The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 730 He is a tough guy!

While Professor McGonagall was busy counting people and appeasing everyone, Bell, who was sitting in the Potions classroom, suddenly stood up.

Since the Potions classroom is located underground, by the time the explosion reaches here, there will be much less noise than in the auditorium.

Of course, Bell didn't know what was going on upstairs. Considering the current composition of Hogwarts, his first subconscious reaction was...who did his sister blow up?

The perception field expanded, and with Bell's ability at this time, he could easily cover the entire Hogwarts in his perception field.

Of course, those hidden places blocked by barriers are not included.

After briefly sensing it for 2 seconds, Bell frowned, smashed the door of the Potions classroom with a bang, and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The remaining little wizards in the classroom looked at the afterimage slowly dissipating in the air with shocked expressions. This was the first time they had seen someone who dared to cause trouble in the Potions classroom. He was indeed the legendary devil.

Flying at high speed in the corridor, bringing up gusts of wind, Bell soon appeared outside the door of a remote basement.

A banging sound like a ball being slapped came from the basement in front of him. Looking in through the unclosed door, the scene that appeared in his field of vision made Bell feel a little ashamed.

"Tell me! Where did you hide Liz and Lei Lei!

Say it!

Say it or not! "

Shanna's little face tightened and she stared angrily at the big bad guy in front of her.

The little girl waved the wand vigorously, and a series of magic spells were emitted, hitting the enemy's body, causing it to spin rapidly in the air like a top, without even touching the ground.

Wallace felt miserable!

This is completely different from the script!

So why on earth did he end up in this situation?

Before, Wallace accidentally bumped into two girls, Phyllis and Reina, who were rushing on their way. At that time, Wallace felt that he was very lucky.

He had already received notification from Hermenim and knew that the other party's operation to kidnap Shanna had failed.

To be honest, he felt that he really couldn't blame Hermenim for this matter.

After all, raising an Obscurus in the dormitory area is indeed outrageous.

Of course, in Wallace's opinion, the little cat in Bell's dormitory was more outrageous.

It was precisely because of the previous experience of being almost cool that Wallace did not have any doubts about the information provided by Hermenium.

So, these British wizards dare to keep so many dangerous magical creatures in such an important place as Hogwarts. Look, this British wizarding world is just taking date pills!

Sure enough, their French wizards still have to carry the banner...


With two stun spells, Wallace took down Phyllis and Lena without any suspense.

Then, he put the wand between their eyebrows, trying to read each other's recent memories.


Wallace raised his eyebrows in surprise.

In the minds of the two little girls, he actually found two seals!

These two seals are not complicated and will not have any bad impact on the person being imposed. Their only function is to prevent outsiders from searching their memories.

At Wallace's level, it is not difficult to break through these two seals. But the problem is that once he touches these two seals, it will inevitably be sensed by the person who applied the seal.

This is very troublesome.

In his opinion, the seal must have been imposed by their parents to protect the family's secrets.

In fact, this kind of thing is not uncommon among pureblood families. This kind of seal is considered very mild. If it is an adult wizard, many pure-blood families will even plant stricter restrictions in the minds of family members in order to protect their own inheritance.

Once someone tries to use spells such as Legilimency to search the memories of family members, the restriction will completely destroy the person's brain and drag the intruder to death with him.

Of course, this type of ban is now rare.

Today, as the magic school system has developed for hundreds of thousands of years, the lives of family members are more important than magic knowledge.

After hesitating for a while, Wallace finally gave up his plan to search the two people's memories.

After all, he was not sure how long it would take to complete this mission. If the parents of these two people came to the school before the mission was completed, it would be a big deal.

After hiding the two of them and using Polyjuice Potion to transform into Phyllis, Wallace went to the Slytherin lounge and, after waiting patiently, successfully intercepted Zannah outside the lounge.

Everything was going smoothly according to plan, and he also lured the target into this remote and uninhabited basement. As a result, before he could make a sneak attack, he was attacked by the opponent! ?

Is there any mistake? Aren’t we all good sisters? ?

Moreover, this little girl is so powerful! His iron armor spell was so strong, but it was broken with just one blow?

Is this still the magical world he knows? ?

"I didn't expect that what was shown in the movie was actually true. There really is such a tough guy who would rather die than surrender."

Another magic attack, Shanna used clever strikes to make the opponent spin at high speed in the air. While causing pain to the opponent, it also gave the opponent an unbearable dizziness.

At this moment, although Shanna was still very angry with the other party for attacking her best friend, she couldn't help but see that the other party never begged for mercy from the beginning to the end under such 'horrible' torture. There was a hint of admiration for the other party.

You know, when she was a child, she once challenged herself to spin 10,000 times in circles, but failed even after failing to complete 100 times.

The feeling that the world is spinning and the world is about to fall is really terrifying!

And now, although she didn't count, the other party must have turned hundreds of times, and nothing happened at all?

As expected of the bad guy who dared to attack her, he did have a few tricks up his sleeve!

I'm just too stupid...

Before, she didn't wait for Liz and Lei Lei to come over until the end of morning practice.

This made her a little unhappy.

Those two guys had obviously promised her that they would come later, but they actually slept together again.

However, Shanna didn't see her two friends until after breakfast, which made her start to worry.

‘Could it be that the two of them are sick? ’

After getting some breakfast for the two of them, Shanna quickly walked towards the dormitory after saying goodbye to her brother.

As a future potion master, she not only has a variety of commonly used potions, but also a lot of elixirs that she refines in her spare time. If Liz and Lelei's condition was not serious, she could handle it without going to the infirmary to find Madam Pomfrey.

After all, everyone knows about the potions in the infirmary.

Shanna walked confidently until...

"Zanna! This way!"

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