Seeing Shanna's appearance, Aoun knew that his little granddaughter could not be counted on. So he turned to look at the others, hoping that someone would know Bell's whereabouts.

However, Ornn soon became disappointed again. Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and then they all shook their heads. Apparently, they didn't know where Bell was.

"Where on earth is this brat Bell running to..."

"Here, here, I'm here."

Suddenly, Bell's voice came from above their heads. Everyone looked up and saw Bell holding the little wolf's back collar, slowly falling from the air.

Because Bell and Little Wolf were the furthest away from the box before, they were also the last to come in.

"Bell, what is going on? What did you do?"

Bell's grandfather Crud asked loudly.

In response, Bell tried not to roll his eyes. After all, he is his grandfather, so he must still be respected.

What do you mean what he did?

He obviously didn't do anything well!

Landing next to his aunt Helena, Bell dropped the little wolf and took the little bell from his aunt's hand.

The Tibbers bear hanging on the little guy's waist was emitting bursts of glory, looking like he was about to reach his limit.

"Okay, okay, don't cry. It's not Xiaolingdang's fault, it's all aunt's fault. Let's let Elena's mother teach her a lesson later, okay?"

Bell comforted Xiao Lingdang softly while helping her suppress the silence in her body.

This made Helena grit her teeth. But seeing Xiao Lingdang crying so hard, she finally closed her mouth obediently.

After feeling that Xiao Lingdang's mood had stabilized, Bell looked at the curious crowd.

"This box is called the [Curse Box]. I made it some time ago... It can be considered a semi-finished product."

As we all know, [Frostmourne] can absorb the souls of the dead and gain power from the souls.

Since Bell plans to imitate [Frostmourne], this key ability will naturally be copied.

To this end, he made the [Curse Box] to study methods of absorbing and utilizing the power of the soul.

At present, [Curse Box] is barely a half-finished product.

First, it cannot selectively absorb the souls of the dead. As long as there is a nearby target with a soul, the [Box of Curses] will absorb it regardless of whether it is friend or foe, and even Bell, the producer, is no exception.

Secondly, the [Box of Curses] simply sucks in the target with a soul, and cannot use the power of the soul to strengthen itself. Apart from its suction power, the current [Curse Box] is not much different from ordinary space items.

Finally, and most importantly, the [Curse Box] cannot control the many souls inside it. In other words, if Bell releases the soul in the [Box of Curses], there is a high probability that he himself will suffer first.

After all, he was the closest.


"what sound?"

Aoun looked around in confusion. Only then did he suddenly realize that the scarlet veins under the ice had emitted a faint light at some point.

"Uh, this is..."

‘Bang bang bang~! ’

Before Bell could explain, a series of explosion-like sounds exploded on the ice. Along with ice powder flying all over the sky, skeletons crawled out from under the ice one after another.

The skeleton's bones were covered with frost, its eyes were shining with scarlet light, and it was carrying various steel weapons and roared silently at Bell and the others.

(Bale: 'Look, let me just say these guys are not under my control.')

"Well, that's it."

Bell shrugged. The real owner has already come out, so there is no need for him to explain anymore.

"That's it! You brat, what kind of messy things do you usually do!"

William looked at Bell frantically.

He now seriously suspected that this brat just wanted to take the opportunity to kill him so that he could inherit the huge family fortune of the Menethil family!

"Okay, let's talk about it later. Now let's find a way to deal with these guys in front of us."

With that said, Aoun raised his wand and fired a crushing spell to kill the nearest skeleton.

"Uh, actually..."

Belle raised her wand.

"This is so fun! It's a pity that Liz and Leile are not here. Brother, can I bring Liz and Leile to play here next time?"

Zannah cheered and launched a fire dragon, which instantly devoured a dozen skeleton soldiers in front of her.

"Uh, sure."

Belle lowered her wand again.

It was still early and he wasn't very hungry, so he let his sister play for a while before going out to eat.

Just think of it as an extra for the Christmas party.

After the initial surprise, everyone quickly calmed down, responded calmly, and successfully stabilized the battle line.

Even if more and more skeletons climb out of the ice, due to the limited contact surface, the skeletons clustered together can only become living targets.

As for the scattered arrows falling from the sky, the accuracy of the arrows is really worrying. Among the 10 arrows, it would be good if one landed on the head of Bell and others, and the rest accidentally injured friendly troops.

"My dear, what do you do as a nephew?"

While everyone's attention was focused on the skeleton soldiers around him, Justin secretly moved next to his newlywed wife.

Justin, who comes from a mixed-race family, has always been a law-abiding and good citizen. He never knew that magic could have such evil uses.

By the way, is this Bell a dark wizard?

"Ah? You mean Bell? He is a student of Hogwarts. Don't you know that?"

Helena looked at her husband strangely, wondering why the other party asked questions knowingly?

Compared to Justin, although the Jeslav family from which Helena was born is not well-known, it is still a pure-blood family after all. As for pure-blood families, there is basically no family that has not studied black magic.

Not to mention, Elena, the eldest daughter of the Jeslav family, also married into the Menethil family, which made its fortune by selling black magic items... ahem, selling magic stone statues that came with black magic items.

Therefore, except for Justin, everyone present had a high level of acceptance of skeleton soldiers. After all, compared to Voldemort's beloved Inferi, these skeletons are quite refreshing.

Especially for a certain little wolf...

"Don't chew those bones and teeth!"

Bell punched Little Wolf on the head, beating the shit out of this unhygienic brat.


Suddenly, a thunderous roar came from the mountains in the distance. Everyone looked up and saw a giant skeletal dragon dozens of meters long flying into the sky and swooping down quickly.

"Bell! Where did you get the dragon skeleton!?"

Dulude looked at his grandson in disbelief.

He had long heard his son-in-law complain that Bell's personality was just like his mother's, and that he was the kind of person who excelled in his skills.

He had never believed this before. After all, in his opinion, his grandson and granddaughter are so cute and well-behaved.

But now, the bloody facts are slapped in the face, and Dulude has to say... his son-in-law's choice of words is too conservative!

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