The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 646 I’m so tired~!

In fact, Bell knew quite a few magical plants. He even dared to pat his chest and say that all the students at Hogwarts...all the students except Zannah didn't know as many magical plants as he did!

But the problem is, magic plants are limited to Europe.

As for these herbs here, he can really say that he has a blind eye.

Just kidding, is it that magical spells are no longer attractive, or is it that the art of refining weapons is no longer attractive?

He is so busy every day that he wants to break it in half and use it every minute, so how can he have time to study the herbs here?

Therefore, after a brief but serious discussion, Bell and others finally decided to carry out division of labor and cooperation to maximize efficiency.

‘Herbalist’ Zannah, who is responsible for finding and picking herbs;

‘Apprentice’ Hermione, responsible for helping Zannah;

Humph haha...cough cough, it's two seniors, Roy and Bugit, who are responsible for guard work and do odd jobs on the side;

And Bell is responsible for... staying cool and staying there.

Everyone on earth knows that Bell is a person with a very strong sense of responsibility!

Of course, it was impossible for him to just run around and cool off by himself while the other four were busy.

The most important thing is that the weather in early April is not hot either.

Therefore, with a wave of his hand, Bell opened up a clearing in the forest.

He first set off a fire and burned all the rotten leaves on the ground to ashes.

Then, he cast a clear water spell to extinguish all the flames and cool down the ground at the same time.

After the preparations were completed, Bell carefully took out a paper bag kept close to his chest.

Carefully opening the paper package, it looked as if there was some rare treasure wrapped inside.

It took more than a minute for Bell to finally open the three-layered paper package wrapped inside and outside. The 'treasure' in the paper bag finally revealed its true face in Lushan.

‘Plop~! '*N

The sound of countless falls echoed on the beach.

Seeing Bell's solemn and cautious look before, everyone was curious about what treasure was in the paper bag?

As a turned out to be just a packet of seeds! ?

That’s right! What Bell took out from his arms was a packet of seeds!

This bag of seeds is the only item he carries with him besides the seasonings.

Although there are not many seeds in this package, it is extremely rich in variety.

Including wheat, rice, corn, potatoes, cabbage, etc.

Basically, he took a few pills with him as long as he often ate it in his daily life.

After twisting a few vegetable seeds, Bell planted them in the fertile soil of the island based on the relevant knowledge that he had specially imprinted in his mind.

Then, he took out his wand and pointed it at the ground, muttering a 'complicated' spell in a low voice.

"Grow up quickly~Grow up quickly~You can eat it when you grow up~"

Emerald green light full of vitality poured onto the ground. After a while, the ground was slightly arched, and the young seedlings arched through the soil, showing their growth to the world.

As we all know, apart from human body transformation, what druids are best at is greening.

And as a wizard who inherited the magical spell of a druid, Bell is really practicing the spell now!

It's really true!

In the blink of an eye, everyone has been living on the island for three days.

These days, the sound of fighting can be heard in the distance from time to time. I don’t know if it is a man and a chicken fighting, or a man and a man.

Lucky or unfortunate? What's amazing is that Bell and his party didn't encounter any trouble in the past three days. Not to mention humans, they didn't even see a chicken!

However, Bell and others did not care much about this. perhaps?

As the saying goes, a sharpened knife never fails to chop wood. Without enough herbs, even if they caught the golden-beaked chicken, they would not be able to detoxify the toxins in the chicken.

"Hmm~! These enoki mushrooms taste really good! Shanna, try it too!"

At lunch time, Bell was waiting to sit around outside the house, eating hot pot enthusiastically.

After three days of unremitting efforts, Bell's small vegetable garden has grown to a considerable scale.

The rich variety of vegetables produced in it successfully allowed Bell and others to absorb sufficient nutrients, so as to face this 'difficult' game with a better mental outlook.

Just listen to it seriously...

The only regret is that there are no drinks.

‘You should bring some fruit seeds too! Careless! ’

Bell regretted it.

"Write it down...forget it, no need to remember it, just throw that notebook into the fire, I don't want to see it again!"

The dean of Jinling Academy waved his hand tiredly.

Even though he hadn't started working yet, he felt endless fatigue emanating from his heart.


I don’t know if this kid named ‘Bell’ is really so nonsensical, or is he just pretending to show it to them?

Anyway, he didn't believe that all wizards were this virtuous.

If that were the case, he would go and dismantle the Kyushu Guardian Formation tomorrow!

So who are you protecting?

"Oh~! I'm so tired. Let's take a half-day rest this afternoon."

Dean Dong of Jinling Academy sighed.

The old dean's sigh successfully made the assistant on the side show a dead fish eye.

The dean said the same thing when he got up in the morning.

By the way, since I came here, my dean has been fishing for three days, and the sentence pattern is the same every time, without even changing the reason!

Not only Dean Dong was speechless, but everyone else, including all the students in the four academies, could be said to have known Bell and others at this time.

Even the senior officials of the academy began to consider whether they should violate the rule that "except for the contestants, no one else may interfere with the competition in any form" and go to Bell and others to discuss it, so that these guys can be more serious.

It was such an intense and serious game, but it was suddenly turned into a 'eating broadcast' by these brats. Now almost no one wants to see the scenes of other contestants!

Of course, the actions of Bell and others are not without some benefits. At least the students' appetite has increased. The chef from the canteen came to report yesterday, saying that less than half of the food originally planned to be consumed for a week had been left in just three days.

"Oh~! I'm tired..."

At night, beside a bonfire, Bell expressed the same emotion as Dean Dong.

After saying that, he grabbed a skewer of barbecue, opened his mouth wide and took all the pieces of meat into his mouth.

"Brother Bell, do you plan to live here for the rest of your life?"

Lu Feitian looked at Bell speechlessly. After saying that, he took another bite of the tomato in his hand.

He hasn't had such fresh vegetables for several days.

"Oh~! I'm not..."

‘Boom~! ’

A violent roar came from afar, and Bell quickly jumped up and cast all his protection to block the strong wind caused by the explosion.

It's so pitiful that he has been here as a human shield for more than an hour.

So how much hatred does that guy Ma Jingjing have against his small vegetable garden? Do you have to spread the aftermath of the battle here!

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