The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 644 Wizard: ‘I’m not! I don't! You don't want

Chapter 644 Wizard: ‘I’m not! I don't! Don't get me wrong! ’

"...I mean, does it really matter if we waste precious time like this?"

Hermione said worriedly after chewing a few times quickly and swallowing the food.

You know, they only have one day. If they can't reach the island that they don't know where it is now after one day, then their first round score will be zero points.

Thinking that she might get her first 'duck egg' in her life, Hermione quickly took another big bite of the barbecue to calm down her shock. Such horrific things rarely happen, even in nightmares.

"The way you are now, you are not convincing at all."

Bell complained.

At any rate, when expressing worries, put down the barbecue in your hands first!

While speaking, Bell raised his hand to wipe the sauce off his girlfriend's face.

Although space props are not allowed to be carried in the competition, the academy will not be so strict about some ordinary items that can be carried with you.

Considering that there are many wild survival events in previous four-academy competitions, Bell specially prepared a lot of spices.

By the way, these condiments are carefully prepared by Kelsha and other house elves, so that their young master can eat better in the wild.

(Oh~! Poor young master~!)


Hermione turned around hurriedly, her face flushed and she wiped her face vigorously.

In fact, she can't be blamed for this. The meat of this sea dragon is so fragrant...cough cough cough!

She said that at lunch, she had no appetite because she was nervous about the upcoming competition, so she just ate a little but couldn't finish it. She had been driving on the sea for more than an hour before, which made her stomach growl with hunger.

So, to sum it up briefly, it’s all Bell’s fault!

That’s right! That's it!

"Don't worry, we still have plenty of time. After all, it's just a warm-up before the competition. The island won't be too hard to find."

Bell, who had no idea that he was taking the blame again, comforted Hermione. And his words also succeeded in putting Hermione at ease.

However, what Hermione didn't know was that just as she was enjoying the food in peace, through the projection of the magic circle on the beach, the senior officials of the various colleges who also heard Bell's speech were speechless at this moment.

Yes, as a warm-up for the competition, it is indeed not difficult to go to the island. At least in the four-court competitions over the years, there are very few players who actually fall down during warm-ups.

But no matter how simple it is, it can't be passed by eating and drinking all the way, just like a spring outing!

Don't they want to lose face? ?

The senior officials of the academy, especially the senior officials of the other three academies besides Yandu Academy, looked at each other.

Wizards in Europe are all foodies, and they can't move when they see food. This is important information. You need to remember it. You never know when it will be effective.

The barbecue lasted for nearly an hour. After drinking some water and gargling his mouth, Bell felt a sense of dullness.

Sure enough, barbecue must be paired with Coke to enjoy it!

Glancing at Roy and Bugit, who were holding their stomachs and unable to stand upright, Bell regretted taking these two guys with him.

If he had known that there were so many precious ingredients in the competition, he should have brought Huang Quan with him!

Although the barbecue he made tasted okay, compared to Huang Quan, it was still much worse.

And the most important thing is that he only knows how to barbecue!

Oh, no, he can also make hot pot, and when Kelsha and other house elves have fried the bottom of the pot for him...

"Zanna, don't take the rest."

Seeing his sister casting a freezing spell on the remaining part of the sea dragon, Bell couldn't help but persuade her.

Even if he and Shanna were able to eat, they would not be able to eat a giant beast over 30 meters long in one meal.

Not to mention, without a drink pairing.

At this time, Hai Jiao Shang still had about half of his body left.

Although Bell was reluctant to part with these delicious seafood, due to limited conditions, he had no choice!

Besides, there are hundreds more.

Even if you exclude what other teams ate, the remaining amount was enough for them to eat for a long time.

"No! I'm going to eat it all!"

Shanna stubbornly refused her brother's proposal.

She is a good girl who keeps her word. She said she would not leave a piece of meat for this bad sea dragon, just not a piece of it!

Shrugging, Bell would certainly not stop his sister's good habit of being thrifty.

So, the group upgraded from walking to taking a ‘boat’.

It's just that this boat is a bit cold...

After eating and drinking... but not enough, the group finally got down to business. Bell did not forget this time that he and his team were here to compete, not for a spring outing.

As time went by, Bell and others also encountered other sea dragons.

As usual, it was Shanna who took action. The little girl learned from the previous experience and lessons and never underestimated the enemy again.

And when there were more than one sea dragon, it would be difficult for Shanna to deal with it alone.

At this time, it was Roy and Bugit's turn.

The two people proved with facts that they are not just good at eating!

As top students at Hogwarts, and having received more than half a year of monk education in the academy, it can be said that both of them performed brilliantly.

Together, the two of them can stop a sea dragon. Coupled with Hermione's help, the three of them were even able to block the crazy attacks of two sea dragons in a short period of time.

So the result is that Bell is completely reduced to a melon-eater.

Looking at the increasingly larger tonnage of the 'battleship' at his feet, Bell couldn't help but feel worried.

No matter how delicious the meat is, you will get tired of it if you eat it every day!

The sky quickly darkened completely.

During this half-day, apart from Haijiao, Bell and others also met several other contestants.

However, after taking a surprised look at the 'car' of Bell and others, these people chose to stay away from it.

Now everyone is a pauper with zero points, and even if they fight against each other, there will be no benefit. Not to mention, those psychopaths are not easy to deal with at first sight.

What? Who is the psychopath, you ask?

Needless to say? Of course it’s those wizards from England!

You know, killing a sea dragon is far more difficult than driving it away, and it requires a lot more spiritual energy.

And for the next... I don't know how long, they will be in 'danger' all the time, so they should try their best to keep themselves in the best condition at all times.

Therefore, when people encounter sea dragons, they usually hide whenever possible and try to avoid fighting. If it is really unavoidable, then drive the other party away.

Anyway, there are no points for killing the sea dragon.

What? Do you think the meat of sea dragons is delicious?

Please! Everyone is here to compete, okay?

After winning the competition, I have plenty of time to do things like banquets and dinners. The most important thing now is to find the island quickly. If one day passes without even seeing the shadow of the island, the master of the academy and the parents at home will not let them go when they return.

When the time comes, do you still want to eat meat?

No grass to eat!

But having said that, the wizard’s way of piling corpses together to show off his strength may seem perverted at first glance, but if you think about it more carefully, it seems to be a bit handsome!

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