The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 650 The delicious food after overcoming the danger is even more tempting

As we all know, wizards' magic potions are stewed slowly over a low fire, rather than being refined over a large fire like the monks' elixirs.

So the pot in Shanna's hand was really not chicken stew, but a real potion.

At most there's some chicken in it...

Although Shanna has also been studying alchemy for a long time, in comparison, she is still better at potions, which she has been studying since she was a child.

Therefore, when cracking the golden-beaked chicken toxin, Shanna mainly focused on potion science, supplemented by alchemy knowledge.

This made the magic potion made by Shanna more effective than Jia Yu's elixir.

But the little girl didn't feel happy at all.

Unlike alchemy, which mainly uses herbs, many potions require the use of animal materials. For example, the entrails of toads and the mucus of flob caterpillars are not things that serious people would use.

But on this island, there is no such material. This made Shanna's research progress very slowly.

Yes, even though Shanna's research progress is faster than that of Jia Yu next door, she is still not satisfied with it. After all, watching her brother spurt blood every day is not fun, it makes her feel bad!

"Smells! It smells so good!"

Sitting in front of the pale Lu Feitian, Bell devoured the chicken leg in his hand, chewing up the meat and bones in two or three bites.

I don't know if it was because he was so tortured by these chickens before, but Bell felt that he had never eaten such delicious meat in his life.

Looking at Lu Feitian opposite, who was almost drooling on the table, Bell felt that the chicken in his mouth tasted even more delicious!

"Damn, be careful and eat the score card too, I'll choke you to death!"

He said 'be careful', but there was no hint of worry about Bell in Lu Feitian's tone. For this guy who came all the way to show off in front of him, he wished Bell would choke to death.

"How could the points card be in the chicken leg? It must be in the chicken's belly."

Bell glanced at Lu Feitian with pity.

This poor guy must have been invaded by toxins in his brain, otherwise how could he not be able to understand such a simple question?

‘Gah bang~! ’

Bell suddenly stiffened.

This is wrong! He has been working hard as a tool recently and has never done anything bad! Why did this slap in the face come so suddenly?

"Hahaha...cough, cough!"

Lu Feitian, who was extremely happy and sad, clutched his stomach in pain.

‘My stomach! ’


Bell vomited hard, and a score card the size of a grain of rice was spat out.

This thing is actually embedded in the chicken bones, which is outrageous!

The points card that was spit out first flashed twice, then quickly grew in size, and finally turned into a token the size of a palm.

"Hermione~! Come here~! We have points~!"

Bell shouted to the house not far away.

With this point token, their team would have one point, and there would be no zero points that Hermione had been worried about.

The goal was achieved, and Bell felt that his first game was complete.

What? You said fighting for more points to get first place?

Haha, Bell never thought about it.

Just kidding, what would the monks think if this group of British wizards won first place in the Four Houses Competition?

As the saying goes, everyone has a face.

If Bell makes the monks lose face, will the monks still look good on him?

Maybe you have to be careful when going out in the future!

Therefore, this golden mean is really broad and profound.

"Points!? Where are the points?"

Before Bell could finish his words, the door of the room was slammed open, and Hermione rushed out excitedly.

Behind Hermione, the rest of the people who had been gathering together to play cards also ran out.

Everyone is very curious about the score card that they have only heard of but never seen, and they also want to touch it.

Seeing a group of people curiously groping around the sign, the 'hero' Bell, who was ignored, shrugged and continued to eat the stewed chicken in the basin.

So far, Shanna still has not been able to completely resolve the toxins in the chicken, so among the team, only Bell, who has the best physical fitness, can rely on his own immunity to withstand the remaining toxins in the chicken.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that he has been testing poisons in the past few days, and his body's resistance to the toxin of the golden-beaked chicken has been greatly improved.

Therefore, he could only work harder and eat all these delicious...ahem, poisonous chickens by himself~!

‘It smells so good! ’

"Sanna, can't you think of another way to make fried chicken, roasted chicken or something like that?"

After draining the pot of chicken soup in his hand and smacking his lips, Bell asked his sister.

Although the stewed chicken was still delicious, after eating it for a week, he wanted to change his taste.

"I think so too, but the materials here are limited, so the best we can do is this. If we had the venom of the Basha snake, the horns of the Triceratops and the Motibadun beast..."


After reaching out and rubbing his temples, Bell stopped his sister's explanation.

Of the three creatures Shanna mentioned just now, he only knew about the triceratops, and he had never heard of the other two.

"That's it. Anyway, it's estimated that this game will be over in a few days."

To be honest, Bell now regrets participating in this four-court competition.

This lasted too long!

Unlike other contestants who are about to graduate and do not have many courses scheduled in the last six months, he still has to learn the art of weapon refining!

What if he didn't learn the art of weapon refining well, and the exclusive weapon he finally made - [Frostmourne] was too weak?

That would not be worthy of this name!

"Really? Is it really almost over?"

Hermione looked at Bell in surprise.

Like Belle, she was tired of it.

You know, this game has been going on for 20 days. 20 days! She hasn't studied for 20 days! How many classes has she missed?

This was the first time since she could remember that she was so 'lazy'.

"Have you not noticed that the fighting has become more and more frequent recently? This means that the number of golden-beaked chickens left is getting smaller and smaller."

Bell explained.

After saying that, he also glanced at the small package that Hermione had been carrying with her these days, which contained all the score cards they had obtained in the past few days.

In this week, their team alone captured more than a dozen golden-beaked chickens.

By the way, most of the chicken went into his stomach, less than half was eaten by Zannah, and Hermione and the other two didn't even get a bite.

This was of course not because the Bell brothers were reluctant to feed Hermione and the others, but because the three of them could not digest the toxins in the chicken. With only the existing medicinal materials in hand, Shanna was unable to completely remove the poison from the golden beak chicken until the end.

Therefore, the only thing left for the Bell brothers and sisters is to work harder.

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