The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 648 Traces of the Golden-beaked Chicken

At the beginning, when everyone noticed that the two 'crazy women' were fighting so fiercely, they began to wonder: 'How many points are there! ’.

Although theoretically speaking, no team should be able to obtain a large number of points in such a short period of time under the obstruction of the golden beak chicken's poison.

But what if?

What if there is a team that already knows how to resolve the golden beak chicken poison?

As the saying goes, the opportunity never comes again, so almost all the teams gathered in the direction of Bell and others.

Those who can represent the colleges in the competition are all the best from each college, and there are no "cowards" among them.

So, after two days of careful exploration, they only had to dig three feet into the ground. Not to mention the golden-beaked chicken, they couldn't even find a single chicken feather!

So how much hatred and resentment is there! As for that?

Of course, although I think so in my heart, at this moment, no one will really jump out and act as a good guy. They just wish these two teams would show their stupidity.

"Sanna~! Senior Ma~! Stop fighting~! It's time~!"

The moment Hermione and other members of the search team appeared in sight, Bell jumped up and shouted at the two people fighting in the distance.

Over the past few days, a tacit understanding has been formed between the two, that is, once the exploration team returns, they will have a truce to eat, recharge their batteries, and fight again tomorrow!

After all, people are like iron and rice is like steel. If you don’t eat one meal, you will be hungry. Although they can persist without eating for several days, they don’t really have any life-or-death hatred, so there is no need to fight against their stomachs, right?

Less than 10 seconds after he finished speaking, Shanna emerged from the ground beside Bell.


The little girl looked at Ma Jingjing, who arrived two seconds later than her, and snorted proudly, successfully making Ma Jingjing grit her teeth in anger.

The two are now in a state of competition and compete in everything.

In fact, they also know that they can't do anything to each other. But for one of them to take the lead in proposing a strike, neither of them would be able to save face.

‘Why should I say it! I'm not afraid of her! Let her say it! ’

That's probably what it feels like.

So, since they can't help each other in battle, they have to overwhelm each other in other aspects!

For example, the speed of return, the amount of food, the speed of falling asleep, etc...

By the way, Ma Jingjing has never won in terms of appetite, and she was completely defeated without any suspense. But even so, Ma Jingjing would eat until she couldn't eat anymore every time, and she would not give up until the end!

That's right! That's it! It’s not because the food is so delicious!

"Hermione, why are you back so late today?"

Ignoring the two 'big babies' who were glaring at each other and eating wildly, Bell asked his dusty girlfriend.

"Bell! We finally found the golden-beaked chicken!"

After taking a sip of the hot water from Bell, Hermione immediately said excitedly.

I don’t know if I was too embarrassed by others, or if those golden-beaked chickens sensed the danger and hid? In short, it's been a week, and Bell and others still don't even know what a golden-beaked chicken looks like!

This was really worrying Hermione. She was really afraid that she would get zero points.

What? You say let Bell steal points from other teams?

Good Hermione couldn't do that kind of thing. Even though that was allowed or even encouraged by the rules, Hermione just didn't want to do that, and she didn't want Bell to do that.

"Oh!? What does the Golden Beak Chicken look like? How does it look and taste?"

Hearing this, Bell was also very excited.

As the saying goes, what you can't get is the best. It was nothing at first, but after so long and still not being able to catch a golden-beaked chicken, Bell's heart became more and more itchy.


Hermione glanced at her boyfriend speechlessly.

What is this problem? What does it look like and taste like?

Can that be seen?

What's more, she didn't see it either.

"We only found traces of the golden-beaked chicken, but did not actually find the golden-beaked chicken. Since it was already dark, it was not convenient to search, so we returned first."

Hermione explained.

In fact, she originally wanted to continue tracking. After all, the night was so long, God knew what would happen. What if the golden-beaked chicken is transferred?

Unfortunately, the three members of Ma Jingjing's team did not agree with her point of view. They believe that the strength of Golden Beak Chicken is unknown, and when the strength of the team is reduced by half, it is best not to act rashly.

Not to mention, after a day of searching during the day, they were already very tired and could not exert 100% of their strength.

To put it simply, Zhang Xu and the others from Ma Jingjing's team did not trust the strength of Hermione and the others. After all, among the three, only Roy was a third-year student in the Upper House, and Hermione was only in her first year.

They didn't want to carry two burdens into a dangerous battle.

"Sanna, and Senior Sister Ma, why don't you stop fighting? Catching golden-beaked chickens to gain points is the real thing!"

I don't know how many times, Hermione persuaded her earnestly.

She is worried now when she sees these two people.


As expected, the two rejected Hermione's proposal again, glared at each other unhappily, and continued eating.


Hermione puffed out her cheeks angrily.

Forget it before, after all, they haven't found the golden-beaked chicken yet.

But now they finally discovered the traces of the golden-beaked rooster, and saw that the points were ‘at their fingertips’. As a result, these two guys were unmoved! ?

Those are points! Points are more precious than college points!

Hermione had no choice but to focus her angry and aggrieved eyes on her boyfriend.

She doesn't care! She wants points! She didn't want to take a piece of zero back! Never! So Bell quickly thought of a solution!

What can Bell do?

Think about it!

It just so happened that he had had enough of the chore of carefully guarding the small vegetable garden every day.

Not to mention, he wants to eat chicken!

But he doesn't have enough magic materials on him now, even if he wants to set up a strong defensive barrier for the small vegetable garden.

Therefore, if the problem cannot be solved, the only solution is to solve the problem!

"Ahem! There's something I need to tell you.

Everyone knows that the meat we eat now was all hunted by Shanna at sea. "

At this point, Bell paused and glanced at Ma Jingjing.

As the saying goes, cannibals are soft-mouthed, so you, old man, should be the first to give me one...

(Ma Jingjing looked away embarrassedly.)

"After so many of us and so many days of consumption, there is currently not much left in stock."

(In fact, you can still eat it for a long time, but Ma Jingjing, who is eating and drinking for free, has no face to confirm.)

"So, if we don't find a way to supplement some meat, we will have to 'gnaw grass' soon."

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