The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 613 Dog bites Lu Dongbin

She rolled her eyes cutely, but Hermione didn't refute anything.

For a moment, the room fell into silence.

So the question is, did Hermione forgive Bell like this?

How can it be!

Then there was Bell who suffered. And depending on how it behaves, this time can range from weeks to months or even years.

Hermione is very vindictive.

And the reason why she didn't say anything more was actually mainly out of sympathy for Huang Quan.

Calm down and think about it, that sister Huang Quan is so miserable!

When he was young, his family was destroyed, and he almost died at the hands of some evil spirit.

When he grew up, his stepfather, who had deep feelings for him, was designed to be killed by an evil spirit. Even he was severely injured, lying on the bed unable to move, even worse than a vegetative state.

And the person who made Hermione the most indignant, so angry that she gritted her teeth, was the other person's fiancé!

Is that called a rice bowl? This guy with a very strange name not only never showed his face from beginning to end, but he also broke off the engagement without even saying hello?

Don't tell her about family inheritance or anything like that. She can't understand all that nonsense, and she doesn't want to understand it!

All she knew was that, as a girl, she was unconditionally on the side of the underworld in this matter!

Even if one of these encounters happened to her, that kind of scene would make Hermione heart-wrenching and uncomfortable just thinking about it.

And how can the underworld be described as miserable after experiencing it one after another?

You can almost go to the Ninja Village Competition!

Don't ask her what the Ninja Village Tournament is, she doesn't know either, just ask Bell.

In short, this person is afraid of comparison in everything. Comparing it with Huangquan, Hermione suddenly felt as if she had been living in paradise these past years.

Although there are ghosts in Hogwarts, those ghosts are quite amiable and will not suddenly pop up to kill people and cause destruction like the evil spirits Bell mentioned.

The main reason is that they can’t do it even if they want to.

The British wizarding world is also very peaceful. According to the Daily Prophet, in recent years, for some reason, most of the dark wizards who used to feel uncomfortable unless they did something every day have disappeared.

This also led to the British magical world becoming more peaceful again on the basis of peace.

What? You mean Voldemort?

To be honest, Hermione really couldn't understand Voldemort who suddenly came to life and was beaten to death by her boyfriend before he even showed his face. What was so scary about him? So that when everyone mentions him, they are like a mouse meeting a cat?

If you really want to talk about it, Bell who killed Voldemort should be more terrifying, right?

At least if the young wizards in Hogwarts were asked to vote on 'Who is more terrifying, Bell or Voldemort?', Hermione felt that her boyfriend would most likely win.

So Bell obviously didn't do anything. As a result, everyone became more and more afraid of him due to spreading rumors.

Hermione wasn't happy about this.

She hopes everyone can know that Bell is actually a very good person!

(However, it is not.)

All I can say is that human words are scary.

Of course, this may also include the 'contribution' of a little girl who brags about her brother when she meets everyone.

Ahem, I'm off topic.

Pulling back her divergent thoughts, Hermione looked up at Bell.

"If you dare to touch the other party's finger, I will never be done with you!"

As she spoke, Hermione sharpened her sharp little fangs.

It seems that her parents have been telling her to take care of her teeth since she was a child, which makes sense!

"One, definitely!"

Cold sweat slid down Bell's back, and he hurriedly assured.

Time flies very quickly, nearly half a month has passed since Huang Quan came to the academy.

During this time, she had become basically familiar with life in the academy. The students in the academy have basically learned about the unique existence of Huangquan.

Overall, life in the academy is quite boring.

After all, Huang Quan is not a student here, and she cannot enter the classroom to listen to the lectures.

Moreover, even though she can now understand other words thanks to the memory that Bell instilled in her, she is still confused about the profound principles of magic.

After all, she doesn't even know a few of her own onmyoji techniques, let alone the monks' spells that she has never been exposed to.

In the past, Huangquan often felt bored running between school and the countermeasures room every day.

After all, after working hard all night to eliminate evil spirits, it was almost early in the morning when she got home, but she still had to complete the homework due tomorrow.

This is simply inhumane!

At that time, she looked forward to the day when she would no longer need to go to school and could sleep until she woke up naturally every day.

But now, when that day finally arrived, she felt a little empty. This is really, people don't know what to say.

Fortunately, not everything is so boring. She can still find something interesting to do every day.

For example, sit on the grass and watch students play that interesting sport called Quidditch.

According to Shanna, she proudly said that this kind of sport was taught to the students here by the little girl.

There is also the training that is going on right now before dinner every day.

"Ah it hurts!"

Covering his forehead, Bell felt countless little golden stars popping out of his eyes.

If he continued like this, he seriously doubted that he would become the legendary 'golden eye'.

As long as it is roasted with fire, the 'eyes of fire' will also come alive.

"Huang Quan, are you so cruel? You must have awakened some strange hobby, right?"

Considering the evil nature of the Killing Stone, Bell felt this was very possible.

“How can you improve if you don’t hurt a little?

Also, put away those messy thoughts in your mind, or I will tell Hermione that you molested me. "

Reaching out to wipe away the blood flowing from his forehead, Huang Quan said angrily.

In order to help the opponent quickly improve his swordsmanship level, she ignored the backlash of the contract and dealt cruelly with good intentions.

But before she even said anything, the other party started complaining instead?

This is really a dog biting Lu Dongbin and not recognizing a good heart.


Bell seriously suspected that he had accepted a fake shikigami.

He hadn't even thought about how to punish Huang Quan, but Huang Quan understood his weakness first. Now Hermione has almost become the opponent's sword, and she will use it to threaten him no matter what.

And don't think that he doesn't know that as the fusion with the killing stone deepens, Huang Quan's body becomes more and more spiritual.

Therefore, the difference from human beings in the perception of pain has become wider and wider.

A little blood on the forehead or something, maybe it's just like an ordinary person losing a few hairs?

Of course, these are all Bell's speculations based on Huang Quan's behavior. As for the specifics, only Huang Quan himself knows.

Maybe it was just as she said, with good intentions?

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