebrating crowd and walked towards the auditorium first.

‘Don’t you eat it all the time! ? ’ Hermione thought silently as she stared at Bell’s back.

"Wait for me, don't walk so fast!"

The little witch hurriedly chased after him.

Bell is in a very good mood today! How good is it? Looking out the window at the sky at 6 o'clock in the morning, Bell felt that the sun was so bright and warm (note: it is late December now). So good that even in this morning's training, Bell's performance was 10 percentage points higher than before.

Why is Bell so happy?

Needless to say? Of course it’s because you can go home today!

‘Shan~na~! Wait for me~! ‘

After the morning exercise, Bell took a simple shower and climbed out of Scamander's suitcase. After changing clothes, Bell didn't even prepare to eat breakfast. He picked up his suitcase and walked out, humming an off-key song as he walked.

Then he was stopped...

At the gate of Hogwarts Castle, Administrator Filch examined Bell.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Of course I'm going home! Don't you even know it's a holiday today?"

Bell had a 'what nonsense are you asking' look on his face.

Today is the beginning of the Christmas vacation. The little wizards who are going home for Christmas will all go home today. Filch has been the administrator of Hogwarts for many years, but he still asks such a question? Bell wondered if Filch had Alzheimer's disease?

"The train won't arrive until 8 o'clock. Students who are planning to leave school before that time must gather in the auditorium and are not allowed to leave the castle!" Filch, who was very unhappy with Bell's eyes, said angrily.

Of course, he spoke in a nasty way to all the little wizards.

Bell was curious about why Filch didn't change his job. As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. As a Squib, you still have to work in Hogwarts. Isn't this deliberately causing trouble for yourself?

"But I don't take the train. I go home by myself."

The speed of the train was too slow, and the anxious Bell was no longer in the mood to waste time. He was ready to apparate home as soon as he left the confines of Hogwarts.

"That won't work either. You have to wait until 8 o'clock before you can leave school!"

Filch didn't care how Bell planned to go home. In short, he would not allow anyone to pass before 8 o'clock. Otherwise, he would be so full that he would get up and guard the castle at 5 o'clock in the morning in the middle of winter. at the gate.

Bell tried to clarify the facts with Filch, reason with him, move him emotionally, and understand him with reason. But Filch was like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard, and just wouldn't give way to him.

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

Although he wanted to take out his wand and kill the guy in front of him who dared to block his way, Bell finally gritted his teeth and endured it, reluctantly returned to the auditorium, preparing to wait until 8 o'clock to leave.

Since he couldn't leave anyway, Bell turned his grief and anger into appetite and gnashed his teeth while eating breakfast.

‘Just wait for me, I’ll take care of you sooner or later! ’

Bell imagined that the food on the plate was Filch, and then successfully reduced his appetite by 50%. He was so frightened that he quickly stopped imagining and started eating breakfast honestly.

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