The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 738 Bad luck? lucky?

After sending the little wolf to the infirmary and handing it over to Madam Pomfrey, Bell left Huangquan to take care of the little wolf and left the castle alone.

He had already searched Hermenim's memory when he was on the second floor. Unfortunately, the opponent's preparations were very thorough and he had erased part of his memory in advance to prevent more information from being exposed after being captured.

However, even if it was just some vague memories, Bell could determine from them that there must be someone outside the defensive barrier of Hogwarts.

Now, he is going to deal with those who are responding.

Someone actually dared to sneak attack his sister and his family in Hogwarts. Although Bell didn't show it on the surface, he was already furious in his heart.

Bell had already obtained the Hogwarts pass through the board of directors, ensuring that he could pass through the defensive barrier unimpeded. However, even with a pass in hand, he could not cross the barrier at any point.

Excluding those secret passages, there are only three passages on the surface of Hogwarts' defense barrier. They are the main entrance, the black lake, and the fireplace in the principal's office.

Using his flying shoes, Bell quickly flew over the Black Lake and left the range of the barrier.

Then he increased his height and was suspended about a hundred meters in the air.

After taking out the spell glasses and putting them on, the dazzling magical light of the Hogwarts defense barrier made Bell dizzy for a while, and it took a while before he could barely adapt.

Patrolling along the edge of the huge barrier, Bell quickly discovered an anomaly.

The space was slightly distorted, and Bell's figure disappeared into the air.

"Tell me, why haven't the three Wallaces come out yet?"

Bruno chewed gum boredly and asked casually.

"What's the rush? It's only been a few hours."

Nelson sat on the grass and stared at the barrier in front of him in a daze.

This enchantment was so wonderful that he would never tire of it.

"Can't you be in a hurry? I've been blowing wind in this useless place for a week. I need to finish it quickly so I can go back quickly."

Bruno regretted taking this mission.

I originally thought it was easy to get it done, and it could be done in one day. Who would have thought that these barrier masters were so useless? It took a week just to break the barrier, and in the end only three people could enter.

He just came and had a blast, and didn't do anything else?

So what is he doing here?


Panis on the side snorted in displeasure.

Panis is also one of the five barrier masters. He knew that the other people were dissatisfied with the speed with which they broke through the barrier. But he is not the good old Nelson, so he will not spoil these guys.

If you have the ability, crack it yourself!

Just shut up if you don't have the guts!

After the three Wallaces entered Hogwarts, five of the remaining seven are their barrier masters. Seven to two, with a numerical advantage, Panis was not going to endure it any longer.


However, just when Panis was about to spray Bruno, a sound like ice cracking suddenly came from above the heads of several people.

Panis looked up and saw irregular translucent cracks quickly filling the sky above his head.

"The enemy is attacking——!"

The warning sound was only halfway through when it turned into a shrill scream. Panis grabbed his left forearm hard, trying to stop the blood from spraying.

Just now, an invisible blade passed by and took away his left hand. The Iron Armor Curse evoked could not even buy him even a second.

"Hey! Good morning everyone, have you had breakfast?"

Bell looked at the panicked people in front of him with a smile. While saying hello, he also controlled the deformation of the ground beside him and erected an earth wall to block the incoming magic spell.

I have to say that the quality of these people is indeed strong enough. In such a short moment, two people reacted, took out their wands and attacked Bell.

"Who are you!"

Nelson asked nervously. While speaking, his eyes were still scanning the surroundings rapidly.

Since there is one person on the other side who can lurk quietly behind them, there is no guarantee that there won't be a second one. In Nelson's conjecture, it is even possible that he and others have been surrounded, otherwise the opponent would not show up to launch an attack.

"No need to look for it, it's just me."

Bell looked at Nelson with a smile.

The opponent's eyeballs moved so fast that Bell was really afraid that the opponent would make him faint. If the other party lay down before he could take action, things would be terrible.

You know, he came here to vent his anger!

If the other party doesn't struggle hard, how can the anger in his heart be poured out completely!

The wand tapped the earth wall beside him, and under the influence of the magic spell, the earth quickly turned into hard rock. The next moment, the stone wall exploded, and the rubble made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, flying towards the seven people in front of it at high speed.

The two wizards had just walked out of the tent and before they had a chance to take a look at the situation, they were hit by flying rocks. The two hurriedly raised their wands and braced themselves for defense.

The sharp stones hit the defense, smashing itself into pieces. But these wizards were knocked back two steps by the reaction force, unable to fight back.

The most miserable person among them was Panis. Before he could recover from the severe pain of his broken hand, he was attacked indiscriminately by Bell again. He was a step too slow, and before he had time to defend himself, he was hit by an extremely powerful gravel.

The blood splashed on the slightly withered and yellowed grass blades, looking so coquettish and giving off an ominous aura.

Looking at the mangled body that looked like a sieve not far away, Bell couldn't help but lament that this guy was a little too carried away.

He was outside the barrier before and could not sense the situation inside the barrier. So he really just cast a few spells at will to break through the concealment and protection barrier.

As a result, this guy happened to be in the attack path of the last Divine Edge Shadowless Curse, and his left hand was cut off.

So he really didn’t mean it!

But it doesn’t really matter. These guys are all going to die today anyway. If they die earlier, maybe they can bear less mental pressure?

Thinking about it this way, this guy might actually be the luckiest one.

"Pannis! Damn it!"

Seeing the tragic death of his companion, Nelson's eyes suddenly turned red.

As both realm masters, he and Panis were already familiar with each other. In normal times, they would often have a drink together and discuss the knowledge of enchantment.

After working together to break the barrier in the previous week, the relationship between the two became closer. Although they could not talk about everything, they could be regarded as close friends.

Now that his friend died tragically, Nelson vowed to avenge him!

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