The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 662 Good relationship

"make a deal!"

Another suit of armor was obtained for nothing. Although it was scrapped, Bell was already very satisfied.

A person must learn to be content, and only those who are content can always be happy, so he gave up when he saw the opportunity, and decisively agreed to give the general flag of his team to Wang Shouqiang.

Of course, I want to send it back, but it is impossible to send it now.

Just kidding, he spent so much effort to arrange all this, why should he play it first?

Otherwise, my sister would not agree.

Besides, under the current situation, even if he handed the flag to Wang Shouqiang, it would be impossible for him to take it away. After all, this was a live broadcast, and Bell couldn't help Wang Shouqiang's cheating too blatantly. That would have a bad impact.

So, the two "complicit" guys lowered their heads and discussed the next plan in whispers. After Bell picked up the Coke with a smile on his face, he looked at Wang Shouqiang and smiled without saying a word.

This is called serving tea to see off guests.

Wang Shouqiang, whose hand was a step slower, glared at Bell unhappily.

He had paid so much, but Bell, a stingy guy, didn't even give him a drink. He was sentenced to death!

While complaining in his heart, Wang Shouqiang walked in the direction of his teammates without looking back.

He didn't want to see Bell's hateful face now.

Going back a few minutes, when Bell and Wang Shouqiang were carrying out some ulterior transactions, it was certainly impossible for everyone else in the four academies to just watch and do nothing.

In fact, they are very busy right now.

"Hey! Aren't these all the people from Bashu Academy! What? Are you afraid of going out if you're not in your own place? Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to go back after you come out?"

As soon as they met, Lu Feitian from Yandu Academy carried forward his spirit of daring to be the first, and took the lead in criticizing everyone in the nearest Bashu Academy.

When a group of energetic young people gather together, there will always be some bumps and bruises. In the past week, Lu Feitian somehow managed to compete with everyone in Bashu Academy.

"Don't tell me, we are really a little scared! After all, a certain team scored more than 10 points in the first game! If this is a match, what if we accidentally die laughing! You Say so?"

Lu Liang from Bashu Academy responded unceremoniously.

By the way, not only do these two guys have the same surname as Lu, but they even speak in similar accents, so aren't they really a family?

"Hmph! The low number of points is just temporary. It's just that we happen to be bad at detoxifying. At least we are self-aware. It's better than someone who overestimates his ability and lives in the toilet for three days! Oops! Can you please leave us? Stay away? The smell of shit is wafting over here!"

As he said that, Lu Feitian fanned himself decently, as if he really smelled the stench.

The scene where the other party squatted in the toilet and couldn't get out after eating golden beak chicken was clearly shown in the live broadcast. Although he unfortunately did not appreciate it with his own eyes, he understood the other party's 'heroic appearance' through the vivid descriptions given by his classmates.

Speaking of which, the 'director' was quite wicked. Fortunately, although he was embarrassed at the beginning, he didn't make a fool of himself. Otherwise, he might have wanted to die now.

"Pfft~! Ha, hahaha!"

"Why are you laughing! Laughing at your sister, you are laughing!"

Being hit by Lu Feitian, Lu Liang was so ashamed and angry that he was about to fight the opponent desperately.

Don’t you know that you don’t expose someone’s shortcomings when you curse them? There is no morality at all!

As a result, at this moment, a burst of laughter came from one side, instantly attracting Lu Liang's hatred.

"I just laughed! What the hell! Come and bite me if you can!"

no! You better not come over! Otherwise, it would be bad if the smell gets on me! "

Xia Yuntian from Kunlun Academy curled his lips and mocked Lu Liang.

Lu Feitian was not the only one who failed Liang Zi with Bashu Academy.

"Hey! You're a facial paralysis, how can you actually smile? I thought you had a stroke when you were a child and your facial muscles were all stiff!"

Seeing the contestants from their own academy being despicably besieged, other people in Bashu Academy certainly couldn't just sit idly by.

Tang Yuanzhong stepped forward without saying a word, stood beside Lu Liang, and shouted angrily at Xia Yuntian.

He has long been unhappy with this pretty boy!

But his face is just a little paler, why are there a bunch of girls hanging around each other all day long?

But no one cares about a real man with masculinity like him! ?

This is a rare opportunity. He must kill this pretty boy today in order to relieve the hatred in his heart!

"Ha! Who do I think it is? It turns out to be you, an ugly monster! I said that when your Bashu Academy recruits students, can't you examine them carefully? Don't go to certain species that are not human at first sight. It’s been released in the academy!”

Seeing that the person who jumped out was Tang Yuanzhong, Xia Yuntian immediately laughed disdainfully.

He had already noticed this 'nigger' who hid in the dark all day long and stared at him with envy, jealousy and hatred. It's just that he has never been too lazy to pay attention to this kind of 'loser dog'.

But now, if the other party jumps out without overestimating his own capabilities, then don't blame him for relying on the strong to bully the weak.

"You pretty boy! Who are you calling ugly? This is called masculinity! You sissy know nothing!"

"You nigger! Who are you calling a sissy? I'm so handsome, you nigger will never envy you in your life!"

Xia Yuntian hates people calling him a sissy. It reminds him of the tragic experience of being played by his sister when he was a child.

Thinking back to that time, when he was still a teenager...

"Who are you talking about, nigger! Do you know what a healthy complexion is? It's like you, Kunlun Academy, are all a bunch of sick people with faces as white as paper!"

"I'll talk to anyone who talks to me, and whoever else is a sick person...who is it not you? You! What nonsense are you talking about!"

Xia Yuntian looked at this guy who suddenly jumped out to take the blame with a confused look. Judging from his position, he should be from Jinling Academy?

"I'm even darker than him! What did you say to me?"

Wang Xianzhong from Jinling Academy stared at Xia Yuntian with an unhappy look on his face and said.

Not to mention that he hadn't noticed yet, Xia Yun discovered that this new guy was indeed quite dark.

If Tang Yuanzhong is blue and black, then this guy is red and black. At first glance, he looks like he was exposed to the sun all year round at the beach.

However, if you want to say who is more evil among the two... Xia Yuntian really can't tell. It can only be said that they are both indistinguishable at the same time?

"Humph! They're all rubbish! I've long heard that the students at Jinling Academy are poor in strength, but now it seems that it's not just their poor abilities!"

"What!? The ones from Kunlun Academy are..."

In this way, the last of the four major academies was also involved in this war of words. For a moment, everyone was so noisy that their faces turned red and they were frothing. If they hadn't barely remembered the main purpose of this trip, they might have all rolled up their arms and sleeves and staged a full-scale martial arts show.

"The relationship between everyone is really good!"

Bell, who took the time to watch the excitement on the balcony, couldn't help but express his feelings.

"No, you call this a good relationship?"

Wang Shouqiang looked at Bell, a deserter, in disbelief.

Could it be that wizards’ understanding of good relationships is a little bit different from that of monks?

"It's been like this and we haven't started fighting yet. Isn't our relationship good enough?"

Bell's matter-of-fact tone successfully left Wang Shouqiang speechless.

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