The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 624 Sacrifice Ceremony

The whole morning passed quickly while enjoying the fun.

Seeing that the time for the sacrifice was coming soon, the group followed the bustling crowd and walked towards the altar.

It has to be said that the number of monks is indeed large. Just today, there are probably more than 10,000 people who came to participate in the festival.

Although some of them are parents with no spiritual roots and come to watch the fun with their children, according to Lu Feitian, most monks will not actually come to participate in the festival every year.

After all, everyone has their own things to be busy with, and not everyone can take a rest during the Spring Festival. And not everyone likes excitement.

In fact, due to the influence of Taoist thought of tranquility and inaction, as their strength improves and they comprehend Taoist classics, many monks will yearn for a quiet life.

Therefore, the overall number of monks is about ten times the number of people coming to participate in the festival.

This number made the other people in Hogwarts open their mouths in surprise.

You know, as far as they know, the total number of wizards in the British magical world seems to be less than 10,000. The number of monks might even equal the total number of wizards in the entire European magic world.

'Ding--! ’

A clear and sweet knocking sound came, suppressing the noise of the crowd.

Everyone closed their mouths unconsciously and looked at the altar in front of them.

Then, solemn music sounded, and an old man wearing black and red sacrificial attire walked onto the altar with a serious face.

I saw the old man first burning incense to worship heaven, earth and ancestors, and then walked to the Jiuding, took out a piece of sacrificial inscription from his sleeve, and recited it loudly.

Bell didn't understand a word of the memorial text. Although he knew every word, but when they were put together, he had no idea what they meant.

Even Bell, a 'local', couldn't understand it, let alone several other people in Hogwarts.

Shanna was originally curious and wanted to ask her brother, what on earth was that old man talking about?

But Bell, who was well aware of his sister's temperament, stopped the little girl from speaking before Shanna could speak.

In such a solemn and solemn occasion, where everyone is silent, you cannot make any random noises to ruin the atmosphere.

Just after the old man recited the sacrificial words for nearly ten minutes, the 27 people who had been sitting cross-legged around Jiuding suddenly shouted in unison, and then also recited the incantation.

If Bell could still understand the ritual text, but just couldn't understand it, then he really couldn't understand a single word of the new spell.

And the most amazing thing is that whether it was the loud shout before or the current incantation, the chorus of 27 people should be louder than the chanting of the sacrificial incantation.

But when these sounds reached his ears, the sounds of the sacrificial inscriptions were extremely clear, while the sounds of the incantations were a little blurry, as if someone was whispering in a low voice.

Then, about 10 minutes later, the light shining on the Jiuding suddenly shined brightly, as if nine more suns suddenly appeared on the ground.

Under the illumination of Jiuding's light, everyone felt as if time had arrived at the intersection of spring and summer, warm but not hot.

As my body warms up, I also feel refreshed inside. All the stress and worries that had accumulated in my heart over the past year were instantly swept away. Negative emotions such as sadness, pain and resentment also disappear.

It seemed like an instant or ten thousand years. Everyone bathed in the light had lost the concept of time.

It wasn't until the light faded and the sun in the sky showed its presence again that everyone watching the ceremony woke up from the wonderful feeling before.

‘Could this be the legendary transformation of Buddhism? ’

Unlike everyone around him who was smiling happily, Bell, who had also woken up, could not help but have cold sweat on his forehead.

He had fallen into that peaceful and peaceful state without any resistance before.

Of course, this is also related to his lack of prior knowledge. If he was prepared in advance, maybe, probably, maybe, he could last 10 seconds?

Who knows...

Bell now seriously doubts that what Lu Feitian said before, "The stronger the monks, the more they like peace and quiet, so they will not come to the festival", is actually those people who are afraid of this kind of "transformation".

Of course, this was just Bell's guess. After all, he didn't understand the magic circle formed by Jiuding at all. He didn't know whether the previous light would have any side effects.

But one thing is certain for Bell. If someone can keep this magic circle activated for a long time, even if the effect is halved, it will be enough to establish a 'Nirvana'.

Next, after reading the sacrificial inscription, the old man said some words of blessing casually, and then walked off the altar together with the other 27 old men who had already stood up.

The sacrificial ceremony ended here, the solemn atmosphere dissipated, and the hustle and bustle returned to the place.

A completely different sound of joy rang out from before, and beautiful girls walked up to the altar one after another and performed a pleasing dance for everyone.

"Brother Lu, are those old seniors also the elders of your major families?"

Bell asked curiously while enjoying the dance.

"No, those people are all elders in the monks' alliance. The person who presides over the sacrifice is the leader of the alliance. The elders of each family should be near the holy mountain at this time, and I don't know what they are doing."

Although the elders in the family refused to tell them the specific situation, some information would always be revealed more or less in daily chats.

Therefore, Lu Feitian also has a general understanding of the whereabouts of his elders in the family.

Hearing this, Bell nodded clearly.

It seems that it is not unreasonable for the monk alliance to lead the cultivation world and suppress the major families so that they dare not go beyond the slightest.

You know, the previous formation covered tens of thousands of people. And I don’t even know if this is the limit of that formation.

Since he had also fallen into the influence of the formation before, Bell didn't know how much the formation covered.

Being able to activate such a terrifying formation, even with a lot of preparations in advance, is by no means an easy task.

Those 27 elders of the Monk Alliance, plus the leader of the alliance, Bell suspected that even these 28 people would be enough to sweep the British magic world.

Of course, this is without Dumbledore.

As for who is stronger or weaker between the alliance leader and Dumbledore, you really can only know after fighting them.

From this point, we can also see how serious the rupture in the British wizarding world is.

After Dumbledore, Tom Riddle, the only one who could take a leading role, was still mentally disturbed. He is such a handsome guy, but he suddenly turned himself into a "two-hole socket man". Doesn't that guy know that appearance is justice these days?

With that dignified appearance, you can't even try to clean him up!

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