The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 642 Chicken Eating Contest

After lunch and a short rest, Bell and others returned to the beach under the guidance of the gentlemen.

At this time, other students from the four academies had also returned to the beach.

The only difference from before is that this time, no one was making any noise, but they all lined up in a neat queue under the command of Mr.

It seems that these guys have also remembered what they are here for today.

Anyway, Bell didn't believe it. He was the only one who forgot about the important matter before.

After a routine speech such as "Friendship first, competition second", finally, the mystery of the first competition event that everyone has been thinking about was unveiled.

The first game of this year’s Four-House Competition is the Chicken Eating Contest!

Cough cough cough!

This... is really not a prank by Bell.

But the content of this first game is really just like the literal meaning, it is a chicken-eating contest.

The game takes place on an island not far from here.

First, the contestants need to start from the beach and swim to the island. The nearby sea area has been equipped with forbidden air formations in advance, so it cannot fly.

Of course, those who can represent the colleges in the competition are the best students from each college. Just swimming to the island is as simple as insulting the excellence of these students!

Therefore, the kind gentlemen have already placed hundreds of sea dragons in the sea area from the beach to the island for outstanding students to show their style.

By the way, these sea dragons haven’t eaten for two days...

In addition, the time limit for traveling to the island is one day. If you fail to reach the island within one day, the first round will be scored as zero points.

After the warm-up activities are over, the formal part of the competition will begin, which is the chicken eating part.

There are a hundred chickens on the island.

Of course, these are not ordinary chickens, but [Golden-beaked Chickens], a very dangerous monster.

The golden beak of the golden-beaked chicken has an attack power comparable to that of a swordsman's flying sword. If it is accidentally pecked, it will create a transparent hole from the front to the back.

In the bodies of these golden-beaked chickens, there are score cards ranging from 1 to 10. To get points, contestants must eat the chicken.

The score card is equipped with a sensing spell. If the chicken is taken out before it is eaten, the score card will be automatically destroyed.

What? You ask why such strange conditions are set?

That's of course because... chicken is poisonous~!



As we all know, the meat of golden-beaked chicken is highly toxic and will gradually metalize the human body from the inside out. If timely treatment is not provided, a person's internal organs will soon be eroded and lose their function, eventually leading to a tragic death.

Therefore, in order to get points, the players must not only defeat the difficult golden-beaked chicken, but also find ways to neutralize the golden-beaked chicken's poison.

But there is no need to worry too much. After all, gentlemen are not devils, so the medicinal materials needed to resolve the poison have been transplanted to the island a long time ago. As long as you search carefully, you will definitely be able to find it... maybe?

By the way, don’t think that everything will be fine once you get the points card. Points cards are up for grabs.

What should I do if I don’t have a partner who is good at alchemy in my team?

Grab it!

What a big deal.

The game will end 12 hours after all the score cards have been taken out. In other words, if all the teams want to grab others and no one is willing to take out the score cards...then be prepared to live on the island for the rest of your life. Bar.

The formation covering the island will not be released until the game is over.

I heard that there is a sport called Quidditch in Europe next door, and a game can last up to two months?

They are such a big country, they cannot be underestimated, right?

Therefore, it is reasonable for a four-house competition to be held for one or two years.


After hearing the rules of the competition, everyone fell into silence. They were very curious at this moment, who came up with such a bad idea? Aren't you afraid of damaging your moral character?

This is too... great!

The noise exploded, and a group of students who were not too concerned about the excitement all shouted excitedly. This made the contestants, who were already looking ugly, start to look blue.

Let’s not talk about the sea dragon. Even the tough fire dragon is not cowed in the sea. Let’s talk about the chicken of the golden beak chicken. Is that thing edible by humans? ?

However, no matter how unhappy they are, at this point, in full view of the public, it is impossible for the players to withdraw from the competition.

They can't afford to lose that person!

"Game start!"

Following the referee's order, all the players looked at each other for a brief moment, then each chose a direction and entered the sea.

Speaking of this, they became angry again.

What about an island not far from here? They almost believed it at first.

Until I heard the time limit for going to the island.

It takes a day to get to an island that is not far away!


‘At least tell us where the island is! ’

Yes, everyone at this moment has no idea where the island that is used as the competition venue is located. They were simply told that there was a boundary marked on the sea and that the island was within the area surrounded by the boundary.

The rest is nothing to comment on.

What else can the players do?

Even if you are so angry that you want to chop someone, you have to be able to do it!

Walking on the sea, unlike other players who were angry or sad, after listening to the detailed introduction of the first game, the Bell brothers and sisters were not to mention how happy they were.

What did they hear?

There are hundreds of sea dragons in this sea area!

You know, the sea dragon belongs to the genus of dragon. Strictly speaking, it has the same ancestor as the fire dragon.

Moreover, although the overall strength of the sea dragon is weaker than that of the fire dragon, considering the firmness and delicateness of the fish meat, the taste of the sea dragon meat can be imagined.

That’s seafood!

‘Suck it~! ’

The only pity is that they only have one day before they have to go to the island. Otherwise, they must catch all these sea dragons in one fell swoop, and then find a way to get a few back to raise.

As a young man with the "Four Possessions", Bell is well aware of the importance of sustainable development.

"Bell! Look! That black spot over there, is it an island?"

Suddenly, Hermione shook Bell's arm excitedly, pointed into the distance and said.

Unlike the heartless Bell brothers and sisters, although Hermione is not keen on fighting, now that she has participated in the competition, she has only one goal - first place!

After studying at Hogwarts for so many years, she has never gotten a ranking other than first place.

Now that she is abroad, she can't embarrass her fellow villagers in her hometown, can she?

"It's not that fast."

Without even looking at it, Bell said helplessly.

They had only left the beach for an hour. Even if they were lucky and chose the right direction, they would not be able to reach the island so quickly.

In addition, he had already noticed the little black dot that Hermione saw. At that time, he was excited and thought it was a sea dragon. It turned out that it was just an ordinary reef.

Speaking of which, maybe Bell and Shanna, the brother and sister, are the only ones among all the contestants this time who hope to encounter the sea dragon?

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