The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 629 How was it exposed! ?

Huang Quan gave Bell a dissatisfied look and slapped the other person's hand away.

Is she such a ignorant person?

She had confirmed before that no one else was paying attention, so she came over to remind her, okay?

It’s really a dog biting Lu Dongbin!

At this time, Bell didn't have the extra energy to care about Huang Quan's dissatisfaction. After looking around again guiltily, he whispered to Huang Quan:

"Go back to the barrier quickly and don't take any action! No matter what happens, you absolutely must not take action.

Also, don’t use energy again in the future, just be patient and wait until you leave. "

Anyway, this study abroad program will be over in just a few months. During this time, let Huang Quan feel aggrieved.

Huang Quan rolled his eyes again and prepared to return to the barrier.

"You! That black-haired wizard over there!"

Suddenly, a shout came from a distance, which frightened Bell so much that the hair on his body stood up.

The wand styles of wizards and monks are different and can be distinguished at a glance.

"not me!"

Bell subconsciously denied it.

"Huh? What did you say? It's you!"

"No, no, no, this comrade, let's talk, but we have to, we have to, we have to give evidence."

Bell was shocked!

He stammered, unable to speak clearly.

no! How did he get exposed so quickly? How on earth was he exposed? ?

Glancing at Huang Quan beside him, the only flaw he could think of now was what the other party just said.

Huang Quan, who had the same idea, looked away guiltily.

She really confirmed it before!

Could it be that the other party overheard her previous conversation with Bell through some magic unknown to her?

While thinking in his mind, Huang Quan put his right hand on the handle of [The Lion King].

Taking advantage of the chaos caused by the evil ghosts around them, they should be able to take advantage of the opportunity to fight out...right?

‘Here you go, head on! Do you think you are Changshan Zhao Zilong? Can you kill seven in and seven out in Changbanpo? There are nearly ten thousand monks here, sister! We are doomed! ’

"What are you talking about...forget it, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now!"

Just when Bell and Huang Quan were communicating via radio waves whether to fight or surrender, the monk continued to shout:

"Did you arrange the magic circle behind you? Can it be expanded further?"

Zhang Jinhe noticed Bell and others from the beginning.

After all, with so many children gathered together, it’s hard to stand out.

And this is also the reason why Huang Quan was not exposed.

In fact, those fierce ghosts came for the killing stone in Huang Quan's body.

(The killing stone on Bell's body is placed in the space pocket, so the ghost cannot sense it.)

But in the eyes of other monks, these evil ghosts are all targeting those children.

After all, it’s hard to pick a weak persimmon, and with so many “soft persimmons” gathered together, who would you look for if you didn’t look for them?

And according to rumors, the devil likes to eat boys and girls the most.

Originally, Zhang Jinhe would have rushed over to help immediately. As an employee of the Monk Alliance, as long as he is still alive, he will never allow the evil ghost to harm a hair of those children!

But just when Li Gui pounced near the children, he discovered that those children were all in a defensive circle.

He didn't recognize the type of the magic circle, but from the icy blue light screen that remained motionless even after Li Gui pounced on it, it could be seen that the defensive power of this temporarily arranged magic circle should be quite good.

Then, an idea appeared in Zhang Jinhe's mind. He immediately called to his colleagues nearby and gathered the children and those without spiritual roots.

However, due to the large number of people, the magic circle could only accommodate half of the people for refuge, so he suddenly asked Bell.

Based on the intensity of the spells cast by everyone during this period, Zhang Jinhe could easily determine that Bell was the strongest of the group of wizards.

"It can, it can, it can! This must be possible!"

Bell nodded hurriedly, patted his chest vigorously and said.

As long as you don't come here to ask for guilt, then nothing is a problem!

"That's great! Please quickly expand the scope of the magic circle and allow these people to take refuge.

Don't worry, the alliance will compensate you for the materials consumed in setting up the formation. "

Seeing Bell's affirmative attitude, Zhang Jinhe breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Originally, if the area of ​​the magic circle could not be expanded, he planned to only let the children in.

As for those adults who have no spiritual roots, he can only say that he will try his best to protect everyone's safety. As for the outcome, he can only leave it to fate.

"No need to compensate! This is what I should do!"

As he spoke, Bell reached into his arms and quickly took out a large number of metal wedges, stone pillars, totem poles, array disks, gems, talismans, etc. It could be said that he took out all the inventory in his pocket that could be used to set up arrays. I took it out.

This made the surrounding monks look dumbfounded.

Are all foreign wizards so cunning?

At this moment, many monks felt guilty.

have a look! A foreigner donated so generously to save people in other countries!

In contrast, many monks around them couldn't help but feel very ashamed, and decided to wait for tonight's incident to end, and immediately find each other to 'communicate' and 'learn' the other party's internationalist spirit!

At this moment, Bell had no energy to pay attention to the petty thoughts of some people around him. He had to seize this opportunity and perform well!

In this way, if something comes out one day, he might be able to get a reduced sentence?

At worst, we can just let him bring his personal terminal inside! After all, I can still play a game, right?

So don't ask him for any compensation, he will be angry with anyone who is polite to him!

After rummaging through the boxes and throwing out all the belongings, Bell once again grabbed a handful of beans from his pocket and threw them out without even counting them.

‘Throwing beans makes an army! ’

Ever since he used this spell once in Kyoto, Bell completely fell in love with it.

All I can say is that this trick is really easy to use. Anyone who uses it will know!

So after returning to the academy, he took the time to prepare some beans and stored his magic power in them beforehand.

The advantage of this is that it is cast quickly and does not require him to consume any more magic power.

The disadvantage is that it is too troublesome to make.

It is not an easy task to engrave magic words on such a small bean to ensure that the magic within it will not dissipate. He couldn't make more than a few in an hour.

As a result, a lot of it was spread out without even looking at it. Bell really spent a lot of money.

Blue light flashed one after another, and the beans quickly grew in size in mid-air, and finally transformed into small beans nearly one meter tall.

"You immediately use these materials on the ground to set up the magic circle!"

Regarding the specific method, he had already transmitted it to these bean soldiers while casting the spell.


With a neat shout, the bean soldiers quickly picked up the materials on the ground, shuttled flexibly among the crowd, and arranged the materials in their hands at the corresponding locations.

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