The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 626 The rioting ghosts

This afternoon, everyone fully understood what strong power of action meant.

Therefore, they didn't find anything strange at all about Shanna's behavior of 'running away' whenever she disagreed.

Thanks to Shanna's behavior, everyone's team has been reduced several times at this time. Apart from the true fans, the remaining ones are Huang Quan, the 'nanny', and Roy and Bugit, the two who really dare not be left behind. 'one's own'.

As for the others, they either got lost in the chase or went off to play their own game.

Unlike the others who didn't notice anything strange, Huang Quan, who had been staying by Shanna's side, immediately noticed the serious expression on the little girl's face. This made Huang Quan couldn't help but be more vigilant in his heart.

While following Shanna's footsteps, she vigilantly scanned the nearby pedestrians, ready to draw a knife and kill anyone at any time.

Just when some people, including Bell, who discovered the abnormality in the sky were puzzled, someone had already begun to take action.

Time goes back a few minutes.

In a large hall behind the altar, two rays of light suddenly lit up in the dark room.

Xu Shichang opened his eyes and shouted loudly toward the door:

"Come here! What happened outside!?"

After a burst of hurried footsteps, the door to the room was pushed open. Then, the light from outside fell in, and two guards could be seen walking into the room quickly.

"Leader, nothing happened outside?"

The two guards said with incomprehensible expressions.

They had not been lazy before, they had been keeping their eyes wide open, paying attention to every movement around them.

Therefore, they can assure themselves that absolutely nothing is happening outside.

At least not until they came in…


After glaring at these two unsatisfactory juniors, Xu Shichang had no choice but to stand up and walk outside.

He hadn't even had enough rest before he had to go to work again.

"Lao Xu, what happened?"

At this time, the doors of several nearby rooms also opened one after another, and an old man walked out of them.

Under the illumination of the lights in the main hall, it can be seen that these people are the 27 elders of the monk alliance who were sitting around the Jiuding.

Like Xu Shichang, the alliance leader, they also consumed too much spiritual energy during the sacrificial ceremony and were resting here.

"I don't know yet. Come on, come with me and go out and have a look."

After greeting everyone, Xu Shichang took the lead and walked quickly outside the hall.

Coming outside, Xu Shichang looked up at the night sky. At this time, the dark clouds in the sky had just begun to gather, and they had not had time to block the starlight.

After observing carefully for a while, Xu Shichang suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the Holy Mountain.

Just less than a second later than him, the other elders also looked at the Holy Mountain.

"How is that possible! The previous purification ceremony was obviously very successful, why are there still ghost riots!? Lao Zhang! You guys checked the seal before, didn't you say there was no problem?"

Xu Shichang turned his head and looked at the elders beside him.

"There is no problem! I dare to guarantee with my life that there was absolutely no problem before!"

Zhang Ji said quickly.

He didn't dare to be careless in such an important matter as the sealing of the Holy Mountain. He had checked it several times before and there was absolutely nothing wrong with the seal.

"Tsk! These little devils really won't let anyone live in peace even if they die!"

Xu Shichang smacked his lips in displeasure again.

As an old friend for many years, of course he believed Zhang Ji's words. In fact, it was precisely because he knew that Lao Zhang was rigorous in doing things that he asked the other party to check the seal before.

"By the way, how many people did that gentleman kill back then? We have been purified for decades, why are there still so many evil ghosts?"

Another elder couldn't help but sigh at this time.

"Okay, I want to sigh. When the matter is over, go home and sigh to your grandson. Now we must find a way to suppress the riot of Li Gui, and we must not let them disturb that adult's rest!"

Xu Shichang said sharply.

After speaking, he looked at the guards standing aside and ordered loudly:

"You must immediately gather people to disperse the people in the festival. Pay special attention to protecting those without spiritual roots among them, and do not let them get injured in the chaos!

After completing the dispersal, they set up defenses around the perimeter to strictly prohibit suspicious persons from approaching, and they were not allowed to let a single ghost escape!

Also, assign one person to notify the law enforcement team. I don’t care whether they are on vacation or performing tasks. In short, put down everything in your hands immediately. I want to see them appear in front of me within ten minutes!

Now! action! Move quickly! "


After a neat promise, the guard team immediately left to carry out the alliance leader's order.

Those who can be arranged to guard the alliance leader and elders today are undoubtedly the elites in the alliance, and their action efficiency is far superior to that of ordinary monks.

"Come with me. It seems that we are about to enter the Holy Mountain for the first time in a long time. Cheer up. The cause of the ghost riot is still unknown. Maybe someone is secretly watching us at this moment."

After the guard team left, Xu Shichang greeted the old guys behind him and walked towards the holy mountain not far away.

How many years has it been?

It's been so long that he can't even remember how many years ago no one dared to provoke the alliance!

It would be fine if what happened tonight was really just an accident, but if someone was secretly planning all of this...


It’s been so long since I’ve killed someone that I’ve almost forgotten the taste of blood.

Thinking of this, a strong smell of blood wafted out of Xu Shichang's body. Inspired by this smell, the same pungent smell of blood also emerged from the bodies of the other 27 elders.

They are all people who have experienced the war decades ago. Even though they were still young at that time and were not considered the main force on the battlefield, they still had no chance of killing the enemy.

If Hermione were here at this moment, she would find that the blood and killing intent that Huang Quan exuded before were nothing in front of these old men at this moment.


Bell, who was watching the dark clouds above his head, was suddenly startled. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the Holy Mountain.

At this moment, what appeared in his eyes was not the ordinary hill, but a battlefield full of blood and killing. It was as if the ancient battlefield traveled through time and space and arrived at the location of the Holy Mountain.

The strong sense of crisis made Bell's hair stand on end. If the murderous intention hadn't been directed in the direction where he was, he would have run away with his sister and girlfriend.

And it’s the kind of thing where you just run out of the country, and you’re guaranteed not to look back.

"Hermione, please stay away from me later. If you are in danger, don't hesitate to activate Ten Thousand Snakes!"

If it was just suspicion before, now, Bell can be 100% sure that something unexpected happened.

And it doesn't seem to be an ordinary accident.

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