The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 703: Wolves protect their food

Bearing the resentful look from his girlfriend, Bell bit the bullet and finished the lively lunch.

So he is really innocent in this matter!

There was no conversation all the way, and the train arrived at Hogwarts station safely when the sky was dim.

After following the crowd and getting off the train, Bell held down Little Wolf's head and warned him earnestly:

"Little Wolf, just follow the big man over there in a moment.

Don't be nervous, that big guy is nice and won't hurt you.

Also, the people here will be your classmates from now on, and you have to get along well with them.

No biting!

Not even scratching people!

At most, when someone is looking for trouble, just give them a couple of punches.

Remember, be sure to do it gently!

Also, you will take a boat and cross the big lake over there later.

Don't jump into the lake to swim!

Not to mention catching fish to eat! "

Bell was really worried about this brat Xiaolang.

There is no way, the little wolf has never lived in human society, and its behavior and habits are all in accordance with the wolf's routine.

So Bell was more worried now than when Shanna entered school.

You know, even though Xiaolang can't cast a single spell now, his hand-to-hand combat ability is so strong that he can probably beat Hagrid.

Then he was beaten into a dog...

Ahem, so Bell was really worried that the little wolf would suddenly go crazy and bite the throats of some little wizards. That's a lot of fun.

"Don't worry, big brother! I, I won't..."

‘Pa~! ’

Another slap hit the little wolf unceremoniously on the back of the head.

"Wipe the saliva from the corners of your mouth before you speak!"


The little wolf lowered his head in embarrassment, even his tail drooped as if it had fallen off.

It’s really not his fault! Who said it's almost dinner time now? With his keen sense of smell, he could vaguely smell the aroma emanating from the big castle over there.

Seeing Xiaolang's aggrieved look, Bell was also helpless. Fortunately, there was also a "caring little cotton-padded jacket" on site.

Seeing her brother's frowning face, Shanna immediately jumped out and took out a big meat bone from her pocket.

‘I lost it~! ’

Shanna gently threw out the meat bones.

With a 'swish' sound, the little wolf turned into an afterimage, and accurately bit down half of the meat and bones in his mouth.


After looking at Zannah and then at the little wolf who returned to his side, Bell became even more speechless.

"No, little wolf. You are a wolf! You are not a dog! Why do you like to eat meat and bones?"

"Yes, the meat and bones are very fragrant. Brother, do you want to try them too?"

With that said, the little wolf handed the meat bones in front of Bell, as if offering a treasure.

"Uh, no, you can keep it for yourself."

Looking at the meat bones covered in the little wolf's saliva, Bell politely rejected the other party's kindness.

In any case, with this meat bone gag, there should be no need to worry about the little wolf biting people.

It's really gratifying...

But why does he always feel that something is not right?

"First-year students! Are all the first-year students here? We are leaving soon!"

From a distance, Hagrid's loud voice came over.

"Okay, Xiaolang, you should go over there quickly. Don't worry, we'll be waiting for you in the auditorium. Go ahead."

After giving the little wolf a gentle push on the back and watching him follow Hagrid back three times, Bell and others turned around and walked towards the direction of the main entrance of Hogwarts.

"Then, Bell, I'll leave first."

Standing next to the carriage pulled by Ye Qi, Huang Quan suddenly spoke.

"Go ahead."

Bell waved his hand.


Then, he suddenly remembered something.

"What, there are some ghosts living in Hogwarts. They are not evil spirits. You must not kill them!"

You know, the ghosts in every college are equivalent to group pets (except Peeves). If Huang Quan were to kill them all, it might cause public outrage.


Huang Quan rolled his eyes at Bell.

She had done her homework before and had a general understanding of Hogwarts, okay?

Everything that was cut down does not exist!

At most, I only chop one or two, and feel the difference in the feeling of chopping down ghosts and evil spirits...


Seeing Huang Quan getting on a special carriage and heading in another direction, Hermione was filled with uncontrollable curiosity.

"Bell, what are you doing, Sister Huangquan?"

"Hey, you'll find out later."

With a chuckle, Bell continued to lie.

After all, he has been selling it for a long time, how could he drop it at the last moment?

A group of people boarded the carriage, and 7 people were squeezed into one carriage (and Luna), which was really crowded. Even though except for Bell, the others were all slender and petite women, Little Bell had to sit on Shanna's lap before she could barely squeeze down.

Since Xiaolang was told to spend some time before, the group of people was the last group to arrive at the auditorium. Soon after returning to their respective colleges, the small door on the side of the auditorium was pushed open, and the freshmen filed in.

What gave Bell a sigh of relief was that each of these freshmen looked very energetic, and no one was missing an arm or a leg.

And he also spotted little Gabrielle in the crowd. He was quite puzzled when he didn't find each other on the train before. Now it seems that little Gabrielle arrived at Hogwarts directly through other means.

But at the same time, what made Bell want to cover his face was that Professor McGonagall was glaring at the little wolf angrily. The old professor's left hand was covering his right hand, and traces of blood could be faintly seen between his fingers.

Professor McGonagall was extremely angry at this time, feeling like she had been so unhappy recently!

First, Snape became the principal of Hogwarts, and then the position of leading professor was taken away by that dead kid Bell. Before that, Dumbledore left her forever. Now, a freshman who just entered the school, How dare you bite her! ?

Do you really think she is too old to lift the wand?

Just now, she entered the small room on the side of the auditorium, preparing to bring the new students to the auditorium for the sorting ceremony.

As a result, as soon as she entered the small room, she noticed the little wolf.

There was no way, while everyone was nervously guessing how Hogwarts would 'deal' with them, the little wolf holding a big meat bone and gnawing wildly was really a bit different.

Of course, they are all children after all, so everyone's tolerance for aliens is still very high. It’s not like no one tried to get close to Little Wolf and talk to him.

But everyone must know that dogs... ahem, wolves are very protective of their food.

Seeing a stranger approaching, the eating wolf immediately bared its teeth and let out a low, intimidating growl at the stranger.

Just kidding, these people are not the 'Wolf King' of his family. He will not share the delicious meat bones with each other.

The little wolf's appearance naturally scared off those little wizards who tried to get closer. Not only that, the others also subconsciously moved further away from Xiaolang.

This also led to the fact that in this small small room, everyone else was crowded together, but there was a large open space around the little wolf, which was really difficult not to notice.

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