The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 712 Anyone alive can learn it

"Relax, I won't do anything to you."

Seeing that everyone would glance at the [Lion King] in her hand from time to time, Huang Quan comforted her.

She is not a murderous maniac, and she will not just draw a knife and kill people.

Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere finally relaxed a little. Before today, if someone asked them which professor in Hogwarts they were most afraid of, some might say Professor McGonagall, or some might say Snape.

But after today, if someone asks them this question again, then they will only have one answer: 'Professor Isayama! ’.

Although Professor Isayama is neither tall nor burly, many of the boys present are taller than him. But in the eyes of everyone at this time, even the tall and tall Hagrid was far less intimidating than Professor Isayama.

As for Bell who can compete with Professor Isayama...

They don't play with cheaters.

"Professor, are you a descendant of Gryffindor?"

At this time, a Gryffindor student in the crowd asked hesitantly.

It is rumored that each of the four giants of Hogwarts has a powerful magic item in their hands. And what Gryffindor holds is Gryffindor's sword.

It is said that the sword can not only cut iron like clay, but also be able to cut off evil spells.

To be honest, he had never been able to understand before, why Gryffindor, one of the four mighty giants, used a sword? No matter how powerful the sword is, can it still have the fragrance of a wand?

And today, after watching Professor Isayama's battle, he realized it.

The sword smells so good!

Not only does it smell good, but most importantly, it’s also handsome!

Looking at the handsome [Lion King] that was more than one meter long, and looking at the ugly little wooden stick in his hand, he almost wanted to throw it away.

In addition, if Professor Isayama is a descendant of Gryffindor, then it is not difficult to explain why he came all the way from Japan to England to teach.

Recognize your ancestors and return to your clan.

As for why the Gryffindor bloodline spread to Japan...

How could he know?

"A descendant of Gryffindor?"

Huang Quan tilted his head in confusion. He couldn't understand why the other party thought so.

Isn't Gryffindor the name of the house? How come there are descendants in the academy?

This is too magical!

But after being stunned for a moment, Huang Quan quickly realized that the other party should be referring to one of the founders of Hogwarts. She had seen it before in "Hogwarts - A School History", which said that the names of the four current houses of Hogwarts correspond to the four founders of that year.

"No, I am a Japanese, how can I be a descendant of Gryffindor?"

Huang Quan denied the other party's suspicion.

Although she didn't know Gryffindor, she knew that her family of origin was just an ordinary family. Her ancestors had never even been an Onmyoji, so it was even less likely that they had anything to do with the British wizards on this side of the earth.

"Okay, let's save the gossip until after class to discuss it. It has been delayed for a long time. We have to start today's class quickly."

After saying that, Huang Quan paused and recalled the teaching plan he had made before in his mind. It was something she finally formulated after asking Bell and thinking hard for a long time.

Originally, she had kept the plan firmly in her mind, but suddenly evil thoughts came back to her and she was so passionate that she couldn't remember her original plan.

"By the way, it's the Iron Armor Curse!

I heard that many of you can't cast the Iron Armor Charm?

This is not okay. As the saying goes, only when you are alive can you have output. As wizards, how can you not even know how to use a shield? "

Does the above sentence sound familiar?

Yes, this is what Bell taught Huang Quan!

However, Huang Quan felt that Bell's original words were too sarcastic. As a woman and a new professor, it was very bad to use foul language, so she polished it a bit.

"But Professor, the Iron Armor Curse is a very difficult and advanced spell. Even graduates can't cast it."

I have to say that public opinion is really easy to guide. In just a few years, it has become a consensus among wizards that students cannot master the Iron Armor Curse.

Magic is an idealistic power. With this concept, even if you can easily learn spells, you will become unable to master them.

A serious illness requires strong medicine. When facing a group of cowardly people, you have to stimulate them severely to inspire their courage.

‘Ugh~! ’

The light of the sword flashed by, and everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, and the [Lion King] appeared in Huang Quan's right hand.

"It doesn't matter, trust me, you will master the Iron Armor Curse alive."

‘Gudu~! ’

Looking in the direction pointed by the tip of the knife, everyone couldn't help but swallow.

At this time, on the lake to the right of Huang Quan, a knife mark dozens of meters long was clearly reflected in everyone's eyes. At the edge of the knife mark, a scarlet light shone slightly, preventing the lakes on both sides from closing together.

Will they survive to master the Iron Armor Curse?

What if...

Shaking their heads, no one dared to think about it any more.

No wonder the other party looks familiar to Bell, it turns out she is a female devil!

Merlin, help!

"Very good, now, divide into groups of two."

Seeing that the purpose of deterrence was achieved, Huang Quan slowly sheathed his sword.

What? Did you promise that you won't just draw a knife and kill anyone?

...The back of the knife does not count as a cut!

Under Huang Quan's command, everyone quickly lined up in two rows, facing each other.

"Now, the row on the left uses the impact spell to attack, and the row on the right uses the armor spell to defend.

You are all already in sixth grade. I think you don’t need me to teach you spells anymore, right? "

The main reason is that Huang Quan is afraid that his pronunciation is not standard and he will mislead others.

"But Professor, we don't even know the Iron Armor Curse yet!"

The students standing on the right stopped immediately.

The impact spell is a level higher than the crushing spell, and is characterized by stronger physical impact.

This kind of spell is actually not difficult, it is probably equivalent to a fire spell.

However, since the lower-level Crushing Curse and Cutting Curse are not bad at all, few people will focus on the Impact Curse.

But even if everyone's impact spells are generally not very powerful, they are still magic spells. Being hit directly by a curse is much more painful than two punches. It wouldn't be surprising at all if one of them doesn't get it right and there are cracks or fractures.

"Well, then... try not to slap me in the face.

Bell and Hermione came out to supervise everyone with me.

start! "


Everyone was speechless.

Don't slap me in the face. What the hell!

Just when the students in the row on the right were planning to continue protesting, the row on the left couldn't wait to wave their wands.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. They don't care whether the guy on the opposite side can block the attack.

Such a fun thing...

Ahem, this, the professor has spoken, they really have no choice.

And this is all for the sake of the other person, right? Only by enduring hardship can one become a master.

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