The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 664: When you enter the dungeon, you have to follow the rules to clear the book.

There is no doubt that Shanna did not say these words. This was just a plan that Bell suddenly thought of after finding Wang Shouqiang as a 'traitor'.

By the way, the last sentence was added by Wang Shouqiang without permission. He was afraid that Ma Jingjing would not take the bait, so he used the provocation method.

So, will Ma Jingjing take the bait?

This is a stupid question.

As Ma Jingjing's classmate, Bell, who was pestered by her every day to the point of having a headache, never doubted Ma Jingjing's initiative.

A fierce general?

It's just unnecessary.

After listening to Wang Shouqiang's words, Ma Jingjing immediately swept away her previous laziness, and her eyes burst into flames full of fighting spirit.

Immediately afterwards, under the unbearable gazes of Zhang Xu and other team members, Ma Jingjing plunged into the castle without saying a word.

Seeing that their captain was already on board, even though they were filled with endless anger and wanted to sigh, the remaining three people, after glaring at Wang Shouqiang angrily, could only chase after him.

After all, they had nothing to do outside. They were not the shameless guy like Wang Shouqiang. They were all familiar with each other, and they were really embarrassed to participate in the siege against Bell and others.

You can still consider it in a one-on-one challenge, although you can't beat it...

Seeing the members of Ma Jingjing's team disappearing into the castle, the members of Wang Shouqiang's team, who were more troublesome than attacking, stopped immediately, and with the look of their captain, they got in one after another. castle.

The only remaining members of Li Xin's team in Yandu Academy, you look at me, I look at you, but you don't understand what happened.

Why are they isolated when everything is going well?

"Okay, stop, everyone follow me."

Waving his hands helplessly, Li Xin signaled his team members to stop attacking and took the lead towards the castle.

Although he didn't know what kind of medicine Wang Shouqiang, the 'treacherous but loyal' guy, was selling in the gourd. But it can be seen from the fact that the other party secretly went to find Bell before. It was obvious that those two guys had reached some kind of deal.

Therefore, even if he was reluctant, he had no choice but to stop and obediently followed into this crisis-ridden castle.

After all, there have been some bad rumors about a certain blond girl in recent months. He didn't want to be stared at by the other party, otherwise, he would not be able to eat or sleep at night.

"What's going on? Why did those guys from Yandu Academy get in? Have they found the location of the general platform?"

A person from Bashu Academy looked at his teammates in confusion, and as expected, he received a blank stare.

"How would I know!"

"Then what should we do?"

"...Follow me!"

Gritting their teeth, everyone in Bashu Academy also rushed towards the castle.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is impossible for them to demolish the castle in a short time.

If they worked outside for several hours and finally demolished each other's home after being exhausted, and at this moment, everyone from Yandu Academy walked out carrying the flag, then wouldn't their work for each other be in vain? !

Now that you enter the castle, even if you can't find the general station, you can still cause trouble for the guys from Yandu Academy, right?

In line with the simple principle of making yourself happy when the 'enemy' is uncomfortable, everyone from Bashu Academy also rushed into the castle from the position where Ma Jingjing and others entered before.

The ‘battlefield’ that was bustling just now has lost half of its people in the blink of an eye. When the contestants from the remaining two academies looked at it...

have to! Even the hesitation is saved! Come in! What else could be done?

So, everyone rushed into the castle in a swarm without knowing why they wanted to enter the castle.

Maybe this is the herd effect?

Who knows, anyway, Bell just knows that everything goes well!

After a symbolic obstruction, Bell allowed everyone to enter the castle. Next, it was time for the many traps to show their power, but before that, there were still some small preparations left for him to complete.

"What should we do next?"

A person from Kunlun Academy looked at his companions and asked tentatively.

I didn't have time to think too much before, so I just followed the crowd and ran in. But for the subsequent actions, there must be a charter, right?

"What's there to think about? Let's just tear it down!"

As he spoke, the man waved his staff vigorously to his side. Just hearing a loud "bang", a wall of the castle was shattered.

Just kidding, this is not a game. There is no reason that after entering the castle, you have to explore along the path, right?

Although he didn't know why the other party let them in deliberately, he didn't care so much! Now that he's in, he'll start to dismantle it from the inside to see how the other party can stop him this time!

"Isn't this bad? After all, I built this with great difficulty. Can you give me some face?"

"Ha! What's wrong? I don't care if it's easy for you...who are you!"

He glanced back with disdain, but the next second, the Kunlun Academy contestant's eyes widened in surprise.

He discovered that the person talking to him behind him was not his fellow academy companion as he had imagined. Moreover, it was only then that he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the other party's previous speech?

"This is really rude. Let me introduce myself. My name is..."

"Go to hell you!"

Before Bell could announce his name, he saw the other party impatiently raising his staff. From the fluctuations of spiritual power emanating from the staff, it can be judged that the power of the spell that the opponent will cast next must be very extraordinary.

But the prerequisite is that it can be cast.

【Relaxation and strong release】!

Before the opponent could attack, Bell's wand was pressed against the opponent's abdomen. The gray-white light flashed away, and the next second, Bell disappeared from everyone's sight, leaving several incoming spells to hit the empty space.

"It's not the way to be a guest if you want to destroy other people's homes. Also, I wish you all a good time."

Bell's voice slowly dissipated in the air, leaving only the people on the ground looking at each other, and a poor guy who collapsed on the ground and was weak, wailing feebly.

"My, my, staff!"

‘Click~! ’

There was a crisp impact sound, and Bell threw the staff in his hand into a stone box on the table.

In the stone box, three other staffs were already lying obediently.

"Suck it~ha~!"

Picking up the unfinished Coke on the table, Bell slumped down in the chair and let out a long sigh of relief.

Although it didn't last long, the previous defense and sneak attack had exhausted him a lot.

Now that the preparations were all done, he could finally rest for a while and watch everyone's performance with peace of mind.

You know, it is not an easy task to find the location of the commander's platform in the castle.

The castle covers a large area, and the internal space is still three-dimensional. Even if the interference of traps is eliminated, it is enough for everyone to search for a while.

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