The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 694: That’s so long-winded... Ahem, it’s so sincere!

‘Wow! ’

The waves hit the cliff and broke into countless waves. The sea breeze blew by, and the waves rose up in the wind, soaking the clothes of the people standing on the cliff. Bell put his hands behind his back and looked at the sea in the distance, enjoying the rare silence of this moment.

Today is already the seventh day of the competition. The contestants have all advanced to the second half of the race, and the Duolon contestant who had never had anyone to keep him company was finally pulled out safely...

Most of the spectators have followed the footsteps of the players and ran to the track behind to watch. Among them is Ma Jingjing, who is an avid racing fan.

This finally allowed Bell to breathe a sigh of relief. He was really annoyed by the other party these days.

Previously, after Ma Jingjing found Huang Quan and applied for a competition, Huang Quan saw through it at a glance. This was Bell's plan to pass the blame. Therefore, Huang Quan had no consciousness that as a shikigami, he should take the blame for his master, and decisively threw the blame back on Bell's head. Then while Ma Jingjing was pestering Bell, he took Kagura and ran away to play.

Bell hated this to the point of itch, but had no choice but to choose to go around Ma Jingjing.

But even so, he was caught several times by the other party...

"Oh~! You're here."

Suddenly, Bell let out a long sigh and spoke to the person behind him without looking back.

"Well, I'm here."

"You shouldn't have come."

"Ha!? Didn't you ask me to come?"

Saying that, Kagura cast a doubtful look at Sister Huangquan beside her.

So what's wrong with this guy?

Huang Quan glared at Bell helplessly, and Huang Quan was also helpless about this.

When doing business, can't we have a formal attitude?

"Ahem! Ah, yes, yes, yes, I asked you to come!"

Turning around, Bell scratched his head in embarrassment.

He really just couldn't control his feelings just now, and he definitely didn't mean to show off, really!

"What about that, little Kagura? I heard your sister Huang Quan say, are you unwilling to give up Bai Rui?"


Kagura knew that when the other party suddenly called her to this remote cliff, he must have wanted to tell her about Bai Rui.


Bell asked knowingly.

"Because Bai Rui is the symbol of the Tu Miya family. As the head of the Tu Miya family, how can I abandon Bai Rui."

Kagura once again repeated the reason she told Ms. Huangquan.


Bell glanced at Huang Quan beside Yule. He really couldn't understand why the two women in front of him thought such an idiotic reason made sense.

This is so unreasonable!

"Kagura, I'm not telling you that your path as an Onmyoji master is already crooked, and your Tsuchimiya family is even more crooked!

Speaking of which, it has been almost a year since we last met. How much has your strength increased in this year? "


Kagura, who originally planned to refute Bell's "slander", immediately lost her temper when she heard the word strength.

When she talked about this, she became worried. Ever since Sister Huang Quan was abducted by the big bad guy Bell, her strength has never improved. No matter how diligently she practices every day, her strength is as if it is stuck and there is no movement at all.

"Kagura, do you think Bai Rui is strong?"

Bell, who already knew this well, continued to ask.

"Of course it's strong!"

Kagura answered without hesitation.

Just kidding, Bai Rui is the top shikigami. Even if you look at the entire magic world, there are not many evil spirits that can compare with Bai Rui.

"Then do you think it is Bai Rui who is stronger or me?"


Kagura was speechless.

If the situation were different, she would definitely laugh loudly at Bell for being narcissistic. But now in this serious situation, she could no longer joke with the other party as usual.

Who is better, Bell or Bai Rui?

This is a question that doesn't even need to be considered.

Just kidding, the guy in front of me beat up the S-class evil spirit Hagoromo in front of everyone, and even killed Hagoro once.

No matter how much Kagura has confidence in Bai Rui, she has to admit that Bai Rui can only be considered to be in the upper class of A-level evil spirits at best, and there is still a big gap between him and S-level.

Seeing Kagura lowering her head and saying nothing, Bell continued to talk to himself:

"who I am?

I am a wizard.

The wizard is actually the Onmyoji. There is no essential difference between us.

And you have to know that there are many people in this world who are stronger than me.

I can tell you responsibly that Onmyoji is more powerful than evil spirits.

Don’t talk about others, just talk about you. If you don't contract with Bai Rui, then with your talent, your strength will definitely surpass Bai Rui within three to five years.

Therefore, your Tu Miya family's practice of sacrificing yourself to support an evil spirit is simply stupid!

I don't know why your ancestors did this, but it's not hard to guess. It was just to gain a foothold in Tokyo and to get rid of the control of the Tsuchimikado family.

But what I want to tell you is that times have changed, and you no longer need to rely on Bai Rui's power to maintain the status of the Tumiya family.

Because you are no longer alone. Behind you stands your sister Huangquan and me!

Whoever dares to bully you, tell me and I will kill him! "

Before he finished speaking, surging magic power emerged from Bell's body. In the face of this powerful magic power, even the sea seemed to feel fear and no longer stirred up rebellious waves.

Kagura, who was standing in front of Bell, was caught by this sudden and powerful momentum. For a moment, her hands and feet became weak and she couldn't move.

"...Why did my ancestors want to get rid of the control of the Tsuchimikado family?

etc! Could it be said that my family is really a branch of the Tsuchimikado family? "

In fact, Kagura had heard such rumors when she was young, but because the elders at home said they were false, she didn't take them seriously. Now that Bell suddenly mentioned it, she remembered this and was very surprised.


Chirping, chirping, at this moment Bell felt like he was acting for a blind man.

So he just said a lot... ahem, he said it sincerely, but the other party only noticed the relationship between the Tsuchimiya family and the Tsuchimikado family?

This focus is too skewed! Did you pass reading comprehension?

And I have to say that the old guys from the Tu Miya family have no other skills, but they are quite good at fooling their own family.

When he had people collect detailed information about the Tu Miya family before, it didn't take long to get information about the Tu Miya family for nearly a hundred years. The origin of the Tumiya family is recorded in detail in the documents.

So he, an outsider, or even a foreigner, could easily obtain information about the Tsuchimiya family. As a result, Kagura, the head of the Tsuchimiya family with a well-established background, had no understanding of the history of his own family?

This is really in line with the saying, ‘To deceive others, you must first deceive yourself’.

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