The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 622: What is the most expensive thing in the 21st century?

"Okay! Stop showing off! Come over here and run away!"

Bell waved to Huang Quan and said anxiously.

There was so much commotion here, and there was a group of parents coming to pick up their children not far away. This must have attracted everyone's attention.

If he was caught by someone, he would have to waste a lot of time to explain to them that Huang Quan was not actually evil.

But the problem is, he doesn’t even believe that kind of ‘nonsense’!

As for why he didn't cover up the magic power fluctuations for Huang Quan?

Just kidding, if the magic power fluctuations were so easy to conceal, those dark wizards wouldn't have to do bad things secretly all day long.


Huang Quan rolled his eyes at Bell angrily. He was very dissatisfied with this troublesome teammate.

But no matter how dissatisfied, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

So she obeyed and quickened her pace and came to Bell's side.

"Run away!"

After saying hello, Bell grabbed Hermione and Huang Quan one by one, and disappeared from the spot.

He didn't dare to let Hermione use Apparition now, otherwise what if someone followed the traces and caught up with her?

"Bell, why are you so slow?"

As soon as the phantom appeared, Bell met Lu Feitian's confused gaze.

Lu Feitian knows Bell's strength very well. It is impossible for the other party to take so long, so what happened?

"Ahem, a little accident, it's been solved, it's no big deal."

Bell prevaricated casually.

While speaking, he also turned his head and glanced at Shanna and Luna, who had also apparated beside him.

After getting Shanna's nod, Bell was relieved.

The less trouble, the better.

"Okay, Brother Lu, let's leave quickly. Don't go back late and make your family worry."

Bell urged Lu Feitian.

"……Oh well."

Since the other party didn't want to talk, Lu Feitian didn't plan to get to the bottom of it.

Maybe it was just a little accident as the other party said?

However, what Lu Feitian didn't know was that the little accident Bell mentioned caused the gentlemen in the academy to work overtime for three days and nights as the Spring Festival approached.

there's no way! Near an important gathering point for students, such a powerful and evil spiritual energy fluctuation suddenly erupted. There was no way the academy could ignore it!

Therefore, the gentlemen who were supposed to enjoy a rare vacation had to take over the task at the critical moment. They carefully inspected the area for three days and strengthened the defensive array hidden in the village.

Passing through a thin film like a water curtain, a large house covering a wide area appeared in the eyes of Bell and others.

"Brother Lu, all your home?"

Looking at the large mansion in front of him, which was more than ten times larger than his own castle, Bell couldn't help but asked in surprise.

Is it possible that the Lu family is as fertile as the Weasley family?

"Yes, but most of the rooms are vacant."

Lu Feitian said casually.

"In the past, our home would attract a lot of customers. Most of the area was reserved for those customers.

However, after the monks' alliance was established, in order to restrict the major families, they banned the behavior of soliciting customers, so those places became vacant.

If you ask me, those old houses should be demolished or moved to the city.

You don’t know, but at night, this place becomes like a ghost land, making people cautious and panicked.

Moreover, there is no water or electricity. Before there were personal terminals sold by your family, there was really nothing else to do at night except sleep.

It's a pity that the old stubborn people in the family always say that the inheritance of the ancestors cannot be abandoned, and they refuse to move. "

It can be seen that when Lu Feitian talks about the city, there is a kind of yearning in his eyes.

It seems that the city life described by students from ordinary families in the academy is very attractive to a "countryman" like Lu Feitian.

This made Bell roll his eyes and thought of a good deal.

As we all know, what is the most expensive thing in the 21st century?

Not a talent! That kind of thing is outdated!

These days, the most expensive thing is undoubtedly real estate!

It just so happened that monks were relatively not very good at transfiguration. Maybe he could suggest to his father to develop the real estate industry?

I believe that as long as the technology on the recently completed magic cruise ship is applied to building houses, we will be able to build a luxurious villa that many monks will flock to.

Unaware that Bell behind him was plotting to cheat Lu Feitian, he enthusiastically assigned guest rooms to everyone.

"My family should be back by dinner time, and I'll introduce them to you then."

After simply decorating the room, and having nothing to do, Bell started playing around with everyone.

The Lu Feitian family is a body-building family with a long tradition, and the practice of body-building requires not only a vast training ground, but also a lot of medicinal materials.

Therefore, the Lu family built their ancestral home near the mountain.

According to Lu Feitian, the mountains behind the house are all owned by the Lu family.

It's just that in modern times, the government of those without spiritual roots does not recognize them...

The Lu family didn't have the ability, let alone the leisure, to hide an entire mountain range with formations, so their ownership was in name only.

However, under the supervision of the Monk Alliance, this mountain range was also listed as a non-development area, so the Lu family did not need to worry about anyone disturbing their tranquility.

Walking in the forest, the thick snow under my feet made a crunching sound. Looking at the white world in front of him, Bell felt relaxed and happy.

Unlike Lu Feitian, who yearned for life in a big city, he, who had been living in a big city in his previous life, yearned even more for this leisurely pastoral life.

Of course, water and electricity still need to be connected.

And the Internet!


"Brother! Look! I caught a little rabbit! This little rabbit is so cute! Let's eat it tonight!"

Shanna, who had disappeared as soon as she entered the forest like an Erha coming out of the cage, suddenly jumped out from Bell's side.

The little girl was holding a snow-white rabbit at this time, with the joy of the harvest on her face.


Lu Feitian couldn't help but glance at Shanna speechlessly.

You say it’s so cute and you still want to eat it? Is this logic reversed?

He had long heard that Bell's sister had a somewhat off-kilter personality, and it turned out to be true when he saw her today.


Bell readily agreed.

Is my sister's logic reversed?


If you don’t eat cute food, why would you eat something that makes you sick to your stomach just by looking at it?

Piglets, lambs, calves, etc. are all very cute, so everyone likes to eat them.

It can be inferred from this that cute little animals are delicious.

Nothing wrong!

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